
Chapter 373 Wu Corporation

Chapter 373 Wu Corporation

As she watched her best friend and her little brother eat together, her heart warmed some more, the smile never leaving her face. She was thankful for a lot of things, and they included the two most important people in her life seated right here with her to celebrate a new step in her career life.

After school, Chynna had tried to influence a job for her friend but Amy would not hear of it. She wanted to earn whatever position she got. She was pretty confident in her qualifications but for some reason, things never really panned out like she wanted. But she never gave in. She took a small paying job serving coffee at a popular café in the downtown business district. But it had been too demanding and her boss was mean.

Eventually, Chynna had given up on waiting for her to agree to help. She took matters into her hands and phoned an old friend, Edward Wu. He was heading the billion-dollar empire that was the Wu Corporation.

She had gotten word that his old Personal Assistant was finally retiring. It was a great opportunity and so she quickly pitched Amy in. It was a huge role to fill and Edward would have liked someone with more experience and age but Chynna had her ways. By the end of the phone call, she had basically secured the position for her friend, drawing on her shared history with the businessman.

When she broke the news to Amy, the latter was a little unenthused, but seeing as beggars cannot be choosers, she eventually agreed to take the role, thanking Chynna profusely. With the hope of a new job, she called her old job and quit outrightly, without even so much as dignifying the mean man with her presence.

He was still swearing at her in rapid successions when she hung up on him. She and Chynna laughed heartily, enacting hilarious mimicries of how they guessed he would look at that moment, nearly bursting into flames from anger.

"So, have you decided what you\'re going to wear today, droopy face?" Chynna asked teasingly, stuffing another piece of pancake into her mouth and chewing.

"Not really. I\'ll just find something after I shower," Amy shrugged in reply, not really caring about her appearance. Her mind had wandered far off and clothes were the last thing on her thoughts. She was nervous enough, as it were, for her first day of work, and she could not be bothered about getting into a frenzy over what she had to wear.

"What do you mean? You are literally making a first impression today! Whatever you wear, that\'s what is going to set the tone for you, forever." Chynna\'s perfect round eyes were wide open, her face tense as if she was telling a horror story to a bunch of children at a campfire. And maybe she was, in a way. As a model herself, any outfit short of perfection was horrifying to imagine, much less experience.

"Chynna, it really is not that big a deal, trust me," Amy said.

"Oh, it is a big deal. Go into the bathroom and get clean, I\'ll pick something out for you. Wash your hair too. Such beautiful hair deserves the best care it can get, okay?"

"Chynna, you\'re being unreasonable," Amy tried to argue, but the brunette only pulled her up and shoved her towards the bathroom and then slammed the door in her face. "If only I had your hair, you silly girl," she added on her way back to where Gu Zhou was still seated, observing the ruckus, unable to grasp why clothes and hair should cause that much drama. "Don\'t bother. You\'ll never get it. After all, you\'re just a little boy," Chynna said, reading his expression accurately.

"Stop it! I\'m not a little boy!" he protested a little too energetically, perhaps because a part of him realized that at just twelve years old, he still had a long way to go before he was even close to being a man.

Gu Zhuo\'s school bus arrived a few minutes after, and Chynna walked him to the door, pushing some money into his hands for lunch and wishing him a good day at school. She was an only child, so she loved Gu Zhou like he was her own brother, taking care of him in every way that she knew how to.

She roughed up his hair on his way out and he slapped her hands away. She just laughed at the minor embarrassment she must have caused him in front of his friends who were already on the bus and watching the whole show.

Once his bus had gone out of sight, she busied herself with clearing out Amy\'s room and finding her something nice to wear.


"You\'re kidding right?" Amy asked, surprised. She had just gotten out of the shower and beads of water still clung to her skin in places her towel had not reached. Her red hair hung together in clumps falling down to her shoulder.

"What do you mean? I picked out the cutest outfit for you," genuinely taken aback as to why Amy was already complaining.

"Chynna, I haven\'t worn this skirt since 11th grade, and this top is my grandmother\'s. Didn\'t you say it was hideous the last time I put it on?" Amy protested, moving over to her dressing table. She picked the handheld blow dryer. She powered it on and held it to her hair. The wet strands started to lose the moisture in faint puffs of steam.

"Amy, Amy, Amy, have you learned nothing after being best friends with a fashion model? The skirt is small, and the top is a bit loose. You\'re tucking it in, remember? You\'ll look splendid. Now sit down and let me fix your hair."

It took no time for Chynna to finish drying and then style Amy\'s hair into a complicated looking low bun, pulling some strands out at the front to frame her face. Her makeup was also done minimally, a soft shade of red lipstick added to her lips so that they looked full.

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