
Chapter 23 New Neighbors

Chapter 23 New Neighbors

"Hello, Auntie Wu." He Xinyan waved at the middle-aged woman as she stepped into the apartment room.

"Yanyan! Minger is inside her room." The woman hugged He Xinyan before closing the front door. He Xinyan walked over to the bedroom with the door closed and opened it without knocking.

"Yanyan!" Wu Minger jumped up from her bed and ran over to hug her best friend. They hadn\'t seen each other since they graduated.

The room was decorated in mainly pink and white colors, and although it was small, the room was extremely cozy with everything located close to each other.

They sat down together on the bed and He Xinyan immediately began complaining about her cookies.

At the end of the story, Wu Minger held onto He Xinyan\'s hands and asked her, "So is he nice?"

He Xinyan played around with the pink blanket in her hand, "Well. . . he\'s different from what I thought. You know, he\'s Gu Yechen. I thought he would be cold and mean and heard to interact with, but he\'s not. He\'s. . . Well, at least he\'s trying to be kind and gentle."

Wu Minger smiled, "Well that\'s good. Is he romantic?"

"No!" He Xinyan replied without even thinking for a second, "So we went to the movies and guess what? I ended up sitting through a two-hour documentary because he didn\'t know how to choose movies for dates!"

Wu Minger burst out laughing. She could almost imagine how annoyed He Xinyan felt during the movie. Even when they were in high school, He Xinyan couldn\'t stand history classes.

She would sleep through all the history lectures and copy Wu Minger\'s notes after class was over. And. . . she failed all of the tests!

She was even caught once and got punished badly, but after the punishment, she continued to sleep. At one point, the teacher gave up trying and would ignore He Xinyan and let her sleep through the class.

"But Yanyan, how long is this relationship going to last? I know you are angry about that bastard Su Zhiming, but you are still beautiful and young. Don\'t waste too much time on someone you don\'t like."

He Xinyan nodded her head, "I know. I still need Gu Yechen. . . Once I accomplish my goals, I will leave him."

Wu Minger\'s lips twitched slightly, "Why do you sound like such a bad woman when you say that?"

He Xinyan casually flipped her hair, "I never said I am a good woman."

They talked for a few more hours and it was almost time for dinner when He Xinyan left. Wu Minger\'s mom invited He Xinyan to stay for dinner, but she kindly rejected her offer.

The car stopped in front of the He mansion and He Xinyan got out of the car, but she didn\'t go home immediately. Going home meant that she would have to face the two disgusting faces of Li Huiran and Li Yuyan again, and she wanted to enjoy the peace and enjoyment of today a little more.

During the evening, the weather cooled down a bit, and a gentle summer breeze made for a thoroughly enjoyable walk.

Half of the sun had disappeared behind the mountaintop, and a blend of warm colors like orange and crimson lit up the sky.

He Xinyan walked past her house and enjoyed an evening stroll down her street. She moved slowly and would kick up a few leaves as she walked.

The neighborhood she lived in was one of the best in the north section of Country Z, but the neighborhood was also separated into three levels.

The He mansion was part of the second level, which was better than the third, but not as expensive as the first.

Their house was the only second-level mansion on their street, and the other two mansions were first level. However, due to the expensive cost of the first level mansions, both of the first level mansions were empty, so the He family had the entire street to themselves.

The street was silent except for the sound of He Xinyan\'s heels clicking on the sidewalk. Several feet down from the He mansion, there was a first-level mansion, which was almost twice the price of the He mansion.

He Xinyan looked at the house hidden behind a few trees as she walked and sighed. Her grandfather had liked this first level mansion, but back then, they only had barely enough money to purchase a second level mansion.

Her mother had wanted to purchase this mansion, but before she could, she died.

He Xinyan stopped walking as she looked at the beautiful house in front of her. The silence calmed He Xinyan down, but a second later, the world turned noisy again.

A large truck sped down the street and came to a stop in front of He Xinyan. She narrowed her eyes and read the words on the truck.

\'Gran-U Moving Truck\'

Several workers got out of the truck and pulled open the large truck. At once, the workers carried out furniture and other cardboard boxes. They walked past He Xinyan without acknowledging her and up the steps towards the first level house.

The door to the passenger\'s seat opened and a man in a black tuxedo walked out. He watched the workers lazily and would look at his watch once in a while.

He Xinyan stared at the scene in front of her for a while before she walked over to the man and cleared her throat, "Excuse me, sir. Is someone moving into this house?"

The man in the tuxedo turned around and eyed He Xinyan from head to toe before asking, "Who are you?"

"Oh, I live in the house right next to this one. So I would be neighbors with whoever lives here."

The tuxedo man looked towards the house He Xinyanw as pointing to and didn\'t seem to care, "Oh."

"Are you the one moving in?" He Xinyan took a quick glance at the face of the man and didn\'t recognize him to be any son of a rich family she knew.

The man shook his head, "No, I\'m just a worker. Hurry up!" The man ignored He Xinyan again as he ordered the moving workers around.

He Xinyan furrowed her eyebrows slightly and didn\'t ask anything further. She slowly walked away to her house and scratched the back of her head.

The house had been empty for several years already. . . So who was moving in now?

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