
Chapter 275 Fallen out of love

Chapter 275 Fallen out of love

"Mom." Lei Zhao greeted his mother the moment he entered her office. His mother seemed to have lost weight these past few days. Even though she had make-up on it couldn\'t hide the tiredness in her eyes.

Lei Xiao Tong looked up from the folder she was holding and saw Lei Zhao.

"Lei Zhao!" She said excitedly as she stood up form her chair and embraced her son in a bone crushing hug.

She inhaled his scent as she pressed a kiss on her forehead. Ever since she nearly lost her son. She has become extremely protective of him and not seeing him for a few days had her heart in ripples.

"Mom." Lei Zhao smiled and pouted.

"I\'m not a kid anymore mom."

Lei Xiao Tong smack him on his head, "What do you mean you are not a kid anymore. You will always be a kid in my eyes."

Lei Zhao rubbed his head and sat down in the chair in front of Lei Xiao Tong desk. The mother and son duo stared at each other for a while until Lei Zhao broke the silence.

"How are you mom?"

Lei Xiao Tong sighed and nodded.

"Good. You? How is Yan Mei?"

Thinking about his wife a warm smile made its way across Lei Zhao face.

"She is good. Hopefully we solve everything quickly and focuses on having a family. I cannot wait for her to carry my children."

Lei Xiao Tong smiled, "Glad you\'re happy Lei Zhao. I thought I will never see you smile again after your brother died."

Dead silence fell between after Lei Xiao Tong words. Even though it\'s been more than a year since he dead. His brother was still a sour subject for him.

Clearing his throatt, he nodded, "Yeah, me too. I really wish he was here to meet Yan Mei. He would have loved her."

Lei Xiao Tong grabbed Lei Zhao\'s hands and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I\'m sure your brother is happy for you wherever he is."

"Yeah. So, what did you find during your investigation?" Lei Zhao asked his mother as he changed the subject. He really didn\'t want to talk about his brother right now.

Lei Xiao Tong stood up and went to the safe in her office after entering the code the safe opened and removed a pen drive from it.

"Okay so according to my investigations five years ago, Feng Mei now called Yan Mei was married to Wang Lu. It was quite a sensation in City M since Wang Lu was one of the most sort after bachelors in the city. Coming from a middle-class family with no name, Feng Mei was bullied by the media calling her all sort of names."

Lei Zhao frowned as he listened to his mother. "Well, it seems Wang Lu\'s mother didn\'t like Yan Mei. According to a maid who was working for them at that time, she would bully Feng Mei anytime that her son was not around."

Lei Xiao Tong couldn\'t explain her anger when she heard this. She really hopes she never meets this woman or she would make her regret ever hurting her precious daughter-in-law.

"Now I understand why XiaoMei was scared of me at first. She once had a disgusting mother-in-law."

Lei Zhao nodded, "I know. She had told me of her experience with her ex-husband and their marriage. I want to know how that video came about. Who are the people in the video?"

Lei Zhao eyes met his mothers and they were swirling with so much emotions. He couldn\'t help but panic.

"She is not the person in the video right mom?" Lei Zhao questioned as his palms suddenly felt clammy.

"No, of course it isn\'t her."

Lei Zhao let go of the air he didn\'t even know he was holding.

"Who is it mom?\'

Lei Xiao Tong stared at her son for a second.

"What will you do if you find out that the people you trusted most are responsible for your biggest pain?"

Lei Zhao scrunched his face in confusion at his mother\'s words.

"What do you mean, mom?"

"I don\'t know how you\'re going to tell your wife the truth but here. Everything you want to know is here."

Lei Zhao looked at the pen drive his mother has given and couldn\'t help but have a bad feeling in his chest.

"I know XiaoMei is a strong but she really doesn\'t deserve this. After knowing about her past, I\'m happy that she meets you son. Remember you got to treat that woman good. She deserves it for all those pain life had thrown at her. Pamper her and treat her like a queen or I\'m coming for you."

Lei Zhao smiled at his mother words.

"Mom, I\'m your son. You should be on my side always." Lei Zhao bemoaned as a teasing gleam passed through his eyes.

"Yes you\'re. But the moment you brought that girl home she became part of the family and I\'m not allowing anyone bully a family member. Not even my son."

Lei Zhao broke into a big smile at his mother\'s words. He knew if there was anyone, he can trust his wife with it was his mother.

"Mom?" Lei Zhao called out his mother softly

"What if one day I wake up and I have fallen out of love with her? What should I do?"

Lei Xiao Tong probed her chin in her palm and looked at the ring on her hand.

"Then you have to ask yourself why you fell in love with her in the first place. Find all those little things that made you fell in love with her in the first place. "

Lei Zhao nodded and stood up.

"Thank you, mom." He said as he planted a kiss on Lei Xiao Tong cheeks.

"I will leave you to work. I\'m sure the investigations had taken much of your time."

"Alright. Remember whatever you find on that drive, know how to you will go about telling XiaoMei the truth."

Lei Zhao nodded and left Lei Xiao Tong office.

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