
Chapter 370 - 370

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May the magic be with you! Enjoy!


When I returned, all the girls were awake and looking quite calm, and Delphine was still sitting on the bed next to Daphne. She seemed to be the one who needed her mother's support the most.

"Girls, I understand that I'm asking you for not the nicest thing, but I need a memory of what happened. In the most complete form. Who knows how to extract them?"

Hermione nodded without further ado and took the wand from the bedside table, touched it with the tip of her temple while closing her eyes. For a couple of seconds, she sat motionless on the bed in this position, after which she slowly began to pull a glowing blue thread from her temple with a wand. Lady Greengrass used permanent transfiguration and created three vials. When Hermione had finished with the manipulation, and a glowing blue thread hung freely in space on the tip of her wand, Delphine brought a vial to the girl, into which the thread was put. Manipulations to extract memories from the Greengrass girls were carried out personally by their mother and took a little longer.

"You do know," Delphine spoke up, handing me the three vials of memories, "that this is not evidence in court?"

"Absolutely," I nodded, taking the vials and folding them in my inner coat pocket. "But they are needed not so much as evidence."

Delphine nodded and gestured for me to follow her. Stepping outside behind the screen, Lady Greengrass conjured up a privacy charm around us.

"Max. This is serious. I can't take the girls out of school. It is only possible to transfer from the new academic year, and this is an immutable rule."

"But what about the visiting guests at the Tournament? They studied with us."

"The lists were certified in the summer, and the same summer, the documents on their enrollment in Hogwarts as temporary students were certified. I know what you're thinking — the headmaster also can't terminate the contract without a really good reason. What happened is not it, as it would not have been... if what these scum planned had happened."

Delphine's voice was deadly calm, which indicates that the occlumency of the mental and emotional processes was taken under maximum control.

"This is bad. An action like this could happen again, only the meaning would be different and the organization better."

"That's right. That's why I'd like to ask you to look after the girls."

"I'll do my best."

Turning around, I left the hospital wing, not forgetting to hide myself with various charms before leaving. I came up with a plan in my head on how to influence the Slytherins, but for this, I need to get into the Chamber of Secrets, which is not a problem.

Again making my way through the dark corridors, trying to avoid meetings with teachers, Filch or Mrs. Norris, I reached the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets through the office on the fifth floor, and descending into the hall by a spiral staircase and going out into the middle of this, without exaggeration, majestic place, I began to conjure. With the help of the materialized energy of hemomancy, I carved a complex ritual scheme on the floor in the center of the hall, and as objects of influence, I chose twelve Slytherin marks that were now lying on beds in the hospital wing of the castle.

A long recitative of distorted phrases in Latin poured out of my mouth by itself, and Rowena helped me not to lose my way in this complex spell. The Curse of Death in a Dream. Of course, I was not going to kill them, but using a weakened version of the ritual and the mental message "An attempt to abuse Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Hermione Granger will lead to terrible, nightmarish tortures, deaths, and the death of the family", I will definitely be able to achieve a wonderful effect of unconscious and strong fear for their lives in these individuals, for the appearance of which they will only have to look at them, and if they wish to harm, uh-uh ... Adding another message: "Max Knight is scary, dangerous, cruel and merciless", I poured enough magic into the diagram, remembering to set up a delayed activation via a simple rune chant outside the diagram. As soon as the magic ends in this binding, the rest of the circuit will close, activating. It will happen sometime tomorrow during breakfast, and I, like many others, will be in the Great Hall at that moment. Considering that in such a variation, this magic does not cause direct harm, and is not malicious, because my asocial attitude lies in the phrase: "For the greater good", then hypothetical protection systems, if they are set up for this, will not work, and from tomorrow evening the guys will have unforgettable dreams, the plots of which their brain will create itself based on my messages.

After the ritual, I created a vial out of the air through permanent transfiguration, and strictly according to the instructions, I extracted the memories of the Slytherin meeting.. I will present them as anonymous memories — if you believe the books, then when you look at the memories of a wizard who was under the spell of concealment and invisibility, this wizard cannot be seen.

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