
Chapter 69 - Territorial Vampire

Chapter 69 - Territorial Vampire

I listened to 2 songs while writing the chapter, so here is the music recommendation:

Shameless - Camila Cabello, Heather - Conan Gray


For a few seconds, Julie tried to sink in the simple words that Roman had uttered.

The annoyance that had entered earlier had left his eyes the moment the other girl had left the place, leaving them at the backside of the book racks.

"N-no, that\'s not what I meant," said Julie looking at her bag that had fallen. She walked to where it was. "What I meant is if you want to meet any girls, maybe pick a proper time and place so that it doesn\'t clash with other things like your tutoring me. We can move the time for later," and she picked up her bag.

Roman caught hold of her arm to gain her attention, and Julie turned to meet his eyes. The frown on her face didn\'t leave. She would be lying if she said the girl\'s words didn\'t bother her.

"I didn\'t plan to meet her. It was just you and me here today," Roman\'s words were calm, and the gaze in his eyes turned slightly intense as he stared into her brown eyes. "Now sit down." Though his words somewhere sounded like an order, there was also something else in there that Julie couldn\'t identify.

Julie walked to the side where they usually sat. Sitting down, she placed the bag on the table that was pulled from the side by Roman. He didn\'t take a seat on the other side and instead came to stand in front of her. Placing his hand under her chin, he raised her face to have a look at her. He noticed the angry red line that had formed across her cheek.

When Roman placed his finger on it, Julie flinched in pain, feeling the sting. She had been concentrating on other things, that she had missed the fact that the girl\'s nail had grazed over the skin of her cheek.

"Do you have water with you?" questioned Roman and Julie nodded her head.

She rummaged through the things in her bag and took out her water bottle. Roman pulled out his handkerchief and wet one end of it with the water, and carefully dabbed it across her cheek.

"It\'s just a minor scratch—"

"You\'re always getting into troublesome situations, Troublemaker," commented Roman, his eyes shifted from her cheek to look into her eyes.

"All thanks to your fan following girls," stated Julie, "You should do something about it. Or maybe we should just not study together—"

"Dorms," Roman\'s reply was quick, and Julie felt her heart stutter while she tried to shush it.

"Library is fine," replied Julie. Roman\'s lips twitched, but he didn\'t comment on her words. "Roman…"

"I am taking responsibility, aren\'t I?" he asked her, and Julie didn\'t know how to reply to it.

After a few seconds, Julie said, "You threatened to kill the girl. Are you not worried that she\'s going to complain about it to the teachers or other students?" her lips pressing into a thin line.

Roman dabbed the wet cloth to soothe the red line before pulling his hand away from her face. He said, "Who said I was threatening the girl?" He was being serious about it. But Julie took his words in the other way.

She was there when he had threatened to push the Sophomore girl from the railings, thought Julie to herself.

Julie blurted, "It feels like this whole week we have been getting injured by taking turns."

"Isn\'t it fun, playing doctor and patient," remarked Roman, and he dropped the handkerchief on the side of the table.

Roman finally took a seat in front of her, leaning his back against the chair. He watched Julie staring at him for the longest time before she turned conscious and picked up the textbook and turned the pages of the book.

"I picked the nervous system," murmured Julie, ready to start the lesson while feeling Roman\'s steady gaze on her. She cleared her throat to get his attention.

Soon Roman started to teach and explain the chapter to her. And though he taught her, his eyes didn\'t leave her, watching her as she listened to him while making notes that she found to be important.

Internally he was conflicted with the thoughts that had been raised in his mind because this wasn\'t something he had been aiming for. It wasn\'t supposed to happen.

Roman didn\'t know how it started, but now that it did, he couldn\'t stop as if it was impossible. He noticed the long lashes that dusted on her skin when she looked down. She then looked up, her eyes opening wide. It was like rays of light coming through after the cloudy weather. Her pale pink lips parted every once in a while, moving to ask questions or say \'okay\' when she understood what he said.

He didn\'t want to share her with anyone, not just as his prey but also as a person.

Julie, who was listening to Roman explanation, could sense that while he was teaching her about the subject, there was also something in the way he looked at her. It was somewhere between a predator observing its dinner, and she softly gulped. Maybe next time she should carry a pack of chips in her bag, thought Julie to herself.

When the tutoring session was over for the day, Julie\'s hands were quick in pushing all her things into her bag.

"Thank you for the lesson," said Julie, turning around and ready to bolt from there. But Roman was quick to catch hold of her bag to stop her, and she staggered to get a right footing.

"Where are you running to? I don\'t plan to sit here," deadpanned Roman, giving her a stare before standing up.

Both of them walked past the many racks on the floor before they started to climb down the stairs.

"Is it true?" asked Julie, striking a conversation.

"What is?"

"That many people have died from falling down from the railings?" she looked at him, and Roman hummed.

"There have been some incidents where people have died here. Though it is hard to say if the people were pushed or they actually committed suicide," responded Roman in a nonchalant tone.

Some of the students, studying on the ground floor, turned to see Roman and Julie as they had heard about what had occurred last evening in the boy\'s Dormitorium.

"People are staring," whispered Julie. Taking a deep breath, she released it through her lips.

When Roman turned his gaze away from her to look at the students, both girls and boys quickly looked down at their books to avoid making eye contact with the reputed senior who was well known to beat the living crap out of a person and send them to the infirmary.

Who knew one\'s gaze could be that powerful, thought Julie to herself.

Reaching the end of the stairs, Julie went to place the book back in its original rack from where she had earlier picked it up. Roman caught sight of two Junior year male students whispering something among themselves while looking at Julie.

"Isn\'t that the mummy girl?" said one of them.

"She is. Cute, isn\'t she? I think I have a fetish for glasses now. I wouldn\'t have known that under those baggy clothes she would have such a sexy body," snickered the second boy.

The first boy then whispered, "Tell me about it."

"She\'s in my class. I am thinking of asking her out-"

"Were you sleeping last night in the dorm and this morning? Moltenore has claimed her, he-uh-" the boy stuttered, noticing Roman glare at him.


"Shh! Stop talking!" whispered the second boy, clearing his throat and actioning for his friend to see the other side where Roman stood next to the book rack. Both the boys\' eyes went back to looking down at their books while he stared at them, making them frightened and sweating under the pressure of his eyes.

Roman turned to look at Julie, standing on her toes with one hand on the rack and the other holding the textbook. Because of the height, her hand was stretched out, and he noticed the way Julie\'s chest pushed against the fabric of her blouse, showing the curve of her body.

He walked to where Julie stood, pulling the book from her hand and bonking it right on top of her head.

"What was that for?" Julie asked, startled, bringing her feet flat on the ground.

"Don\'t try gymnastics here. You can ask me," and Roman pushed the textbook in its place and turned around before walking from there.

Julie touched the top of her head. She murmured, "He\'s never helped me with it. How would I know?"

She met Roman outside the library, standing there waiting for her. They started to walk away from there.

When they reached near the girl\'s Dormitorium, Maximus and Olivia stood in front of the second girl\'s Dormitorium, talking when they noticed Roman and Julie.

Olivia waved at Julie, and Julie smiled at the Senior year girl before getting inside her own Dormitorium. On reaching her dorm, she went to the mirror and noticed the red line on her face thanks to Roman\'s fangirl. She wondered if the girl had intended to scratch or slap her. Veteris and its extreme students thought Julie to herself.

She quickly pulled out her notebook from the table and wrote a letter to Roman—

\'Why did you tell others that I am yours?\'

Earlier, Julie hadn\'t been able to ask him because she felt awkward to ask about it in the face. Not to mention, she didn\'t want him bringing up about her being \'desperate to have him\'. She continued to add,

\'You shouldn\'t go saying things like that. People are going to get the wrong idea. They are going to think I am one of the girls who you make out with.\'

Tearing the page, she folded it and placed it in the middle of the blank notebook, which was unused. Holding it, she stepped out of the dorm and walked near the entrance of the Dormitorium. She saw Roman speaking to his two friends in front of the next building.

While she could wait for him to reply to it the next morning, she wanted to clear it before night. Though she had written it quickly, Julie wasn\'t sure if she should call him, but then it would look rude. Should she go where he was? That was more appropriate.

Her footsteps were light, and when she almost reached where Roman stood with his friends, Maximus was the one whose eyes turned to look at her.

"Has Rome given you a lot to study?" Maximus lightly teased her with a serious expression on his face. "What subject is it?" he asked, ready to see the book, but Julie kept it close to her.

Julie was unaware that Maximus was that one friend of Rome who had the knowledge about them exchanging letters. She didn\'t want the letter falling or getting into anyone\'s curious hands.

"It\'s a blank notebook to write down the questions… and answers," Julie\'s words were polite and soft on one\'s ears. She turned to look at Roman, and he took the book from her.

Roman didn\'t say anything, and Julie went back inside her Dormitorium.

"Word has spread, Rome. About what you said in the Dormitorium," said Olivia, shifting her eyes to look at her friend. "It isn\'t too late to step back from what you are doing. You know the problems that come when keeping a human close."

Roman\'s passive expression on his face barely gave away anything. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He then said, "I don\'t want to."

Olivia pursed her lips, but she didn\'t comment anything on it.

"Relax, Liv. Live up, we have only a few months before we graduate from here," Maximus put his arm around the blonde girl.

"I would like to see how much you will live up once your uncle is here," remarked Olivia with her eyes narrowed at him.

"You know my uncle is chill, at least compared to the others. And loves you. But not as much as me," Maximus grinned, and Olivia pushed his hand away from her shoulder.

Olivia then turned to look at Roman and said, "Julie is a sweet girl."

"I know," replied Roman, bringing up the cigarette and taking a puff from it.

"Will you tell her about who we are? I would love to see her reaction before you compel her to forget it," said Maximus. That was a tricky part, thought Roman to himself. Because if Julie found out the truth, there was no going back.

Hours later in the night, after spending time in her friend\'s dorm, Julie returned to her dorm. She noticed Roman had replied to her letter that she had passed to him through the means of the book.

Roman\'s letter read— \'Does it bother you?\'

Julie replied to his letter— \'Of course it does, people are going to stare and gossip even more. I wanted to stay low, but it feels like I am back on the map.\'

That night, Roman didn\'t come by her dorm to invite himself in, but he did come by to leave his reply that she saw in the morning.

\'People will stare and speak without a reason too. You shouldn\'t care about it and as I mentioned, tell me if someone bothers you. See you in the corridors.\'

While sitting in the lunchroom for breakfast, the students\' eyes didn\'t leave Julie, and it seemed like she continued to be one of the topics of gossip for students.

"How\'s life as a celebrity, Julie?" inquired Conner in fun while taking a seat at the table.

"Sucks," Julie responded, and Conner laughed. He nodded his head.

"You just need another gossip to replace the current one and the focus will leave you," he said to her before diving into his breakfast.

"Did Roman say anything to you about it?" asked Melanie. "Oh God." She said, looking at the door. Julie turned and saw it was porcupine and his friends. Jackson\'s face was bruised, and he appeared to be in an angry mood. Roman had made an art out of the bully\'s face, and before the person could glare at the people who were staring at him, Julie and her friends turned to look at each other.

Conner whispered, "I don\'t think he or anyone from now will bother you, Julie. You are free from being bullied. You are under Roman Moltenore\'s protection."

Julie caught the straw in her mouth and sucked the orange juice from the paper glass until it was empty.

When it was time for rehearsals, as expected, Ms. Piper had a blank expression on her face as she stared at Mateo Jackson\'s face. Her eyes shifted to look at Roman, who was busy shining the rings on his chain. This was the third person whom he had beaten up. At this rate, she was sure that she would have bruised looking actors during the actual day of the play.

"A word outside, Moltenore," said Ms. Piper, jerking her head towards the door, and she walked out of the room.

When Roman stepped out of the room, he barely looked fazed. The woman had a baffled expression, and she raised both her hands, "I know you and Jackson have your differences, but do you have to damage his face to that extent when he\'s in a play?"

"He deserved it and he isn\'t a human. He will heal quickly before the annual day," Roman deadpanned.

"Do me a favour and don\'t damage anyone else\'s face anymore," said Ms. Piper with an exasperated sigh. "You can do that once the play is over. Beat him, throw him, but not now."

"Give Blake\'s role back to Caleb. He\'s a better fit than the wild boar," stated Roman, his lips twisting in distaste about the guy.

"My cast is usually troublesome because of the notorious students in it. But this is the first time where I have had three students who are being damaged and that\'s all thanks to you," complained Ms. Piper. She placed one hand on her waist, and she said, "If you weren\'t handsome and talented I would have replaced you."

"I know."

"Yes, so don\'t take advantage of it. I want the play to be more successful compared to the psycho counsellor directing, okay?" asked the woman, and Roman gave her a nod.

"But if he starts it, don\'t expect me to stay quiet," Roman let her know, and Ms. Piper waved her hand.

When Roman and Ms. Piper stepped inside the room, Ms. Piper shouted, "What are you all doing standing here in groups instead of practicing? Go to the stage and start the rehearsal from the beginning!"

All the students quickly scattered away to go to the sides, and the ones who were going to perform got on the stage along with the pianist.

"Where are the dresses?" inquired Ms. Piper.

"We have it here, Ms. Piper," informed the students who were in charge of making costumes for the play.

"Moltenore, Jackson, Eleanor, Julie, Olivia and Maximus. Go to the rooms with the students who are responsible for it so that they can check the fittings. Get back here once you have worn it," ordered the woman and clapped her hands for them to hurry. "Once they are done, the others can go and check your costumes."

Julie followed the students, where girls and boy\'s stepped into separate rooms.

"How do you put this thing around?" Eleanor questioned, looking at the golden-brown dress and the other materials that were part of the dress.

"Let me help you with that," said one of the girl\'s who had stitched the dresses.

Julie looked at her dress made of silk, the same as the other dresses and clothes in the room. The fabric was soft under her touch, and she should have known that Veteris did its best to provide things to its students and uphold the university\'s name.

Her dress was white at the top and dark blue at the bottom with layers. It came with a fitting belt that had laces at the front. Eleanor enjoyed herself as two of the girls helped her wear the dress, while Olivia and Julie changed their clothes to wear their respective costumes.

As Olivia was portraying a male character, she was the first one to finish wearing her costume. The trouser was taupe in colour and a white shirt with the taupe coat.

Julie had worn her costume, but there seemed to be another apron-like cloth that had white lines on the dark blue background. Standing in front of the mirror, she tried to see where it went. Another girl in charge of the costumes offered, "Let me help with that. This was added later by Ms. Piper."

"Thank you," murmured Julie when the girl came and stood in front of her. Once she had worn all the pieces of dress, she looked at herself in the mirror. "This is so beautiful," she turned to her left and right side to see how the bottom of the skirt was layered.

"Ms. Piper was the one to design the clothes," informed the girl, who had helped Julie. "She has excellent tastes when it comes to periodical drama."

Julie had to agree that Ms. Piper indeed had good taste.

On the other side, Eleanor demanded, "Why are the sleeves so long? I thought it was supposed to be short and what is with the neck? It feels stuffy and I can barely breathe."

"That is how it used to be back then," stated Olivia, staring at Eleanor from across the room. "If you are finding it hard to breathe, we can have someone else play the part. We wouldn\'t want one of the main characters fainting on the stage."

A sweet smile appeared on Eleanor\'s lips, "I will do my best to breathe in this costume. Is that so? I thought it would have a deeper neckline than this. I am so happy with the colour, I do look like someone perfectly belonging to that period."

With the three girls dressed in their costumes, the other three students checked the fitting before they made their way back into the room where Ms. Piper and the rest of the students were present.

Ms. Piper was speaking to the senior year boys who were in their costumes. The students who were rehearsing stopped, and the others turned around to see the girls in their costumes. Julie had not removed her glasses, nor had she let down her hair that was still tied in a pony.

"Eleanor looks pretty, doesn\'t she?"

"We already knew she would fit well into the role."

"The golden colour really looks rich, do you think they\'ll allow us to wear it once the drama is over?"

While most of the people in the room were admiring Eleanor in her costume, who basked in all the compliments while being coy. On the other hand, Roman, who was in black trousers and coat, with a white shirt, ignored Eleanor. His eyes fell on Julie, who was in a white and inky blue outfit, who held both her hands together in front of her.

One of Roman\'s fangs bit the inside of his cheek, drawing blood and his face turned grim.

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