
Chapter 241 Rakshasa!

Chapter 241 Rakshasa!

The little girl takes her steps and walks slowly towards the middle-aged man.

Her blues eyes reflect the chill of the cold winter.

She smiles a scornful smile.

Suddenly, as she reaches out her hand, the black bowl that is still chasing the female ghost is broken in the blink of an eye.

“Here is a lucky chance for you. Leave for reincarnation.” The little girl looks at the vanishing female ghost, saying in a soft voice.

The female ghost stares at her, shocked.

She is at a loss what happened

Behind her appears a halo.

“Go in there. That is the place you should go to.” The girl says.

The female ghost smiles. When she is about to enter the halo, she suddenly thinks of something so she turns around to look at the little girl, “May I ask how my child is doing now?”

The girl closes her eyes slowly and falls into thought.

When she opens her eyes again, she says, “She is doing well and has grown up.”

“Great to know that...” The female ghost lets go of everything and walks into the halo.

The middle-aged man and the young man keep retreating.

They both hold a Soul Summoning Pennant, which seems to be their last resort.

The girl has her eyes fixed back on them and can’t help sneering.

“Is this what the Ghost Sect can do now?” The little girl asks in confusion.

Tender as the voice is, it is full of disdain and killing intent.

It is like the two men are nothing more than two locusts in her eyes.

Maybe the Ghost Sect used to prosper.

However, the two apprentices of the Ghost Sect are too weak...

“Brother, who... Who is she?” The young man nerves himself to ask in a low voice.

The little girl suddenly arrives at their front.

She moves so fast that they don’t even have the time to react.

She reaches out her hand.


The young man’s arm is torn off.

The movement is so determined and smooth.

It is like tearing a drumstick from a roasted turkey on the table.

With the blood spilled over the ground, the young man falls on the ground, screaming in agony constantly. He reaches out his hand by instinct to cover his wounds. However, everything is in vain.

“Keep screaming. The female ghost’s wailing was even more painful than you.” The little girl reaches out her hand to point at the icon cages behind her, “I didn’t hear them bitten by the wolfhound, but I can imagine that they must suffered more than you.”

She reaches out her hand again.

She tears off a leg from the young man.

Next are his other arm and other leg.

She is tearing the young man apart like this.

The middle-aged man, just like being frozen, stands still there, with his legs trembling, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat and his eyes full of fear.

He knows what is inside the little girl.

As such, he knows that it is no use fighting tooth and nail.

Therefore, what can he do? He has no other choice but to stand straight up and behave well. Maybe the little girl can be in a good mood to spare his life.

Staying alive is the most important thing.

With the two arms and legs of the young man torn off, he is lying on the ground to feel his life perishing and death approaching.

Finally, the young man stops breathing. His body starts to give off a bit of white light. The light is his soul, though it hasn’t taken shape yet.

The little girl opens her mouth. All the light is taken in by her mouth then.

“It feels so good to devour the soul.” After saying that, the little girl licks her tongue.

For her, this is the really yummy thing.

The middle-aged man eventually can’t stand the stress. With his legs feeling weak, he kneels down.

“Lord Rakshasa, I am the 126th generation of the Ghost Sect’s apprentices. Please spare my life...”


The little girl slightly nods her head and then pats him with her palm.

Instantly, the middle-aged man becomes fine powder.

Under the circumstance of bodies blown to pieces, the little girl doesn’t look innocent anymore though she is smiling.

“Ghost Sect... Do you know the three sovereigns of the Ghost Sect were killed by me?” The little girl absorbs some more light spots.

It is a blast for her!

She turns around to look at the kids in the cages. When she reaches out her hand to do something, she cannot move suddenly.

“Little kid, you are not good. They are supposed to die. Now that I’ve helped you handle the bad guys, what’s wrong with eating the kids? I even helped you release the female ghost before.”

“Hem, you think this is wrong? Do you know what Rakshasa is? That is the real demon. Even the ghost cops see me, they must make a detour.”

“They are still kids anyway. Fine. I’ll leave them alone.”

The little girl shakes her head.

She keeps talking to herself.


A shout comes from the woods.

“You are lucky enough to have people who care about you.” The little girl looks at the woods and suddenly frowns.

“What is inside his body? Interesting... Little girl, your dad is no big deal but the man next to your dad is quite good. If you can stay with him, I can recover faster. You want to be with your dad? Hem. It’s okay. I will help you...”

After saying that, the little girl closes her eyes and passes out.

Her body is still glittering with blue light.

Meanwhile, she starts to tremble nonstop like getting a cold

After Gao Ge and the two others rush into the yard, they are shocked to see the blood and the two Soul Summoning Pennants.

“It is the Ghost Sect.” Master Wen says.

Chen Long doesn’t care that much. He arrives at the front of the little girl in a rush and yet doesn’t dare to move.

“Did that thing appear?” Chen Long gives a grimace of pain, “Yes, only that thing could be so brutal and powerful...”

“What is it?” Master Wen asks and meanwhile walks to the cages to release all the kids.

They are still curling up in the cages and don’t dare to go out. Even their eyes are full of caution and fear.

Gao Ge reaches the little girl and holds her wrist. Instantly, he withdraws his hand subconsciously.

“So cold...” Gao Ge is shocked.

“Can you save her?” Chen Long stares at Gao Ge helplessly, “I can feel it. She is dying.”

He doesn’t know Gao Ge well.

Under the circumstance, he has no one to turn to but Gao Ge.

Gao Ge thinks for an instant and says, “Let me take a shot.”

After saying that, he grabs the little girl’s wrist again and starts to transfer power of stars to her.

This is the only thing he can do.

To his surprise, when he starts to transfer the power of stars, the little girl seems to contain some power that is absorbing Gao Ge’s power of stars like a new-born infant yearning for the breastmilk.

She starts to proactively take in Gao Ge’s power instead of passively accepting it.

Delighting enough, the blue light of the little girl is becoming increasingly faint.

In the end, her face becomes normal but Gao Ge’s power of stars has been consumed by 80%.

He sits on the ground to gaze at the little girl in shock.

“Little fatty, you are too greedy, aren’t you? You are almost like me.” Gao Ge wipes the sweat on his forehead and says with a bitter smile.

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