
Chapter 75 - 75


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"I'm really curious," Hermione said as we walked down the corridors of the castle to our next class. "I wonder why the Hogwarts library doesn't have such detailed information."

"Maybe there is. After all, that's where we need to get four whole books on the subject. And why would there be such information where we used to read books. It's basic knowledge."

"You're right there," she nodded.

"By the way, I'll have to stop by the headmaster's office today."

"Just like that, to the headmaster? Like the neighbors for tea?" Hermione looked at me with a slight sneer in her eyes.

"Exactly for a tea. I'm sure the headmaster will give me a cup and some sherbet lemon for the road."

"Or he'll give you some detentions. For insolence."

"One doesn't preclude the other," I shrugged, turning the corner. There's the Transfiguration Room. And the people inside are settling in. We quickly made our way to the first desk in our Gryffindor row - a silly House feud.

McGonagall was sitting at the lecturer table, taking notes in a scroll. Here, it seems, professors always work, and the head of the House - even more.

Second, to second with the bell, the professor stood up, waved her wand, and the door to the office closed. Another boring lecture began in dry academic language, a bunch of formulas, and at the end, there would probably be another exercise. But how to do it properly - she would tell us tomorrow. Or when is the next class?

I wasn't quite right, though. McGonagall had decided to agitate those who were at least a little interested in the subject and maintain that interest, and maybe even ignite it more than before. She told us about Animagi. She told us that Animagi can be divided into two kinds: totem animagi and anima form animagi.

A totem animagus is a wizard who can transform into only one animal, which is his totem, a kind of "inner beast." There are several ways to achieve such a skill, and they all involve certain risks, especially mental ones. Anima form is a wizard capable of transforming into several animals. This is a very long and thorny path that requires not only extensive knowledge but also patience. However, once the final result is achieved, the wizard will not be limited to it at all - you can develop further and learn to transform into other animals. Professor McGonagall is just such a wizard. Although her totem is a cat, just like the anima form, she achieved it in the second way.

In addition to the ways of attainment, the two types of Animagus differ in their perception of the world in animal form. Totem animagus adopt some of the habits of their totem, while the anima forms mind remains completely free of such changes and influences. But the totem animagus has more protection against various mental techniques, unlike the anima form. However, if the totem animagus goes crazy, then it will be almost impossible to stop this "landslide."

For a clear demonstration, the professor turned into a smoky gray cat with neat circles under her eyes, jumping up on the table at the same time. She looked around the classroom, but no one seemed to care - it was more interesting to peek at Potter surreptitiously. A lot of people were doing that the whole class. McGonagall turned back.

"What's the matter with all of you today?" she asked, looking at everyone, with surprise, over her glasses. "It's not important, of course, but it's never happened before that turning into a cat and back didn't draw applause."

There, almost the entire class stared at Potter again, as if on command. Pale, confused, and seemingly even a little angry.

"We had a divination class," Seamus said lightly. "So..."

"Oh, that's it! That makes sense then," McGonagall frowned. "You don't have to say anything else, Mr. Finnigan. So who has to die this year?"

Hermione looked around the classroom with interest, saw the looks directed at Potter, and whispered:

"And why am I not surprised?"

The others were silent, and so the professor heard.

"Miss Granger?" she looked at Hermione.

"I wasn't there, Professor. I have other subjects."

"Indeed," McGonagall nodded. "So?"

"It's me," Potter squeezed out.

"Well!" McGonagall glared sternly at the one who deprived the dean of the well-deserved applause she no doubt snatches from third-years every year.

"So know this, Potter," the professor went on, "the Sibyll Trelawney has been predicting the imminent death of one of the students every year since the first day she entered the school. No one, however, has died so far. She begins her introduction to the class with omens of death. She's very fond of it. I never speak ill of my colleagues..."

The professor was silent and so focused on something that she went a little pale.

"Divination is the most imprecise branch of magical knowledge. I won't hide it from you, I don't tolerate it enough. True Seers are extremely rare, and Professor Trelawney-"

McGonagall was silent again, but soon spoke again in her usual businesslike tone:

"You look great, Mr. Potter. So don't be offended if I don't relieve you of your homework. But rest assured, you don't have to do it if you die."

"Interesting offer," I muttered quietly to myself while the rest of the class giggled.

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