
Chapter 246 The Island

Chapter 246 The Island

"You are more than just beautiful and smart," he said, his voice deeper than earlier.

He Xinyan clicked her tongue with a sweet smile on her face and gently slapped Gu Yechen on the arm as a sign of embarrassment, "That\'s not my point. . . Although that is quite true."

She brushed her hair to the back of her ear proudly and went back to the main topic, "What I am saying is that, we are such perfect parents! If we have a kid. . . and he gets all of our great genes. . . and he is born into a rich and powerful family like ours. . . Oh my!"

He Xinyan put one hand up to her mouth dramatically, "Our child will really be the prince of the world! He will be tall, handsome, smart, powerful, rich, good at cooking, good at piano, good at dance, and so much more!"

He Xinyan turned to look at Gu Yechen, shaking his arm, "Gu Yechen, as the parents of our perfect kid, we have to be careful. I am certain that my baby boy will definitely have a ton of admirers and girls that like him and want to chase him. However, not all girls are as amazing and pure as me. We have to keep an eye out and make sure our kid doesn\'t fall in the wrong trap!"

He Xinyan nodded her head as she spoke, not forgetting to compliment herself as she talked about her "future kid".

*helemon\'s note: Pay attention to the gender pronoun our Yanyan is using when talking about her child ^o^

He Xinyan\'s face was filled with excitement as she spoke about her "to-be-perfect child", and she didn\'t notice that a frown had formed on Gu Yechen\'s face.

Throughout the entire ride home, He Xinyan was lost in her amazing thoughts about just how amazing her child with Gu Yechen was going to be.

At the same time, several thoughts also ran through Gu Yechen\'s head. . . Some maybe a little sour thoughts. . .


They returned home and Gu Yechen immediately entered the kitchen to cook dinner.

They ate dinner together, talking about the wedding and many more. After dinner, they went upstairs and fell asleep.

--- A week later

Gu Yechen took a short break from work for wedding planning. . . again.

This time, Gu Yechen, He Xinyan, Xu Mengya, and Gu Hanyu went to the island Gu Yechen had bought to go check it out and also prepare for the wedding.

They had decided already to hold the wedding and the glass building located at the center of the island, but they still had to set it up.

The building was originally supposed to be a glass greenhouse, but there were no plants inside it. However, it was large enough to hold a wedding, and it was extremely gorgeous in the open sunlight with several plants and flowers surrounding it outside.

The boat ride over to the island took a little over an hour, and the guests on the wedding date were going to ride a cruise over to the island and stay for the entire day before riding back.

The four of them arrived at the island and they got off, immediately following the guide who had sold Gu Yechen the island over to the building for the wedding.

The building was huge, the size of a church, and several tents were going to be set up around it for preparation to do the bride and groom\'s makeup during the wedding and more.

Gu Yechen had sent several workers over onto the island already to prepare, and the building had several benches placed already for the guests to sit on.

On the sides, there were several tall vases that were going to hold flowers.

In the front, the decorations were also prepared, with places that were going to be filled with flowers and the podium for the priest to speak.

"It\'s so beautiful," He Xinyan exclaimed as she sat down on the bench at the very front, looking around. The best thing about the glass building was that you were able to look outside and see the beautiful plants and weather that wouldn\'t be possible in an enclosed building.

Gu Yechen sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He Xinyan leaned her head against his shoulder, smiling happily.

She was getting married. . .

24 years on this world and she was finally getting married. . . Married to the man she loved the most.

He Xinyan\'s smile widened as she looked around, unable to believe what was happening. She was getting married! Marriage was probably one of the most important things to both a woman and a man.

It was a promise. . . an eternal promise.

She looked behind to see Xu Mengya also looking around the building with Gu Hanyu following behind her.

Xu Mengya was also really amazed with this location, as she didn\'t know that Gu Yechen had bought a private island for the wedding until a few days ago.

"Over there, move that to the right a little. It doesn\'t look symmetrical right now," Xu Mengya said to a worker as she pointed to a vase on the side.

The worker nodded and did as Xu Mengya told him to for several tries until Xu Mengya was satisfied.

As she did so, He Xinyan watched from the bench with a mixed expression that was grateful, happy, gentle, longing, and even a little jealous all at once.

Although Xu Mengya treated her like her own daughter and He Xinyan was very grateful to have a mother-in-law like Xu Mengya, she still couldn\'t help but miss her own biological mother.

She didn\'t miss Bai Jiawei, but she did miss her father. . . a fatherly figure that would walk her down the aisle during the wedding ceremony and give his daughter\'s hand over to the man she would marry.

However, she didn\'t have that. And the motherly figure in her life was also gone. As a child, she also missed and loved her parents.

However, the heavens were fair. Her biological parents were both taken away from her, but she got such amazing in-laws and a perfect husband.

One cannot be too greedy! She should be happy with what she has already.

He Xinyan smiled and pulled Gu Yechen up from the bench, "Let\'s go walk around!"

Gu Yechen nodded his head and the two of them left the building, walking around the island.

The island wasn\'t extremely tropical, although it was filled with trees and greenery. It had been developed before Gu Yechen bought it, and there were several buildings that were mainly empty.

Together, they walked down a trail that led into a tropical zone with many trees and colorful plants.

"This island is so beautiful. . ." He Xinyan didn\'t even know that an island like this was located a few miles away from Country Z.

"We can come here for vacation often. It is yours now."

He Xinyan smiled and wrapped her arm tightly around Gu Yechen\'s elbow, "I love you so much, baby Chenchen!"

Gu Yechen raised one eyebrow as he stopped walking and turned around, hugging her, "Why so suddenly?"

"It\'s not sudden! I always loved you," He Xinyan said, a little angrily as she looked up at Gu Yechen.

Gu Yechen chuckled, "Is it because I bought you an island?"

"Not only that. . ." He Xinyan hugged Gu Yechen tightly, feeling his strong and lean waist and back, "You treat me so well. What am I going to do without you?"

He Xinyan suddenly looked up seriously, "You can\'t die earlier than me, understand? I have to die before you!"

Gu Yechen\'s smile disappeared, "If that\'s the case, then I hope we can die together. If you die before me and leave me alone, I would rather die too. Understand?"

He Xinyan nodded her head, because she felt the exact same way.

They walked for several minutes before they made their way back to the building, because they still had to go look at the restaurant they were going to hold the wedding dinner in.

The four of them rode this cart from the building over to this large building that was lit up, and two rows of people stood outside the door.

"President Gu, Mrs. Gu," they all bowed down when the cart arrived.

The four of them entered the building and He Xinyan noticed that it was designed like a hotel, except that no one would be staying inside it.

They walked to the left of the first floor, where the huge ballroom was located.

When they walked in, He Xinyan saw that all of the tables and chairs were set up already, and the utensils and other decorations would be set up by the workers a day before the actual wedding.

There were several tables but in the center, there were no tables set up.

"Is this where the dance will be?" He Xinyan asked, receiving a nod from Gu Yechen.

They stayed in the restaurant for a while as well, and even stayed for lunch to try out the menu that would be served during the wedding.

"This is so good!" He Xinyan exclaimed even though she had tried it before already. The chefs were the best in the world, and there were 5 different main chefs that would be cooking all the courses of the meal.

"We should charge our guests," He Xinyan said jokingly. It would be very very expensive to eat a meal cooked by these chefs!

After a long day hanging around on the island, they returned to the mainland.

He Xinyan was very tired although they didn\'t even do much, and she was sleepy as she ate dinner with Gu Yechen and their parents.

Then, Xu Mengya and Gu Hanyu returned home, and the two of them went upstairs, getting ready to go to sleep.

However, when they entered the room, He Xinyan stopped.

Gu Yechen turned around, "Let\'s go get ready for bed."

"Not yet." He Xinyan stepped forward and looked up, wrapping her arms around Gu Yechen\'s neck. He thought she was going to kiss him, and he was ready to return it.

However, his guess was wrong.

He Xinyan smiled and said, "Let\'s go get registered and get our marriage license!"

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