
Chapter 346 A friend’s concern

Chapter 346 A friend\'s concern

Yan Mei turned from the view to look at her best friend perched elegantly on the sofa and watching her with an exasperated gaze. They had been discussing her house guest, Yue Yan.

Su Bei had been very vocal about her disapproval but Yan Mei wasn\'t budging an inch, at some point, it had become very personal for her to be the one to help Yan Yue, for reasons she wouldn\'t even admit to herself out loud.

They had planned to go out for lunch but talk of Yue Yan had created a tense atmosphere that fairly puzzled her, of course, she herself had taken time to warm up to the girl but this was something else.

Su Bei was outrightly refusing to believe that she had done that, she had gone as far as telling her that she was being foolish but Yan Mei knew the words were coming from a place of love. She just wished she could convey how important it was for her to be the one to house Yue Yan for now, yes those unsayable reasons that had little to do with Lei Zhao .

Su Bei sighed, a gusty exhale that conveyed her exasperation clearly, from her stance in front of the window, lay on couldn\'t help the prod of guilt in her belly. "I wish you wouldn\'t be so stubborn about this, I know your heart is in the right place but a million and one things can go wrong." Su Bei offered diplomatically, they both knew what she was worried about.

"I think you worry too much" Su Bei offered but from the look on her friend\'s face, it was obvious the girl thought she was the one who wasn\'t worried enough.

She said so summarily with a soft scoff "You don\'t worry enough"

"There is nothing to worry about" and there wasn\'t, everything was under control

Su Bei sighed again, an action accompanied by an indulgent sigh at her naive friend "You\'re just lucky that Lei Zhao loved you to the point of distraction, that\'s why you are so blase about this"

Yan Mei was not naive, life had dealt her a few choice blows for her to still be, in fact, her naivete had been stripped at an early age, intelligence was not much for fooling itself. She was well versed with the varieties of human nature but some things could not be disputed.

Not the love between her and her husband, even now the thought of it brought a small smile to her face, a smile that irked Su Bei no doubt. "Lei Zhao isn\'t even the issue here, he\'s never going to be"

"Lucky you" the words were delivered with a touch of acid and a hint of envy.

"Neither is the girl," Yan Mei continued easily but Su Bei was having none of that.

She growled a soft exclamation that expressed her disgust at those words. In her eyes shone disbelief that people especially Yan Mei could even bring herself to believe that. "I\'m tired of explaining things to people who don\'t listen."

Yan Mei persisted "she\'s just a girl who has lost 3 years of her life, you should have seen her the day they came back from the hospital"

"They?" Su Bei baited with an arched eyebrow.

Yan Mei waved her words away as inconsequential. "You know what I mean, she was so weak and trying to be so strong and brave about her life and situation"

But Su was a self confirmed cynic who scoffed at the pictures she was trying to paint as she admitted her gem-littered nails. "I\'m sure that appeals massively to you but that\'s his ex-girlfriend for crying out loud."

"Three years ago, the relationship is long over." Yan Mei tried another tack.

The logic was wasted on Su Bei who just eyed her before challenging, "Says whom?"

"Both of them" Yan Mei offered smugly.

"At least you had enough self-preservation instincts to ask" Su Bei countered, her eyes fixed on her nails

"I didn\'t ask, they volunteered," Yan Mei suddenly found herself on the defensive, wondering how she got there.

"What am I going to do with you?" Su Bei wasn\'t exactly talking to her now, the question was directed at the ceiling and presumably the entire universe except her.

"You should have seen it, the pale girl waiting in my living room to explain how she\'s not a threat at all. Su Bei, she thought I was going to throw her out the very moment she got better." She was emphatic with her explanation only because the incident had shaken her in a way and resonated so strongly with her

"Well that\'s different" was the wry but largely unconvinced reply

"I thought so too, what\'s she going to do? Turn my housekeeper against me?" Yan Mei challenged with a small chuckle

Su Bei who knew how attached Mrs. Williams was to her friend laughed out loud at that. "Impossible!"Ever since Lei Zhao brought her home to take care of his wife since he was busy and Yan Mei couldn\'t cook. The old woman totally treated Yan Mei as her own daughter.

"You see? It might just be unorthodox but she needs it and I can support Lei Zhao through this" Yan Mei crowed triumphantly, her point finally made

Her friend was not so easily convinced, Su Bei frowned, wrinkling her forehead before asking, "what if.."

Yan Mei never allowed her to finish, that line of questioning opened up thoughts that got progressively worse by the minute, she knew this from a very recent and bitter experience. "Don\'t"

Su Bei was not so easily dissuaded "What if it was your ex was the one who...." She asked before trailing off, her eyes dancing around the room refusing to even look at her

"Lei Zhao did something that night, he offered to do the same for me, it\'s..." Yan Mei finally replied, her voice filled with just a bit of awe

"Wow, you guys amaze me" Su Bei looked at her with awe and not a little shock in her room expression. She knew the whole story of what had happened in the past and she was obviously staggered.

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