
Chapter 5: Still the same then and now

Chapter 5: Still the same then and now

The door opened, and Xinyi and Zhiyuan entered their room.

"Mama! Dada!" Siying, who was patiently waiting for them, hopped down and ran towards them. He hugged Zhiyuan\'s leg and looked at him in concern.

With his Mickey Mouse shirt and his small face marred with worry, he looked absolutely adorable.

Zhiyuan smiled and picked him in his arms. "Come on. Where are the pastries? We have to celebrate! Xinyi, quickly take out the plates."

She understood his signal and nodded. "Of course! Sorry for the wait, Siying."

Xinyi put the chocolate pastries on the plate and took a spoonful of it. "Congratulations on the essay. Say aaah…"

Siying pursed his lips and didn\'t open his mouth. He stared at his parents with an unreadable expression.

Xinyi said again, "What are you waiting for, Siying? Take this bite."

Zhiyuan asked, "What\'s wrong, son? See. It\'s your favorite cake."

Siying clutched Zhiyuan\'s shirt. His big eyes seemed in distress as he said,l "Dada. Why doesn\'t Grandpa like you? And why doesn\'t Grandaunt like Mama?"

They froze.

"Grandpa...he always scolds Dada, and Grandaunt always says that she hates Mama…" tears filled his eyes, "Grandaunt says she hates me too…"

Even though he was only three years old, Siying was quite perceptive. So, he quickly understood that Xinyi and Zhiyuan weren\'t well-liked in the family and then himself as well.

"No, Siying!" Xinyi took him in her arms. She kissed his cheeks and wiped his tears, "Nobody hates my Siying. Siying is such a good boy, after all. You are so polite, respectful, and kind. Everybody loves you."

"But Grandaunt…"

"Don\'t mind her, Siying," Zhiyuan smiled and ruffled his head. "She doesn\'t mean it."

"But she always says that."

They looked hesitant. They couldn\'t give him an honest answer.

"She was in a bad mood, so she flipped out. It happens."

"Really?" Siying was still a little doubtful.

"En," They both nodded.

Then he asked, "Why did Grandpa shout at you, Dada? Did Dada do something wrong? Why is he always angry when he sees Dada?"

Zhiyuan stared back at his son\'s questioning gaze. He found himself unable to answer these questions either.

Han Huizhong was never vocal in his feelings, but he knew that his grandfather loved him in his own way or at least treated him better than Han Guang and Han Mingli. He was strict and had a sharp tongue, but Zhiyuan didn\'t mind.

But things suddenly changed three years ago. He started to hate even the sight of Zhiyuan. He would frequently burst into outrage and even beat him badly with his stick.

No matter how many times he tried to reason with him, Han Huizhong only answered him with several bruises on his skin.

"Wish I had an answer to that myself…" he whispered as he was lost in a trance.

Xinyi silently looked at him for a moment and then withdrew her gaze.

"Dada?" Siying pulled his shirt.

Zhiyuan came out of his stupor. He smiled and ruffled his hair. "It\'s nothing, Siying. Don\'t worry about it."

Siying was close to crying again. "But... but I don\'t like it that Grandpa scolds you because my Dada is the best."

Zhiyuan\'s heart shook with his son\'s concern.

"Dada, hold me!" He flailed his arms towards him.

Zhiyuan took him in his arms, and Siying wiped the corner of his eyes. "Dada, don\'t cry! If Grandpa scolds you next time, then I will save you!" He said it with utter seriousness. "I will talk to Grandpa and tell him not to scold you anymore."

Xinyi smiled.

Zhiyuan chuckled. "Is that so?"

He furiously nodded.

"Alright, alright. No more crying now. Let\'s enjoy the pastries."

"Pastries!!" His tearful eyes sparkled.

After they had their fill, Siying got busy drawing while Xinyi worriedly came to his side, bringing the first-aid. "Zhiyuan...your shoulder...it must be hurting. I will put on some balm."

Zhiyuan was quiet for a moment. "It\'s alright, Xinyi. It doesn\'t hurt."

Xinyi\'s voice was strained and laced in concern. "How can it not? I know it must have left a mark. Please let me treat you, or it will hurt more."

Zhiyuan sighed. "Alright…"

He sat down on the couch and unbuttoned his shirt. Just as Xinyi expected, there was indeed a blue bruise starting to form.

She felt her heart tightly clench at its sight. Her fingers slightly trembled, and her eyes began to water.

Xinyi took some of the balm and gently rubbed it on his bruise.

"Am I hurting? Is the pressure okay?"

"Yes. It\'s just fine," then Zhiyuan whispered. "Xinyi."


"Trust me. I wasn\'t looking for Caihong for the reasons you or anyone might be thinking."

Xinyi stopped her movement.

Zhiyuan turned and raised his head towards her. His gaze met hers. "I just need some answers. Nothing else. Since we got married, I knew my limits and responsibilities, and I still fully uphold them. I will never betray you or Siying or our marriage."

Xinyi softly smiled. "I know, Zhiyuan. I never doubted you for a second. Whatever your reason is to look for her, I know it\'s not to break the trust between us."

Zhiyuan gazed at her for a moment and warmly smiled. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

After putting on the balm, she said, "Done. Don\'t put any strain on your arm. If you need anything, please tell me."

Zhiyuan looked at her and couldn\'t help but chuckle.

She blinked her eyes in confusion. "What is it?"

"Nothing. I just remembered that day at the University. Remember, I hurt my foot while playing basketball? You said the same thing to me back then."


Zhiyuan and Xinyi both attended the same University where they first met. By the time the basketball incident happened, they already knew each other very well and were good friends.


Xinyi, eighteen at that time, worriedly came rushing towards him after the match got over.

Zhiyuan, two years her senior, saw her running towards him in haste.

"It\'s fine, Xinyi. It\'s common to get hurt while playing sports."

She frowned. "It\'s not fine. We cannot let the wound catch septic. Stay still now."

Xinyi quickly sterilized his wound and put on a bandaid.

She peeked at him and slowly said, "Xu Liang did it on purpose. He pushed you."

"I know," Zhiyuan smiled.

"Why didn\'t you say anything?"

"It still didn\'t change the outcome. My team won. That is enough of an answer to him."

"And if you had lost?"

"That meant that I need to work harder on my skills and senses so that I don\'t fall into my rival\'s trap once again. It would have shown me where I lacked."

Xinyi lowered her head and smiled.

This was one of the things she liked about Zhiyuan. He never went for unnecessary revenge and payback. Instead, he honed himself to the point that he wouldn\'t be vulnerable to such tricks.

Xinyi was finished with the first-aid. "Done. Don\'t put any strain on your foot. If you need anything, then please tell me."

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