
Chapter 466 Ancient Temple atop the Mound

Chapter 466 Ancient Temple atop the Mound

The mound of Golden Monkey Town has remained for years. If you take a look at the local county annals, you will find that tens of battles have happened on the mound since ancient times.

On the mound, there is still an ancient temple built in the Ming Dynasty, which has a history of hundreds of years. During the past troublous times, the ancient temple was bombed and repaired afterwards. It kind of gets through the disaster.

The mound’s cracking happens to divide the ancient temple into two halves. And as to the monks living in the ancient temple, two of them are seriously injured and the rest are transferred away.

The mountain road is not rough, which consists of renovated stone steps. Not only Gao Ge and Tang Jiusi but also Li are going uphill.

Born and bred in Golden Monkey Town, Li has much knowledge about this place. He is the best tour guide here.

“Sigh. To be honest, we locals are affectionate towards the mound. Those who grow up in Golden Monkey Town, the kids excluded, all spend their childhood on this mound.” Li smokes and says with a sigh, “The mound is mostly filled with pine trees, so I often followed my parents onto the mound to cut grass on a trailer. Then we would take the grass back home for cooking. This area used to be graveyard but now the graves are relocated.”

Probably because Gao Ge and Tang Jiusi are very calm, which makes Li not feel tense at all.

“Back in the old days, the students liked hanging around on the mound. On the contrary, the people in the city like strolling in the park and shopping in the mall now. Yet, we couldn’t afford that at all. Here is a funny story. When I was 17 or 18 years old, I was making out with a girl here right in front of those graves. Now I can’t help feeling frightened about it...”

Gao Ge and Tang Jiusi are greatly amused.

It would be nothing to make out in front of several graves. However, in the Aura Recovery Age, everyone starts to learn that ghosts do exist.

Tang Jiusi tries to make fun of him, “Maybe when you were making out with your girl, several ghosts were watching you aside.”

Li shivers and says with a bitter smile, “In this case, I feel that I was lucky then...”

“Why do you feel that way?” Tang Jiusi is confused.

“It was lucky for me that I only made out with the girl rather than do something else...”

Tang Jiusi bursts out laughing, “Do you regret it?”

Li heaves a sigh and looks around, saying, “Unknowingly, some people made a fence around the mound and built some houses here. Then they started to charge those who wanted to come onto the mound in the ground of protecting a scenic spot. Probably because of that, the mound has gradually been forgotten by us. How ironic! The mound has never been moved, which is still this high. Yet, it just fades away from the locals’ life. We used to stay here as long as we wished but now we just can’t get in here without buying a ticket.”

Gao Ge nods his head.

Recently, more and more similar cases have happened in Huaxia.

Many people of Huaxia can’t figure out why either.

Why do their most important places in their memories suddenly disappear and become the so-called scenic spots?

It is like a childhood friend who goes to advanced facilities rather than plays mud with you, suddenly starts distance himself from you and puts on suits.

He just distances himself from you for no reason.

“Sigh, what a good place!” Tang Jiusi takes a deep breath and stands still, stretching out his arms and closing his eyes to embrace the peace at the moment. “I feel so bashi (comfortable)!”

Well, now his words sound like a local of Shu City.

The slit in the mound is only half a meter or so.

It is not necessary for them to arrive at the top of the mound. They can see the slit clearly at the hillside, except that the slit gets wider as they go up higher.

However, the golden light has disappeared. Gao Ge takes a closer look only to find that it is dark inside.

“Do we need to continue climbing up?” Tang Jiusi asks.

“Of course.” Gao Ge nods his head and looks up, saying, “Let’s speed up and it will take us about five minutes to reach the top.”

“Okay.” Tang Jiusi nods his head.

Following Gao Ge and Tang Jiusi, Li keeps walking forward and asks, “I don’t feel any fluctuating energy in here!”

“Neither do I.” Tang Jiusi subconsciously looks at Gao Ge amidst talking.

Gao Ge probably gets the hint of Tang Jiusi and can only rolls his eyes, saying helplessly, “I am not a psychic. Since neither of you can feel it, of course I cannot either.”Updates by vi p novel

After saying that, Gao Ge frowns.

There must be something wrong with the mound, but now that they are on the mound, they still don’t sense any fluctuation of aura. Even in the last life, somehow Gao Ge never gained any information about Golden Monkey Town. Supposedly, the relevant information must be blocked.

Although now it is the Aura Recovery Age, the information about what happens in Golden Monkey Town must be blocked.

The news that he read before has disappeared. Those who also read the news question about the disappearance and gets a reply that it is only a rumor.

In fact, it is not a bad thing.

If the news about Golden Monkey Town is not blocked, the situation will get worse than now.

Maybe a lot of people will believe that a secret realm will be opened in Golden Monkey Town and rush here to gain benefits. Can it be a good thing that the whole town is overcrowded?

The opening of the first secret realm and the second one is not a secret to ordinary people anymore.

Consequently, many ordinary people all start to realize the importance of secret realm.

Even a person that is too old to cultivate will believe that he can make a thoroughgoing change and become an exceptionally qualified cultivator as long as he enters the secret realm.

Is this the reality?

Yes, it is indeed.

Therefore, whenever any anomaly happens over the nation, people will come in great numbers to chance their luck. If they really encounter a secret realm, they will be gain tremendous benefits!

When Gao Ge stops, the ancient temple is in front of him.

The ancient temple, divided into two halves, still remains, dilapidated and jagged.

In front of the ancient temple is a stone tablet, which has been smashed, as if broken forcibly.

Suddenly Gao Ge is shaking.

“Is it earthquake?” Li is shocked.

The next second, golden light suddenly appears from the slit, which is like golden rainbow.

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