
Chapter 294 - Is the Elder tired?

But soon, Olivia and the others showed up, shooting the vampires of Veteris, which only confused the hunters. Not knowing if they were a new group of hunters as they had never seen them before.

One of the hunters said, "These vampires are going to die now. You do not have to shoot them again and waste the bullets!"

But Isolde, Olivia and the others didn\'t stop shooting the vampires.

"Are they deaf?!" questioned the hunter who had just spoken.

Isolde informed, "There are other vampires in here! Don\'t shoot the antidote to every vampire lying on the floor!"

The hunter was offended, and he said, "I told stop wasting the bullets—"

Isolde shot the hunter right in his mouth, "Stop bothering me," she said calmly.

The other hunters noticed this, and their eyes turned wide, and soon one of them said, "They are vampires! Kill them!"

"Fight!" Olivia alerted the vampires who were part of the infirmary, and they fought with Joaquin\'s men.

The effect of the antidote was quicker than the poison that the hunters had fed to the vampires. Joaquin\'s men, who didn\'t get the antidote, bursted into dust, leaving their body imprint on the ground, while the vampires of Veteris sat up, gaining their composure. Isolde internally sighed that the antidote Elder Remy had created had worked in such a short duration.

And all this while, the Elder vampires and their respective turned vampires were left in the dark that Julie had turned the land to its original state. Donovan, who was making the younger vampires work, he questioned,

"You on the left, use your hand nails better. What lousy punch is that?"

"Why is the Elder not fighting? Is he tired?" questioned one of the vampire students.

"Maybe he is growing old, look there, Elder Luciano is fighting, but Elder Donovan barely lifted his finger—" came another student\'s complaint as they were tired of continuously fighting the enemy vampires.

Donovan\'s eyes narrowed, and he said, "You two, do you think it is time to chit chat? If I lift a finger, I doubt you would even survive," he glared at them, and the two students cowered in fear.

The vampire students couldn\'t help but wonder why they were stuck in this Elder vampire\'s group to fight. They had been happy when they had heard Donovan would be with them because he was considered to be the strongest. But what was the point if he wasn\'t lifting even a finger of his?

"You know what they say? Hero\'s always make the last and impactful entry," stated Donovan, who was still seated on a large stone with one leg crossed over the other leg. He noticed a smoke coming from beneath him, and for a moment, he believed it was from the other side of the forest that was burning.

"E-Elder Donovan, I think you are burning," pointed out the younger vampire.

"That is because I am hot. Isn\'t that what people say these days?" chuckled Donovan, and he then looked down.

On a closer inspection, he noticed the smoke was coming from him. His subtly frowned eyebrows loosened in realization, and a grin appeared on his lips.

"It is time for the hero to make an entry," said Donovan, standing up and walking forward. "Step back children, while you see something extraordinary," he grinned.

Soon smoke that came from him started to crawl on the ground and it moved like a slithering snake towards Joaquin\'s vampires and the hunters. The smoke wrapped the intruders, suffocating them and the students, who had earlier complained now looked at him with awe. They clapped their hands and Donovan adjusted one side of his hair.

"I told you the hero\'s entry is important. Now get to work!" ordered Donovan.

Far at the backside of the Veteris, Julie made her way through the forest with Cillian and Avice. When they continued to run past the trees, they were stopped by a group of vampires. As the three of them fought the vampires, they split and drifted further apart from each other.

The bullets were of no use when it hit Cillian, as he just used his hand to dip into that part and throw the bullet on the ground. It somewhere led the vampires to look at him with confused expression as they had never seen anything like this before.

"What creature is that?!" asked one of the vampires, alarmed on seeing Cillian\'s tree-like hand.

"Who cares! Kill him like the others. Burn him!" ordered another vampire.

Julie fought with one of the vampires, running a stake through his chest and then moving ahead to join the others in Veteris. But it wasn\'t easy for her as the vampires kept coming in, and even Avice took time to kill them as they were persistent.


Julie\'s face turned pale on hearing the voice, and she quickly turned around to come face to face with Douglas Leighton.

Julie raised her hand towards Douglas, a cautious look appearing.

"I missed you, Julianne. Didn\'t you miss me?" he asked her.

"Never," replied Julie, keeping a distance from him. "What are you doing here? Were you the one to lead the hunters here?"

Douglas smiled, shaking his head, he said, "I only came here to meet you. I called you so many times. Why didn\'t you pick my calls?"

"Because of bad reception and how you killed mother," stated Julie. Out of nowhere, someone shot a bullet into her arm, and she cried out in pain,

"AHH!" She clutched her hand that was shot.

Julie glared at him in pain.

"You are glaring at me... Is that how you should behave with your father?" Douglas questioned her. "Have you forgotten the manners I taught you?"

"I forgot it the day you killed her. You killed an innocent person," said Julie, "You have no remorse for what you did. Are you here because you want to take revenge upon me? Because I was the reason you were put in prison."

"I was initially upset, but not anymore. I have actually come to make peace with you," Douglas held a solemn face. "I mean it, Julie. It is true that I took action out of impulse, but you are my daughter. Don\'t you remember the fond memories we shared?" he asked her.

But Julie couldn\'t remember a single happy thought between them. All she could remember was Natalie\'s body lying cold on the floor.

"What are you doing here, Douglas?" Julie stepped backwards.

"Leave this place and come live with me. We can go back to living as father and daughter, and I won\'t do anything to you," Douglas tried to convince her. "I mean, isn\'t that what you want? Don\'t you miss the life you once had? As a family, because I surely do miss the family I once had."

Julie stared at the man, someone she hadn\'t seen since the day the cops had dragged him from the court. She said,

"You want to live in peace? You are someone who escaped from the prison. I thought you were a good man, but you aren\'t. Do you think I am still that little girl who doesn\'t know the truth? Sometimes things change people, and I am not the same person you once knew."

Douglas was persistent in behaving as a good man, and he walked toward Julie, "Let me help you with your wound."

Before he could get closer, Julie used her good hand to have the ground beneath Douglas loosen. Douglas struggled to stand straight and he fell. It wasn\'t just him but also someone else who was attacking her from the shadows. A woman emerged from the shadows, raising her hand towards her.

"Looks like you have no problem working with a witch but only have a problem when your wife is a witch," said Julie to Douglas, who got on his feet because of the wobbly ground.

"This is for your protection, Julianne!" remarked Douglas and Julie grit her teeth.

"Let us all comply and not waste unnecessary energy," said the woman, but Julie had no time to play with these two. Not to mention, she was feeling a little dizzy because of the time she had spent behind the forbidden door.

"And if you care about your life, I would tell you to step away and maybe stop associating with this man. Why have you joined a hunter?" asked Julie with a frown.

"We all have our own interests," the woman smiled, and she quickly attacked Julie by a spell.

But before the spell could attack her, the blue circle of dome appeared around Julie.

"She\'s much stronger. Her heart is in better condition than I thought, Mr. Leighton," commented the witch, and Julie looked back and forth between them while her shield started to fluctuate before it completely disappeared.

When Julie tried to break free and make use of the magic, it didn\'t work.

The witch smiled at Julie, "Looks like your soul energy is diminishing. Just the right time, don\'t you think?" The woman then touched the ground and markings appeared. When Cillian tried to enter it, his body couldn\'t enter the large circle. "It is time we start our ritual."

Cillian turned to Avice, who was being kept busy with vampires.

His jaw clenched, and he used both his arms to push through the barrier created, but this only resulted in his skin peeling and turning into fragments of dust.

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