
Chapter 336 Auror Office

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Hearing his name called out brought him out of the bout of anger. His hand stopped in the air as he momentarily glanced at the broken face before his attention went to the source, itching to get back.

He turned his head back and saw the Potter family, Sirius, Hermione, Ron, and an assortment of people who he assumed were the guards. His anger subsided at the sight of the people— the reasoning started to flow back in with the trickle of adrenaline retreating back from his bloodstream. He glanced back at the Death Eater and the bloodied face.

This was enough, he thought, and that he wouldn’t be able to do anymore anyway.

Quinn got up from the Death Eater’s torso and turned to the Potters. He took a deep breath before dropping his shoulder and stepping away from the Death Eater.

“They started it,” said Quinn. He rubbed his hand, and a water bubble covered them that slowly took a red hue. He shook his hands, and the stained water splashed away on the ground.

“Are you alright?” asked Ivy, worry quivering in her voice.

Quinn nodded. There was a scrap or two from the flying debris that nicked his clothes and some skin, but other than that, he wasn’t touched by any magic.

Ivy seemed to want to come near him, but Quinn sent a very short and concise burst of sound magic saying, “No,” which made her halt with an unbridled unwillingness. Quinn glanced at the others and was relieved that no one felt his burst of magic to Ivy— especially with the Aurors standing a step away from Ivy.

“What happened?” asked Sirius stepping into the ‘warzone,’ his eyes wandering over the numerous unconscious bodies. The corner of his eyes wrinkled when he saw the Death Eater with the gashes on his back.

“They were looking to abduct me,” said Quinn, glancing around the area to see if there was something that needed to be hidden. “I wasn’t able to apparate away because of an anti-apparition ward covering the area,” it was gone now.

“Classic Death Eater work,” spat Sirius.

“I thought they had isolated this place, what alerted everyone about the. . . tussle?” asked Quinn.

“Something must’ve broken the ward because they,” Sirius pointed to the guards, “saw flashing lights and a pillar of fire, and here we are.”

‘Did I somehow end up damaging the ward,’ thought Quinn. He didn’t want to damage the isolation ward set up by the Death Eaters; it allowed him to operate without worrying about things ending too quickly, ‘or maybe it was because they weren’t able to keep it up properly,’ and looking around the latter seemed to be true.

“So. . . what’s next?” asked Quinn, not in the mood to talk to anyone.

“. . . You will need to come with us to the Auror’s Office,” said James, looking around before turning to Quinn. “We will need to your account of what happened here.”

“Can’t you see what happened here,” said Quinn, spreading his arms in annoyance.

“Still, you’d need to come down to the office.”

Quinn sighed, “Very well. Let’s be off then.” He turned to the group and said with a bow, “I apologize that all of you had to see such unsightly sight; it ruined a pleasantly enjoyable evening. I will make it up to you the next time we meet,” that last one bit was intended for Ivy, who apparently understood and gave a slight nod.


– (Scene Break) –


Quinn sat in an interrogation room inside the Aurors Office. He wasn’t being interrogated, but it seemed that Aurors would lead anyone who they wanted to talk to an interrogation room. Quinn didn’t mind that he was seated here instead of maybe in an Auror’s office or the bullpen. The privacy of the small room while the Aurors outside ran around processing the incident was much appreciated.

He loosened the tie from under his collar and placed it on the table in front of him.

‘I have been exposed,’ thought Quinn.

Quinn West was to be a talented individual interested in magic. He was supposed to be ahead of his peers, an overachiever in both academics and otherwise. . . a winner in life. He had a great background— a part of high society, all the riches he desired as part of an illustrious family, an excellent social standing from his time in Hogwarts, great friends who shone in their own ways, a flourishing love life— everything in his life was supposed to be. . . perfect.

But that carefully put together image strayed away from perfect when such an individual was found pummeling a group of Death Eaters in the ground, guaranteeing every one of them a lengthy extended trip to the hospital.

‘I might not be able to hide this one,’ he thought.

The last time something like this had happened was during Harry Potter’s abduction attempt from Hogwarts. He had stopped the abductors, and because of the limited visibility, he could escape the public’s eye. But this time, there had been Order of Phoenix members and Aurors in the mix, and a good number of them— it wasn’t possible to close that many people’s mouths, and it was bound to spread out. Dulling the spread, however, was another matter altogether. He had plenty of resources to keep it from spreading to the common folk, but those in the right places would hear about it.

‘Unlike the last time, I’m sitting in the Aurors Office,’ Quinn sighed. ‘Grandfather will need to grease some hands to keep my name out of the official report.’

The problem was that the scale of the situations was different. Last time, it could be chalked up to carelessness from the Novellus Accionites’ member that he got done in by a child. This time, it was thirteen Death Eaters against one youngster just out of Hogwarts— that couldn’t be packed up as luck. So when people heard what he had done, brows would rise, and the mind-gears would start to turn, clicking the obvious chains of thoughts.

Quinn clicked his tongue. Damned Death Eaters!

The door creaked open, and Quinn looked back to see James Potter and another man walk into the interrogation room.

“Good evening, Mr. West. My name is Gawain Robards; I’m the Head Auror,” said the man as he and James took seats in front of him. “I have been informed that you had an unfortunate encounter with a group of Death Eaters. I would like to ask if you’re feeling alright.”

Quinn observed the man. With Amelia Bones becoming the Minister, the previous Head Auror, Rufus Scrimgeour, was promoted to the Head of DMLE with Gawain Robards, a Captain Auror announced to Head Auror position.

“Other than being irritated about my evening being ruined, I’m doing just fine, thank you, Auror Robards.”

“That’s good, good. I have been briefed about the situation by Aurors Potter and Black, but I would like to hear what happened. There are a lot of things that took place before Auror Potter arrived at the scene.”

“There’s nothing much to say. The Death Eaters were ready in an ambush to abduct me. I know that because they asked me to surrender. I tried to escape using apparition,” and a Portkey, but that was left unsaid, “but they had set up a ward which rendered that option unfeasible. From there on, I had no choice but to retaliate in self-defense.”

“Even if you say self-defense. . . you seriously injured thirteen people. Many of them would be under the care of medi-healers for a very long time.”

“I was against multiple opponents. I had to thin the herd and ensure when I dropped someone. . . they stayed down.”

“You broke three backs.”

“I might have poorly controlled my output under panic.”

“Panic? You were found on top of a Death Eater, caving his face with your fists.”

“He used the killing curse, you can check his wand. . . I was angry, and things might have gone a bit out of control.”

Gawain and James exchanged looks. Quinn knew that they couldn’t do anything to him. In the first place, the Auror Office, or DMLE as a whole, wouldn’t want to press charges against him— the ‘victims’ were Death Eaters, and as long as there was a Dark Mark on their arm, they saw no love from the law enforcement. The ones who could be pressing charges were the family members of the Death Eaters involved, and even then, Quinn was sure, he would walk out scot-free with zero consequences.

There were a few more rounds of questioning, with Quinn asked to write down his experience for records.

“If you’d like to call your family,” said Robards.

“I have already done that,” said Quinn.

Gawain and James were surprised. James said, “You already informed your grandfather?”

“Hmm? My grandfather isn’t in the country,” neither were Elliot and Lia, “someone else would be coming from my family.”

“How?” asked James. “Did Sirius send someone to take your message to your family?”

Quinn put his hand into his pocket and placed a pocket watch on the table. He clicked a flat button on the side, and a small square plate came ejecting from the side. He touched the top with his finger, and the plate started to expand; parts began to appear out of nowhere until the plate had grown to the size of a small notepad.

“What is this?” asked Gawain.

“That’s a MagiFax,” said Quinn. “Well, a version of it.”

“What?! A MagiFax!”

The MagiFax models in the market were all stationary. Even the smallest version was only made to fit on a work desk. The size that Quinn had just produced was unimaginable.


“It’s a concept model and isn’t going to be available to the public for a good while,” said Quinn, reducing the portable MagiFax back into its chip size and clicking it back into his pocket watch. “You don’t have to look surprised. My family makes MagiFax; I volunteer once in a while to test things that are in development.”

The door suddenly opened, and an Auror pocked her head inside. “Sires, some woman by the name of Rosey is waiting outside with a posh lawyer. They’re here to pick him up.” she pointed to Quinn.

Quinn looked at the two before him and asked, “Am I free to go, Aurors?”

“. . . Ah? Ah, yes,” said Gawain.

Quinn stood up and picked up his tie from the table. “Thank you. I hope you’ll be bringing those Death Eaters to justice. I’m willing to provide any help the Auror Office needs, so if you require me, please contact my lawyer, who I’m sure you’ll be meeting now.”

“Certainly. We will give this our top priority.”

“Fantastic,” Quinn smiled and walked to the door, but then he turned and faced the two Aurors who had stood up. “Just one more thing I would like to say.”


“I would be very upset if the Death Eaters, for some reason, didn’t make their way to Azkaban. . .”

Gawain and James frowned. They didn’t appreciate the Auror Office’s latest point of failure.

“. . . and it would also make my grandfather not very happy. And believe me, making me unhappy is nothing compared to making my grandfather upset— he doesn’t like to be disappointed.”

From their expressions, Gawain and James understood what Quinn was implying.

Quinn gave them a final nod before leaving the two Aurors alone with his words in their thought.




Quinn West – MC – Thinking if “he” should take care of the Death Eaters while they’re being transported to Azkaban.

Gawain Robards – Head Auror – Is about to get a lot of pressure from his higher-ups.

James Potter – Senior Auror – Has been put as the Auror-in-charge on the case record.

FictionOnlyReader – Author – Next time, Golden Squad’s and Auror’s reaction.




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