
Chapter 96 - Dinner With The Elders

Chapter 96 - Dinner With The Elders

Music Recommendation: Look at this- Marc Streitenfeld


On hearing the name that Maximus uttered, Julie\'s eyes turned to look at Roman, and she noticed the look in his eyes had hardened. His demeanour turned serious, and his eyes met hers, without saying anything for seconds.

Realizing Julie had heard the uttered name, Maximus said, "My apologies for disturbing your time together, but we have a guest who wants to meet Rome. I hope you don\'t mind if I take him for a while, do you?" His words were polite, but she noticed the hidden urgency in his voice.

"Give me two minutes," remarked Roman, turning to the side where Maximus stood. His friend nodded his head.

"Goodnight, Julie," Maximus wished her, and Julie wished him back with a small smile on her lips. Maximus stepped out from her dorm, making his way outside, waiting for Roman near the entrance of the girl\'s Dormitorium.

Roman closed the dorm\'s door and came to sit right next to Julie on the bed. She spoke in a low voice, "I thought there was still time for them to wake up."

"The outline of the moon has turned red, someone must have woken them up after seeing it," replied Roman, and he pulled the curtain to hide the window behind it. He said, "The full moon\'s light gives them the needed source of energy along with blood, to wake the Elders. I don\'t think I will be back later tonight, so get some sleep. I will see you tomorrow."

"Promise?" asked Julie, her hand reached for his hand to hold it.

She noticed his eyes had turned possibly darker. He wasn\'t sure of returning to her tonight because no one knew what the Elders had planned after waking up. She had come to know about their existence only today, and she hadn\'t found enough time to process every little thing. It was as if a dam had broken, and the water had flooded everywhere.

Roman noticed Julie\'s worry in her eyes. He said, "Don\'t worry. It is unfortunate that I didn\'t get to take a bite from you tonight."

"You didn\'t eat anything, will you be alright?" asked Julie, biting her inner cheek. She stared into Roman\'s eyes, feeling the strings of her heart pull, knowing he had to leave the dorm soon as one of the Elder vampires could turn impatient.

Roman\'s hand weaved through the side of her head and in her hair. Bringing his face close to her, he pressed his lips on hers. Without prior notice, his fang bit right into her bottom lip and Julie flinched a little. The bite hadn\'t been delicate. When he was done sucking and licking it, he said,

"Though it doesn\'t help, I will remember the taste of it. It will be something to look forward to," Roman\'s nose rubbed tenderly against her nose, and he said, "I will see you tomorrow. Or you will see me on the football field."

Before he could pull away from her, Julie said, "I will wait for your letter."

A faint smile appeared on Roman\'s lips, and he said, "And I look forward to picking your letter." He caressed the side of her cheek with the back of his hand and finally pulled himself away from her.

Julie saw Roman make his way through the door, leaving her dorm, and she closed the door and locked it. She hoped things would be fine, not knowing what was going to happen in Veteris.

Now knowing that these walls of her dorm had also kept Roman in here, Julie looked around the room. She ran her fingers across the bricks of the walls, which had been painted. She tried to concentrate, her eyebrows furrowing, but the memories in here were a blur.

Out of the girl\'s Dormitorium, Roman met up with Maximus, hanging near a tree. If it was any other day, one would have not openly roamed around the campus at this hour of the night. But whispers had started to spread among the vampires about the Elders, who had finally awoken from their long slumber.

"How long has it been since they were woken up?" inquired Roman while they started to walk towards the chambers that were located on the restricted side of the forest.

"More than fifteen minutes. Isolde is still injecting more blood bags as they seem to have been absorbing more than it was initially expected," explained Maximus as they passed one of the buildings and then towards the quiet forest, where one could hear only the chirping of the crickets. "Evans was the one to start the procedures of the awakening after he caught the circle of the red moon."

"Thought so," remarked Roman. He could already sense the change in the air that surrounded Veteris. Some of the vampires didn\'t dare to get close, and they stood away from the restricted section of the forest.

Some of the vampires, who weren\'t originally from Veteris in the past, had only heard rumours and stories about the great four Elder vampires. And some of the vampires, who had already met the Elders, stood behind the trees, carefully looking at the cave-like chamber.

Roman and Maximus reached near the chamber, and walked past the lanterns that hung on both sides of the cave. And then they reached the centre of the underground chamber, where the four Elders continued to lay in their caskets as blood was still being fed to them. The university vampire physician, Isolde, continued to transfuse blood into the older vampires, and once the process was done, they finally sat upright.

The sides of the casket holding the body moved to flatten itself such that it looked like a bed now. The Elders stood up from their caskets, and they looked at the few night creatures, who had gathered themselves in here.

"Welcome back," Dante greeted the four Elders, bowing her head, and the others were quick to follow her suit.

Luciano Sterling stood on the left side, and Griffin came forward and kissed the back of the Elder vampire\'s hand. The man had given him more strength, compared to most of the vampires, as they hadn\'t received Luciano\'s blood. On his right stood Remy Oscar, and he had a pleasant smile on his lips, appearing to be the calmest person compared to the other three Elders.

Olivia walked up to where Remy was, and she offered her greetings with a bow. She said, "Good evening, Mr. Oscar."

"It is good to see you, Olivia. How have you been?" asked the Elder, who had chosen to give his blood to her, and be a sire to the girl.

"Very well," like many others, Olivia had not expected for the Elders to wake up this early. She had believed there was at least still a day or two before the awakening. With them in here, it felt like once again they went back in time where they were newly born vampires.

Maximus offered his uncle a bow, and seeing his nephew had grown up into an adult, Castiel Marudas returned it with a gentle smile on his face. He noticed the strange rings on his nephew\'s ears, and pin in his mouth, which he didn\'t understand what was going on.

On the other hand, Roman and Donovan stared at each other. Donovan questioned him, "How have you been doing, Roman? Enjoying life with humans?"

"Something like that," came the short answer from Roman, and Donovan smiled.

"Looks like you haven\'t changed a bit since the first time we met," stated the Elder, and to the Elder vampire\'s surprise, a crooked smile appeared on Roman\'s lips.

"I could tell the same. Hope you have a good rest?" asked Roman, a faint smile on his lips that didn\'t reach his eyes. This was something new that Donovan had never seen on the boy before, and it made him wonder how or when Roman had learned to smile.

Donovan nodded his head, "It was filled with peace. But I am not interested in staying here for a second more. A century is long enough for any person to be bored while being surrounded by the same dark walls."

"We have already arranged the rooms for all the four of you," informed Dante.

"There\'s no need to go to the rooms right away, Eloise," Donovan remarked to Dante\'s words, and he continued, "I would like to hear how everything has been going here. Noticing all of you still alive, I can tell that you have been doing pretty well?"

Mr. Evans had a bright smile with a hundred watts of power like a bulb on his face. He answered, "We have Mr. Donovan," while offering a humble bow to the Elder. "The institute has been running, having both humans as well as vampires in it. Veteris has turned into a reputed place, where we don\'t need to bait and human students try hard to get into it."

"That sounds wonderful," said Donovan, and then he said, "How about we continue this conversation in a more private setting. Also enjoy food as we speak?"

Mr. Borrell quickly said, "I will inform the head cook in the lunchroom. He will arrange and deliver it—"

"Lunchroom?" questioned Remy, raising his eyebrows.

"It\'s where the students and the staff eat their meals," informed Dante, enlightening the Elder.

The students who had entered the chambers slowly realized that it would take a while for the Elder vampires to adjust to technology. At the back of the head, to them, they were one step ahead of them in it.

"Then let us all eat there," proposed Elder Remy.

Dante wasn\'t sure if the other Elders would be pleased about it, considering how they had always viewed themselves to be superior to everyone else. Everyone else who weren\'t them, were below their feet to even look at.

"With the common people?" Luciano scoffed at the idea. "I am sure Eloise can arrange better than just a common room," saying those words, the elder vampire turned to look at the headmistress of Veteris.

"There\'s a manor that\'s been specially arranged at the end of Veteris\' property and it has all the facilities that you might ever need," explained Eloise Dante, who was already feeling a faint headache because of the Elder vampires presence around her.

"Yes, I think it would be better, rather than discussing things in front of everyone in public," agreed Azazel Donovan, raising his head as if telling Dante to lead the way.

The cars had been brought near the caves, letting the Elders to get in, and Luciano said to Griffin, "Meet me later in my room."

"You must be tired, go back and have some sleep. I will talk to you tomorrow morning," said Castiel, being an understanding relative with his nephew and the different life he was leading right now.

Remy didn\'t say anything to Olivia, and she only guessed that the same went to her too, where she wasn\'t needed.

"Roman, come join me," stated Donovan, with his eyes holding a smile as if he couldn\'t wait to hear what the boy had been up to since he had woken up.

Roman\'s facial expression remained the same, but the stare was enough to let the one close to him know that he wasn\'t happy to be invited. He knew it well that if he tried to oppose the Elder now, the vampire would annoyingly get that much curious about what he was trying to hide.

"I will come by walk," said Roman, but Donovan moved to the side, making space for Roman to sit next to him.

"That would not be required. You are the son of a Lord, Roman. There\'s so much to catch up," a smile appeared on Donovan\'s lips. The elder then looked at other students and said, "You are free to join if you want to."

Simon and Victoria had not stepped inside the chambers, but they had stood outside. Feeling it was a hassle to get involved too much with the Elders so that they could leave Veteris in peace and lead their own lives, like the other vampires.

Maximus gave a slight bow and said, "Thank you, Mr. Donovan but we are quite full. We had a very heavy dinner."

Roman got inside the luxurious black car, and the driver closed the car\'s door. On the other hand, Griffin\'s mouth was left hanging, as his sire had not offered him a ride, and the car had left.

The other cars brought for each of the Elder vampires slowly started to ride away from the underground chambers. The headmistress rode with Elder Remy, while Mr. Borrell and the counsellor rode with Castiel Marudas. In one of the cars, in which Roman and Donovan sat, both the vampires looked outside the window, staring at the trees in the dark forest.

"I like your clothes, Roman. Not just yours, but everyone who looks like a hooligans. But interesting hooligans," commented Donovan, his eyes still looking at the trees.

"I thought that was how vampires were. Drinking blood and engaging themselves in unethical things," responded Roman, his voice sounding passive, and his eyes moved to the corner to look at the Elder vampire.

A smile cracked on Donovan\'s lips, and he rubbed his chin, "Hmph, that\'s interesting. But I believe vampires have always lived our lives in posh and elegance."

"It\'s just a clothing choice. There\'s nothing deep about it," sighed Roman. His gaze turned back to look at the forest they were riding through.

Donovan turned to look at Roman, his curious red eyes staring at the boy, who still seemed the same except for some of the subtle things. The boy\'s tongue was still sharp.

They reached in front of the manor, which was explicitly built two years ago for the Elders. The drivers stopped the cars, getting down and opened the door for the Elders to step out with a bow. Roman stepped out of the car, standing in front of the large manor. He had already come by this place during the time when he skipped his classes and exploring it.

Ms. Dante explained, "There are a total of four rooms. Two at the top floor and two on the ground floor. I have already made arrangements to shift all your things into your room."

"Lovely, Eloise. You never disappoint us," praised Castiel with a polite smile. He then questioned, "What were those lights on our way here?"

"We are having a celebration for the students of Veteris. To mark the time Veteris came into existence," replied Ms. Dante. She led them inside the manor, and the Elders looked around the place where they had stepped in.

"Looks like we have come on an opportune time. What other suitable time to know our students better if not now?" commented Donovan with a pleasant smile and the look in his eyes holding cunningness in it. "Or have we missed it by a few hours?"

"We still have the celebration going for two more days, Mr. Donovan," answered Mr. Evans, the smile on his lips not lowering down even for a moment.

Even though Mr. Evans has been appointed as the counsellor of Veteris university, the vampire wasn\'t too fond of humans. He preferred the dominance of the night creatures on the other kinds, especially the human hunters.

The counsellor continued to speak, "Tomorrow evening, Ms. Dante has arranged a match between two groups or two teams of vampires. We hope you will enjoy it. Both Griffin and Moltenore are playing against each other."

Hearing this Luciano looked pleased, as if Griffin won the game, it would also mean he was better than Donovan.

When they entered the dining room, pushing the double doors, they were greeted by a long rectangular table that could fit in more than twenty people to have meals at a time. Donovan walked towards the head of the table, taking a seat and the other three elders took a seat next to his side. The staff of Veteris sat down, and Roman took a seat next to the counsellor.

Donovan questioned, "How is the situation with the hunters going on. Hopefully there\'s improvement?"

"We have spotted a few of them not too far away from here. They are spread out all around the place," replied Ms. Dante.

"How unfortunate, it would have been easy if they were living in one town and all we would need to do is lighta? fire and burn them alive to the ground," commented Luciano, while picking up the napkin next to his plate.

"The best way to bait them is to let a rat out to swim and catch their attention," said Donovan with a harrumph before he asked, "Did anyone find out about what goes on in Veteris?"

"We have kept it a secret and in control as you wanted it. Any student who finds out about it and might later try to leak it out, they are silenced immediately," Ms. Dante paused for a moment, trying to phrase the sentence in her mind, before she said, "A few weeks ago, we had a little issue," and she explained about the contamination of Silverwater.

"A hunter? Or is it a hunter\'s child?" questioned Luciano, with his eyes narrowing at her.

"We weren\'t able to find the culprit," replied Ms. Dante, and the Elders didn\'t look pleased hearing this.

"You must be joking, Eloise," came the sharp words from Donovan, a smile on his lips that could only scare a person. "You have a culprit who tried to corrupt the vampires, and you haven\'t caught the person yet?"

"We didn\'t find anything on anyone who could have done it. We have checked every student\'s dorm and classrooms," explained Ms. Dante, her lips setting themselves in a thin line. "I think it was the last of Silverwater the person. We have been actively trying to find the culprit. It was the first and last time something like that happened in years."

"It looks like we haven\'t recruited efficient people to handle this place when we went to sleep," Donovan\'s words were sharp, and the smile on his face disappeared. "If you can\'t find the culprit then you use alternate methods to get the rat out. Sacrifice always motivates everyone in the right direction, eliciting fear that makes one stutter."

Donovan\'s eyes fell on the youngest vampire at the table, who sat on the end of his left side. Roman hadn\'t bothered to take part in the conversation, and he dug into his food, taking a piece of the meat and putting it in his mouth.

"And how much damage control was done?" questioned Donovan.

"Two humans were killed in the dungeon as the Silverwater continued to remain in their bodies," explained Ms. Dante. Donovan then asked Roman,

"Who do you think did it?"

Roman didn\'t have to lift his head to know that Donovan had questioned him. He picked up the glass of water that was next to his plate, he took a sip, while everyone\'s eyes fell on him.

At the same time, Griffin, who had not been offered a lift, came by foot, reaching the manor. He entered the dining room with a bow.

Roman\'s eyes fell on Griffin and then at Donovan. He said,

"I don\'t think one of the Elders would like to hear my answer." This caught the four Elder vampires\' attention. Even though Ms. Dante already knew who Roman was speaking about, she didn\'t intervene in the conversation. "It\'s Griffin," said Roman, before looking at the plate and cutting the meat into a thin slice.

Griffin\'s eyes narrowed, not knowing what the conversation was about. Before Griffin could speak anything, Luciano raised his hand for the other student to stay quiet.

Hearing Roman\'s words, Elder Luciano started to laugh, "Are you trying to frame my boy?"

"I don\'t think I need to do it, when he\'s doing the job by himself," Roman took a bite, chewing the meat, while Luciano looked annoyed by Roman\'s behaviour.

"And what proof do you have?" Luciano raised his eyebrows, and then turned to look at the staff of Veteris sitting at the table. "Did you find anything?"

Ms. Dante replied, "No. We didn\'t find anything."

"There you go," Luciano raised his hands in the air. "I am well aware that you don\'t get along with Griffin, but that\'s a silly way to think of getting revenge."

Roman didn\'t comment on it, knowing fully well that the four elders had picked up younger vampires to be their followers, or assistant\'s in the present world they lived in.

"We have tightened the security, so it won\'t be easy to mix the Silverwater in the water tanks anymore," assured Ms. Dante, to let the Elders know that she was doing everything she could, while in the back of her mind, she wanted to retire from this place.

"I am sure Eloise is doing everything she can," said Castiel with a smile. "If the culprit is still here, it isn\'t too far when we find out who it is. Let us enjoy the meal as it has been only some time since we have returned."

They continued to have their meal in silence, and Roman could feel the eyes of the two Elders. Once dinner was over, Roman had stepped out, hoping to leave when Donovan asked him,

"Looks like your blood thirst is still the same, and I cannot tell how happy it makes me," the Elder\'s eyes were dark red as Roman\'s eyes.

Roman remembered the time in the past when he was supposed to drink blood, something he had tried to prolong and stop craving for as much as he could. But in the end, he had killed more than four people as if it didn\'t quench his thirst. Blood on his lips and hands, something the Elder who had turned him very much liked about him, to be a killer.

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