
Chapter 49 - 49


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And after a while, Neville entered the living room with his regular confused look and went to the male half. Harry and Ron followed. Turning around so that only out of the corner of my eye I could see the people passing by, I continued reading, but less than ten minutes later, Ron and Harry tumbled into the living room. Having looked around everything, they, with a serious look, went in my direction. Oh, it looks like if you look for someone, then this place is not so hiding.

"Max, listen," began Harry, "Have you seen who recently came to the men's half?"

"No, I'm sorry, Harry. I got too carried away here," I waved the book in the air. "But it seems like there were quite a lot of people."

"Come on, buddy," Ron pulled at the sleeve of his robe. "What to expect from bookworms. They won't even notice the dragon in the living room."

The redhead clearly meant Hermione as well. Well, to hell with him. I'm not going to take offense at the redhead until he deliberately insults.

So, I sat there, leafing through a book, and after two hours, closer to lunchtime, annoyed, angry, not understanding, in general - negative-minded students of all years began to return to the living room, but no one went to their rooms. Everyone was waiting for something. A somewhat dejected Hermione stepped out of the women's wing and pushed her way onto my sofa. As if the general atmosphere was transmitted to her - behind a mask of concentration, she hid obvious dissatisfaction with everyone in a row.

The wait did not last long. McGonagall entered the living room with Potter and the Weasley. The professor unrolled the parchment and began to read from it:

"All students return to the living rooms of their Houses until six o'clock in the evening and don't go out until the morning," the professor spoke with the sternest air, standing in the middle of the living room. "You will go to lessons accompanied by a teacher. No one uses the bathroom without a guide. All matches and trainings are temporarily canceled. No evening movements."

The professor rolled up the parchment, sighed, examined everyone carefully.

"It is hardly worth adding that I have not been so upset for a long time. If the criminal is not caught, the school is likely to be closed. I urge everyone who has any suspicions to come up to me without delay and tell me what you know."

Hermione and I looked at each other.

"Maybe, let's say?"

"Let's try. Let's see what happens."

Literally, ten minutes later, we were already standing in the professor's office, where Percy had brought us.

"Mr. Knight, Miss Granger. Do you want to tell me something? McGonagall asked from her desk. Her office, by the way, was quite laconically decorated. Dark furniture along white stone walls and bookcases. Sideboards with some personal trinkets and figurines, a large work desk with a mirror and other little things, including a pile of parchments and an inkwell with a simple white quill.

"Yes, professor," I nodded. "We have a theory, not about the criminal, but about the instrument of the crime."

"I am listening really carefully."

We have told everything clear and understandable. We used several facts and speculations. We said that the Chamber of Secrets is one of the creations of Slytherin. If the Heir is indeed the Heir, then he will inherit Slytherin. As is known from historical sources, Slytherin could speak with snakes. The symbol of the House is a snake. Again, from historical descriptions, it follows that Slytherin was proud and vain, which is why we assumed that he could well entertain these qualities by bringing out a basilisk but without telling anyone about it. Moreover, you can talk to him, giving clear orders if something happens. They also said that spiders are fleeing from the castle, and as you know from bestiaries, spiders are most afraid of the basilisk. The same fits into the theory of numbness because there were reflective surfaces next to all the victims, and only for this reason they didn't die. True, this particular speculation is unsubstantiated because no one has ever conducted research on the look of the basilisk for obvious reasons. This theory's special place was occupied by the conversation between Potter and Weasleys overheard in the living room. As you know, our bright hero is the Parselmouth. He somehow loudly shared with Ron that he had repeatedly heard a hissing voice from somewhere in the castle walls. Only he and no one else.

"I will take note of your theory. You have done a great job. But, despite the apparent correspondence, do you think that a basilisk has been living quietly under Hogwarts for a thousand years? And Headmaster Dumbledore, if it were true, would have figured out and eliminated such a threat long ago."

Hermione and I exchanged glances but did not become indignant.

"Thank you for listening, Professor."

"It's my pleasure. Mr. Weasley!" she said a little louder, and the door to the office instantly opened.

"Yes, professor?" Percy appeared.

"Show Mr. Knight and Miss Granger to the living room."

"Yes, Professor," Percy nodded, and we left the office.

"And what did you say there?"

"Nothing special, Percy. Nothing special ..." Hermione nodded thoughtfully to herself.

"I hope so," he threatened with a finger, and we went into the living room.

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