
Chapter 331 Madly in love

Chapter 331 Madly in love

"I made her upset. I went behind her back to do something, heard bad news, didn't tell her about the bad news, and just let her find out on her own. She found out I did that and won't talk to me," Liam explained, giving her a short rundown of what had unfolded. He figured she could still help him, even if she didn't know the full story.

Dong Yishan hummed as she listened to him, tapping her chin thoughtfully as she peered at him.

"Well, you definitely messed up. She's never just stormed off like that before," she told him as she leaned forward.

Liam sighed and nodded, shame dawning on him once again.

"Yeah, I know that. I miss her so much," he muttered as he scratched at the back of his neck. When the waitress dropped off his drink, he thanked her before downing half of it, wanting it to take the edge off a little. He had been stewing in his own shame and guilt for far too long now. He needed to do something about it.

"You really care about her, don't you?" Dong Yishan asked him as she twirled her straw around in her drink.

Liam was surprised at the switch in her tone. She actually sounded serious and not like her usual playful self. He supposed that it hadn't been that big of a secret that he liked Ying Sheng . He followed her around like a lost puppy, and he lit up whenever she entered the room he was in. However, he might've messed that all up.

"I do. I just want her to be happy, and I messed that up. I messed up her birthday… everything. What should I do?" Liam sighed, feeling lost. He didn't know how to find his way back to how things used to be between them. He had no idea how he had gotten so lost and out of the way from where he was supposed to be.

Ying Sheng took a deep sip of her drink before looking back up at him.

"She's stubborn. She's probably hiding and licking her wounds, but it's about time for her to come out. You have to put yourself out there. No shy Liam , who's afraid to get down and dirty. You need to make her hear you," Dong Yishan replied as she pushed her finger against the surface of the table aggressively.

Liam shied away a little from her suggestion, not knowing if that was a good idea or not. He knew that Ying Sheng just needed some time, but he didn't know how much time she needed. Maybe she wasn't ready yet, and he didn't want to approach her if she wasn't ready. That would just make her not like him even more.

"I don't know… that sounds a little aggressive, don't you think?" Liam asked her, wondering if she knew how bold that sounded. He didn't think that a heavy fist would help someone who was emotionally vulnerable like Ying Sheng

"I know it is, but have your shy attempts worked yet? She needs a push, Liam. You have to draw her out and keep her attention," Dong Yishan told him firmly.

The more that Liam listened to her, the more that he realized that she could actually be right. What he had been doing lately hadn't produced any results, so he needed to try one more time, but it had to be big and bold. He had to make her listen to him.

"I'm just nervous and clueless," Liam chuckled weakly as he shrugged. He knew what he needed to do, but he didn't know how to actually do it.

"Well, her birthday sucked. Recreate it to be better," Dong Yishan suggested before sitting back in her seat and finishing off the rest of her drink.

Liam pondered on that, building a plan in his head. He had wanted her birthday celebration to be a great one, and it had ended up failing horribly. Maybe he could try again, but things would go right this time. It wouldn't involve her parents, but she didn't need them. She needed someone who cared for her and to show her that she was worth the world.

"You think she'd actually like that? I figured she would even hate the thought of her birthday after everything that happened," Liam sighed. He couldn't blame Ying Sheng if she felt that way either. It was an awful day, and he doubted that she would forget it anytime soon.

"That's what you have to fix. Make her like the idea of it again. Erase whatever pain you can," Dong Yishan replied with a shrug.

"Thanks,Dong Yishan . You've really helped me out," Liam thanked her profusely. He didn't know what he would've done without her. He was grateful that she had taken him seriously too. He had expected her to play around and make fun of him, but she had shown him another side of her. Now, he had an idea, and that was all that he needed to start with. The rest would fall into place.

"Of course. I love you guys, and I know that you're good for her," Dong Yishan told him with a small smile.

"I try to be. I want to be because she deserves the best," Liam replied, hoping that he could be that for her. He didn't want to break her heart like Han Zhao. He didn't want to let her down like her parents. He wanted to be different from all of them. He wanted to be good.

"Make it right," Dong Yishan told him with a firm look.

Liam nodded, promising her that he would try. He owed it to himself and to Ying Sheng to try again because things could go back to being great for them. They could help each other pass this darkness and get to where they needed to be. He just had to show her that she could succeed without her parents' approval.

Steadily, his plan started to grow and expand. His thoughts became clearer, and he suddenly knew what he wanted to do for her. Since she was out of the apartment for awhile, he wanted to do it today and get started now. However, he would have to be fast because he had to gather a lot of things and then set the apartment up.

"I gotta run. I have to pull off something almost impossible," Liam told Dong Yishan before downing the rest of his drink. He slapped a bill on the table before standing up.

"That's the spirit. Get my girl!" Dong Yishan cheered him on as she lifted her empty glass to him.

Liam chuckled and nodded before heading out of the bar. He got into his car and immediately took off into the heart of town, knowing that he had a lot of stops to make. He couldn't believe that he was doing this, but he was in love.

That was the only reason that he could think of to make him do such crazy things, but he didn't regret a single thing that he did for Ying Sheng,whether it was something small and subtle or grand and crazy. She was worth each and every little thing, and he was determined to prove that to her one way or another.

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