
Chapter 90 - 90

2 weekends have been good and I'm ready to keep working hard.

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"Hmm, what's this?"

I pointed my finger at a schematic picture of some unknown creature of obviously artificial origin, with a specific way of connecting dead tissues to living ones.

"Vitamisterium is a magical science that studies the properties of living and dead tissues, the effects of magic on them, and, in general, studies the phenomena of life, death, and non-life. Quite fascinating stuff, if we abstract away from the utter inhumanity, immorality, and cruelty of the methods by which this knowledge is obtained. Did you know that about half of the magical beings in existence today are so-called chimeras? Very entertaining information, especially that such creatures have proven to be capable of natural reproduction. Although, some can reproduce only by a purely magical method. A kind of magical budding.

"And what are the uses of such magic?"

"Well, damage aside, vitamisterium is widely used in advanced medicine, as is 'necromagic' itself. By the way, a curious fact. To practice healer rank above journeyman, you have to join a guild and make a bunch of oaths like "do no harm" and non-disclosure of the secrets of magic. Only in the case of self-defense can you use something specific. That's why, by the way, the Ministry of Magic has no claims against healers, no matter what they do, even if the magic used is considered dark."

"Do you want to be a healer?"

"That would be interesting, but I don't think it's for me."

"What do you even want to do, by the way? Well, eventually."

I took a seat on the bench next to me. Hermione was in no hurry to tear herself away from the book, still standing next to the book stand.

"At first, I wanted to learn everything and become the best of the best. So that everyone would know that Hermione Granger is the smartest, knows everything, can do everything, and is generally very good."

Being an attentive listener, I nodded.

"Then I wanted to go and correct all the injustices in my way. You can see for yourself that a lot of things don't seem right here compared to the normal world. And we're not even out of high school yet."

"What about now?"

"Now? I don't know. Many of the values so cherished by ordinary people not only have no meaning or significance here, but they are also harmful. Remember when I wanted to do good things for the house-elves?"

"Yes, I remember that," I said with a smile, sinking for a moment into the memories of a couple of conversations.

"Don't laugh. I was serious. So? If you had not prompted me to think, what if house-elves not only didn't need freedom, but that it was harmful to them, and I needed to learn more about the issue before getting involved... I'm sure I'd be running around now and pestering everyone with some kind of community organization-association. So there turns out to be a huge variety of topics like this."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Okay. Have you noticed that almost no one washes their hands? Not just the students, but the professors, too. And the problem is not at all in backward thinking or medieval mores at all, but in the simple magical technique involving rubbing your hands as if you were soaping, and the simplest of magical effects, which belongs, by the way, to the section of healing magic. A mixture of cleansing and disinfecting charms. I'll write you later."

"Thank you," I did notice something like that, but I didn't wash my hands either, using wand magic to cleanse.

"Next, rituals for cleansing from jinxes and spontaneous magical influences. What do books tell us, other guys, and generally, how is verbal information constructed? Ritual magic is forbidden, dark magic, yuck. In fact, a strictly limited list of rituals is forbidden, and most of it is not at all due to "darkness," but is complicated and requires specific and varied education, understanding rather than following instructions. Well, this is clear from the rituals themselves. However, if you don't delve into the matter and believe rumors and limit yourself to other people's opinions... In that case, you'll be like Ron, running around and calling everything incomprehensible Dark Magic."

"Does he do that?"

"More often than you think. The girls tell me they hear things like that from him all the time in the living room. Well, we learn constantly, and he plays games and sleeps. So, I'm kind of confused. A lot of my values that I've believed in since I was little are somewhat meaningless here."

"You know, I think you need to find a section of magic that interests you as much as possible. That will be your goal."

"Did you do that?"

"Nah, I want to explore everything my hands can reach. By the way, you talked about guilds. Any information on them?"

"No. I think I'll look into them later, maybe over the vacations."

"I'll ask around too. Hermione, what am I doing here anyway. I need your help right now. I need to test a theory on improving magical sensitivity in witchcraft, and for that, I need you and your wand. When will you be free?"

"I can do it now."

"Then let's go quickly."

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