
Chapter 230 - Mystery Of The Unknown

Simon looked back and forth before he picked up one of the stones lying on the ground. He threw it right on the creature\'s head, who turned to look at him with annoyance in his eyes. Simon had never seen a person with red eyes, nor had he ever seen one having sharp elongated canines, who drank blood from people.

"Get away from her," Simon said, and the rogue vampire chuckled.

"Look at the human who is brave enough to come rescue, when he himself is on the verge of dying," chuckled the vampire. When the young woman tried to get away from the alley, the vampire was quick to catch hold of her neck, pushing her against the wall before bringing her neck to his lips and started to suck the blood out of her.

The young woman struggled, with her legs shaking and her hands trying to push the vampire away from her, but she couldn\'t do that. Seeing this, Simon quickly made his way to where the two stood, but before he could get there, the vampire had already killed the woman and dropped her body on the ground. Simon noticed the woman\'s eyes looked empty and lifeless. She was dead.

Simon didn\'t know from where these strange people came or who they were, but the whole town was a complete mess right now. Some of the houses had been lit on fire, and the screams coming from people were endless.

Simon, who had learned to fight on some occasions with the boys around his age, threw his fist at the vampire. And though the vampire took the blow, it was only his face that moved to the side before it turned back to look at him.

"You should have hidden somewhere instead of coming to rescue another person. What a foolish human," said the vampire, and he punched back at Simon, where the force of the punch was twice in fold compared to what Simon had tried earlier.

Simon, who wasn\'t new when it came to receiving pain on his body, didn\'t affect him much, and he stood back up on his feet.

"What are you?" questioned Simon, his green eyes staring at the creature in front of him.

The creature stared at the human, who didn\'t seem bothered by the fact that he was going to die soon. As a dying human, the vampire replied, "A vampire."

"Vampire?" Simon repeated the word, and for an odd reason, it felt like it wasn\'t the first time he was hearing about it.

"A vampire who feeds on the blood of humans. Who is better than others and will be the one to thrive in the future," replied the vampire.

Simon\'s eyes slightly widened as this information was new to him, and he asked, "Why are you attacking us?"

"Because your town deserves it. The people in here deserve to die and we need revenge for something that had been done before," and the vampire huffed with a smirk.

"The people in here have never done anything for you to kill them. Leave them, spare the ones who are still alive," said Simon, but the vampire shrugged his shoulders.

"It is not how it works. Ah, such a waste of time, and I am still thirsty. I might as well drink the remaining blood that is in you even though it might not be enough. Wonder which one left you half way," said the vampire, whose hand reached for Simon\'s collar and pulled the human to him. He opened his mouth, his fangs coated in the blood of the woman that he had drunk only a few moments ago.

When Simon tried to push the vampire from him, his hands had turned weaker, and his senses became distant as if putting him in a trance state. He felt the vampire sink his teeth on the untouched side of his neck and then started sucking his blood.

So this is how his life would end, thought Simon dully. First, it was his parents, who had decided and tried to control his life, then it was his siblings, and now it was this vampire who was going to finally kill and free him. On second thought, it didn\'t sound that bad, and he continued to think in the back of his mind. His vision started to dim from the corner of his eyes, moving towards the centre and his body ready to turn into an empty shell.

Before Simon\'s vision could completely turn black, distantly, he felt the vampire let go of his body, and he fell to the ground. The fall was harsh, but his senses had turned numb to feel any pain.

While he laid on the ground with his back touching the surface and his neck continuing to bleed, at a distance, he heard some sort of sound of struggle. He wanted to see what was happening around him, but his eyes were blurry, and the darkness made it impossible for him to see properly except for the two shadows.

The rogue vampire glared at the person who had arrived, and he was about to attack the person, but before that, the person caught hold of his hand and twisted it to the point that the vampire\'s hand broke.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" exclaimed the rogue vampire while holding his arm with his face twisted in pain.

"Rogue vampires have always been a nuisance. The worst kind, that we don\'t need to be part of the vampires," said the person.

"I am a vampire as much as you, you little—" the rogue vampire attacked the person, only to fall on his knees as if he had been forced to do so and be obedient.

The person who stood in front of the rogue vampire placed his hands on the sides of the rogue vampire and said, "The others are being taken care of, let me take care of you." Saying it, the person twisted the rogue vampire\'s head and severed it for the body to fall to the side. The rogue vampire\'s head slowly crumbled and turned into dust.

Simon was taking his last breath, his breath heavy and his body turning cold when he felt someone come and sit next to his head. "Humans are foolish, don\'t you agree?" came the person\'s voice, which wasn\'t clear, and it was to know who was talking to him. "I think you will be very useful as a vampire. Join on our side, the side of darkness," and Simon felt something cold touch his lips. "Drink it, and you will live."

The liquid had an iron-like taste.

The blood that fell into Simon\'s lips slowly started to trickle down his throat, while his body turned colder and he stopped breathing.

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