
Chapter 480 Behind the scenes

Chapter 480 Behind the scenes

A few days later, Xiaosi was brought back home after he got the green signal by Jack Si.

"Dada is back! Dada is back!" Chyou kept jumping up and down in happiness. "Dada, I missed you!"

Xiaosi kissed her cheek. "I missed you a lot too."

Her small, pink lips puckered. "But Dada was sleeping."

"Hmm…Let\'s just say I understood I was far away from my angel daughter. I couldn\'t hear her voice. I couldn\'t play with her. I couldn\'t see her grow up in these eight months."

"I am the same," she pouted.

He chuckled. "You will feel that. But as your Dada, I will always see how much you have matured. Dada is really proud of you. You remained strong for all these months and took care of Mama. What treat do you want? Dada will give you anything."

She beamed in bliss. "Trip! Dada promised you will take Mama and me on a trip!"

He stared at her. "Of course. We will go on a trip soon."

"Yay! I keep aside clothes for my trip!" Her eyes sparkled. She dashed away with lightning speed.

He felt a pair of arms embrace him from the back. "Mr. Zhu. You said you missed Chyou but what about me?"

He smiled. "Of course, how can I forget you? I missed you too."

"Hmph. You don\'t seem so sincere."

"Of course I am! I feel guilty for making you go through all this."

Caihong grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck. "It feels all worth it now that I see you in front of me," she tiptoed and kissed his lips.

Xiaosi blinked his eyes. Soon, he let the soft sensation of her lips take over him. A while later as they parted, Caihong giggled and tapped on his nose.

"Now you should rest."

"Not so soon. I want to know what happened when I was in a coma. I heard you were talking about your mother. But I didn\'t understand. I-Isn\'t she…?" He didn\'t want to hurt her feelings.

She sighed. "It\'s complicated and a really long story."

He smiled. "I am all ears."

They sat on the couch and Caihong began narrating the events that just happened after his accident.

Xiaosi was completely baffled.

"Aunt Zongying and Dad? And Zizi is his daughter!?"

Caihong nodded.

"Ugh. This is too much for my head to take. I never thought Dad and Aunt Zongying would have such a history…It must be so shocking for him, especially Zizi. I cannot imagine how she must have felt."

"En. Naturally, she was very hurt. It took her some time to accept this. But now things are getting better. Zizi has accepted Dad as her Dad too."

Xiaosi pursed his lips. "Caihong, you…"

She flicked his forehead. "What? I was never hurt knowing Zizi is my half-sister. Shuang and I were always cool with it. It wasn\'t like Dad cheated on Mom. Dad was the victim himself," she grinned. "Plus, Xinyi, Zizi, Shuang and I were always like sisters more than friends. So it\'s just perfect."

He smiled and hugged her.

"Haha, you are getting too emotional."

"It\'s great that things between Zizi and Dad are getting sorted out. And what about your mother? How is she in the picture?"

"She is alive."


"I know. That was everybody\'s reaction too. And it started with an attack on Zhiyuan during a conference…"

After listening to everything, Xiaosi had a grim expression on his face.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Caihong asked.

"...It feels strange. How was Keung able to grab all those shares? I am not talking about threatening Zizi or Xinyi but from the shareholders of the Han Corps. After how everybody knows his reputation, what merit does he have? What can he possibly offer to them that they would so readily agree to give their shares to him?"

Caihong gave it a thought.

"It doesn\'t feel like Keung is doing this all by himself."

She widened her eyes. "He isn\'t?"

He shook his head. "On his own, he is too weak to pull all this and more so after how Han Mingli and Han Guang went to jail. Nobody is gonna trust him. Somebody is helping him from the shadows. Somebody who has the power to back him up with his wealth and power. Keung simply doesn\'t have any credibility because of his past, so somebody who does is standing behind him."

"I never thought about it this way…"

"Plus, it\'s too weird that Mom is listening to Keung. I mean, didn\'t Dad already end his relationship with his sister years ago? Han Guang or Keung didn\'t have much contact with her either. So…Mom being forced to listen to Keung seems a little improbable to me."

"But he was the one who came to rescue Mom when Yunru and Dad found her," she frowned.

He shrugged. "He could have done that on somebody else\'s orders. One who is helping Keung behind the scenes."

"Ah? But who else would dare to threaten Mom if not for him? Nobody knows her apart from Keung."

He stared at her. "Didn\'t you say that Dad and Yunru told you about Mom\'s Underworld past? Maybe somebody is back? No…He was always back. Since Mom never died, where was she for all these years? Why didn\'t she come forward? She didn\'t because somebody was hiding her all this time and still is. I don\'t think Keung can pull something like this either."

"But when did Keung become acquainted with such dangerous Underworld people?"

Xiaosi thought about it. "...When he was abroad?"

"Makes sense," she sighed. "But it\'s difficult to know who the enemy is. I don\'t think Grandpa or Zhiyuan ever had enemies from that world."

"That\'s where I am stuck at too…I know Zhiyuan and Yunru must be working to find out the culprit. But I will help however I can. Oh and what about their new company? Do you think Zhiyuan can win the next quarter?"

She smiled. "Are you doubting Zhiyuan?"

"Nah. He will definitely bag this quarter for sure."

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