
Chapter 350 A mother’s concern (2)

Chapter 350 A mother\'s concern (2)

"You should have gently convinced her that it was not the best plan." His mother retorted as she picked up her tea again and gulped the entire contents and dropping it back neatly on the tray.

Over her head, he caught his father\'s eye and the older man shook his head subtly, Lei Zhao felt a bit chastised.

"Have you seen Yan Mei?" He argued, "there is no convincing her otherwise."

"I still think you\'re burdening my daughter-in-law with too much, you should not have taken advantage of her kind-heartedness. You know she can\'t help it" his mother continued with a touch of asperity, one hand clasped in her husband and the other gesturing vaguely in the air

"Mother" he started but his father cut in

"Listen to your mother, son. Having a house-guest especially one with so much history between the both of you cannot be easy for her" his words were not as light as they sounded

Between the two of them, Lei Zhao was feeling steamrolled. "But they are actually getting along" he added as a last-ditch effort to save himself

His mother scoffed with an expression on her face that said men were especially clueless, oddly enough his father seconded it.

"You know I would never..." He tried to explain

"We know son, the situation is so indelicate as to be completely tactless." His father cut in again

"I can\'t send her to a care house now." He stated

"That would be utterly tasteless of you." His mother seconded

"I see"

"Next time just focus on pleasing your wife, even if it means saving her from herself. I daresay Yan Mei would not kick the devil out of her house if he came begging" his father advised, earning him a fond look from his wife.

"No, she won\'t" he grudgingly agreed. Lei Zhao knew his parents loved Yan Mei and they saw her as their own daughter. To them, she was this weak and helpless woman who has suffered a lot.

"See? It\'s your job to protect her." His mother exclaimed triumphantly

"I\'ll do better" he promised

His father, noting his demeanor said, "don\'t worry son, it\'s an honest mistake." Lei Zhao nodded barely mollified.

His mother caught his hand across the table. It was a stretch but she made, drawing a smile out of him as she asked, "now tell me all about my darling daughter-in-law, I\'ve been meaning to go see her at the office."

"Woman you have enough pieces of jewelry" his father cut in with a soft reprimand aimed at his wife drew a chuckle out of him

"I\'m going to see my daughter-in-law not browse pieces of jewelry" his mother protested but there was no missing the mischievous look in her eyes or the fond look her husband gave her as he replied

"No one said you can\'t do both."

"Hmmmph" she scoffed imperiously at her husband before turning to home with a glint in her eyes. Lei Zhao groaned an action that drove chuckles from his father who knew what was coming next. His mother remained undaunted as she looked at him and asked "when am I getting grandchildren? I\'m getting old"

"Mother," he tried to evade "you will never grow old"

Her eyes shone with the compliment but she didn\'t say a word only raise her eyebrows expressively and waited. Lei Zhao swore under his breath, careful to mumble the words, something about standing in front of his parents turned him into a clumsy teenager telling a hard truth.

"Soon" he blurted finally bit she remained unconvinced, in the background he heard his father laughing uproariously. Despite the fact that he was feeling fidgety he couldn\'t help the wave of love that enveloped him, a thick blanket that felt like home.


Yan Mei was on the floor inspecting a tray of shipments when she heard her coming. Yue Yan was too much of a beauty to pass through a crowd unseen, not with that vibrant energy and real joy in her expression.

Yan Mei wondered why she wasn\'t at work then concluded it must be her day off and calmly returned to shoveling the diamonds into carefully weighed packets.

This was not something she had to do, but she loved getting her hands on once in a while, for a reason, she had been uneasy and twitchy up in her office. An hour of performing the most basic and almost mindless tasks had her relaxing. She was still shaky though, a state of mind that she was quickly reconciling herself to.

Yan Mei quickly sealed off the last of the packets, put them into an even larger envelope which she labeled appropriately, and stashed them away before she picked her suit jacket and headed straight for the force of nature that was Yue Yan.

"Sis!" the loud cheerful voice called the moment she cleared the room.

Yan Mei looked up to find a smiling Yue Yan among a small circle of admirers, some of whom were clients, a few were her own bold employees. She pursed her lips at that, wondering how to disperse the little gathering.

"Day off?" She questioned, raising her voice above the hub.

"Yes, Lei Zhao insists on half days, for the time being, tomorrow I graduate to a full day worker" Yue Yan supplied the information with a mocking lilt that told her what she thought of the idea.

Yan Mei wished her good luck with taking Lei Zhao\'s overprotective tendencies, almost two years of marriage had made him even more so, not less and she had finally made her peace with it.

It had a lot of merits though, like when he would call randomly in the middle of the day because he wanted to know she was doing alright even though he knew she was, no doubt from his spies in her office.

Or how he would come to her office some days, especially a hectic day with a lunch basket, forcing her to take a break and relax because in his own words \'you forget how the world works when you allow yourself to get caught up in work. You\'ll just disappear and where would that leave me?\'

It helped that he softened his scolds with kisses then plied her with food that tasted like heaven before he seductively promised her more if she got home on time.

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