
Chapter 305 - Missing heartbeat

When the fog turned thick around them, Julie finally turned and looked ahead of her, where the man continued to row the boat forward. His movements were gentle, and he didn\'t bother to look at her.

Curious, she asked him, "Are you taking me back to the living world?"

The only river connected to Veteris was the one that flowed under the bridge near Willow Creek. But the river had dried up many years ago, which made her wonder where he was going to take her.

"I will not be taking you to the living world, Ms. Winters," replied the man, turning his head to the side, and Julie wondered how he knew her name. He was probably someone who automatically knew what each person\'s name was when they entered this place, Julie thought in her mind. "There are only a few souls that have ever returned to the living world, as everyone needs a coin before they can take a ride on this boat. I will take you to the place that will connect you to the living world. But after this, you will be the one traveling from there," informed the man named Rower, and Julie\'s lips pursed.

Minutes passed by, and the fog that was around them started to disperse. Julie noticed the bank of the river, and the boat came to a stop, softly swaying towards the edge. The man said, "This is your stop. I am sure you will find your way without any difficulty."

Julie balanced her feet before she got herself out of the boat. The man didn\'t stay around and continued to row his boat before disappearing in the midst of fog.

She looked around the place and noticed it was a forest. The trees were thick and tall in appearance. She started to walk, walking aimlessly as she had no idea where exactly she was right now,

"Winters!" someone shouted.

The voice was enough to bring relief to Julie\'s mind, and she turned her head. On seeing Roman running towards her, and Cillian not far behind him, she let out a sigh of relief. She ran halfway to meet Roman, and when they came close to each other, Roman wrapped his arms around her. They both fell on their knees on the forest ground while still holding her.

Julie took a deep breath, inhaling Roman\'s scent, and it calmed her heart, knowing he was here.

Roman held her tightly in his arms, one of his hands placed on her head as he took a deep breath. He hadn\'t expected to find Julie this soon, but he was glad to see her here. She still felt the same, where her body fit perfectly in his arms, and she breathed in the same way. The only lacking part was that Julie didn\'t have a beating heart.

He pulled away from her before their foreheads touched each other. He closed his eyes, basking in the fact that he had found her.

"You gave me a real fright back in the living world, Winters. I thought we had decided that you wouldn\'t use too much of your soul energy," stated Roman, opening his red eyes to look straight into her brown eyes.

"I am sorry," Julie whispered to him. "I didn\'t mean to scare you."

Roman\'s hand wound around the back of Julie\'s neck while his lips parted and descended on her lips. He kissed her tenderly as if worried if he put more pressure, she would disappear from his arms. The kiss was filled with sweetness, and she closed her eyes to soak in his affection and love. Kissing him back, she could sense the urgency of his lips that somewhere wanted to devour her and make sure she wouldn\'t leave his side.

She felt him steal her breath, and by the time they pulled away from each other, Roman had cupped Julie\'s face with both his hands. He tenderly caressed the side of her cheeks and said,

"Let us get you back before your body starts to decay in the living world and becomes unable to host your soul."

Julie nodded, noticing the subtle furrow on Roman\'s forehead. "Thank you for coming," she thanked him and then turned to look at where Cillian was. He hadn\'t come near where they were, and stood at a distance.

Cillian was glad to see Julie here, where he could see, and he looked around the place. He was sure he had looked into this place earlier, which is why he wondered where Julie had appeared.

"Are you alright?" Cillian asked her.

If he was going to be honest with himself, he wanted to take her into his arms and assure her, and also himself that she was safe now. But Julie already had someone who dearly cared for her and was willing to sacrifice himself for her sake. He was no match for that kind of love in this lifetime. He wished nothing but for her happiness.

Julie smiled at Cillian\'s question and replied, "I think I am. How about you?" she asked him, knowing he was a dead person who belonged to this side of the world too. But on a closer thought, it seemed like all the three of them were related to death in some way.

"Better now," replied Cillian, looking at Julie.

Roman didn\'t comment even though he knew what Cillian\'s words meant. What mattered right now was that they had found Julie.

"Let us leave before the door closes," said Roman, and the three of them started to make their way towards where they had emerged into this place.

Julie noticed a door that was in the tree, and she asked them, "Where does that lead to?"

"That\'s going to lead us to the forbidden side, and we need to get through it if we want to enter the living world," answered Roman, and when they neared it, Cillian was the first one to step inside it. Roman waited for Julie to step in, but he saw her turn back and look at the trees.

Julie could feel her heart squeeze at having to leave her mother and the others behind.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Roman asked her.

Julie\'s gaze snapped to look at Roman, and pain passed through her eyes. She said, "I met my mother."

Roman\'s eyes slightly widened, and he realized the dilemma that Julie was going through right now. He asked her, "Do you want to stay here?"

Julie had not expected Roman to ask her the question in such directness, after all, he had come all the way to take her back to the living world. She said, "All this while, I have been waiting for that one opportunity to see her. To be able to speak to her without having to hide the fact that she is my mother. To be able to connect more. But..." her voice trailed, as she didn\'t know how to phrase her next words.

Roman caught hold of Julie\'s hand, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. He completed the sentence for her,

"But now that you have met her, you want to spend more time. The one meet is never enough, was it?" he asked her.

Julie pursed her lips, pressing them tightly so that they wouldn\'t tremble. She didn\'t know it was going to be this hard. "Do I really have less time?" she asked him, staring at Roman with her eyes that shone with tears.

Roman could tell how Julie was feeling right now, because he had lost his family more than once. And one would think that going through it again would reduce the impact of how one felt. But it didn\'t make it better, only worse.

In seriousness, he asked her, "We can stay here if you want."

Julie shook her head. Roman was ready to leave the living world for her and spend their time here, in the afterlife. He continued to say, "You do not have to think about me, Winters. I have lived enough on the other side. Wherever you choose to live, I will spend my time with you, and I wouldn\'t exchange it for anything else."

Though Julie had promised her mother that they would meet, it could take weeks, months, or even years. She asked, "Do you think we could come here when we are free? Without being dead?"

Roman took one step to close the distance between them, and he put his arms around her, holding her protectively. He replied, "Anything for you. Maybe next time we can meet more than one person."

Julie nodded before taking a deep breath that sounded like she was sniffling. Sparing one last look at the place, she finally stepped inside the door, and Roman followed her. The door soon shut, and after a few seconds, it disappeared from sight.

On their way back, Roman didn\'t let go of her hand and continued to hold it in his hand.

They were again attacked by the creatures who lived in this dark place, but the moment the fire spilt from Roman\'s hand on the ground, the creatures growled and whimpered, quickly moving away from them. The creatures didn\'t dare to move close, but continued to follow them.

Reaching the forbidden door\'s exit and entrance was a piece of cake thanks to Roman\'s presence and the creature that now belonged to him, growled at any creature that tried to move near them.

When Cillian and Roman jumped out of the forbidden door, Donovan, who was staring at the door, noticed Julie\'s lack of presence behind them.

"Where\'s Julie?" questioned Elder Donovan, and at the same time he noticed the forbidden door close itself.

Avice placed her hand on Julie\'s cold body, near her chest and said, "Julie\'s soul has already entered her body," and for a few seconds, it was quiet until she and the others heard the young witch\'s heart beat.

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