
Chapter 375 Edward Wu

Chapter 375 Edward Wu

"My name is Amy. Amy Lee," she added nervously. She would hate to start off with the poorest impression. "I am supposed to be starting a new job here today." She said the sentence like a question, almost as if she were unsure about the veracity of her claim.

Watching as the woman stared at her like she were a chimp newly escaped from the circus, she wrung her hands and added, "I was wondering if you show me to the CEO\'s office? I am his new Personal Assistant," she added as if on afterthought.

"You are 2 minutes late, young lady!" the older woman scolded, wagging a finger but the kind look remaining on her face.

"I am so sorry, please forgive me." Amy begged, her head remaining bowed as her face burned in embarrassment. She had no idea who this lady was, but if she was scolding her this much, it meant that she held some sort of importance in the company, and a bad reputation was the last thing she needed on her first day of work.

"Well, since it was only 2 minutes, it is forgivable. But you know what would have been best? Not being late at all. But, it\'s okay. Happens to the very best of us," the lady said. There was no malice in her voice, only genuine concern.

Come, I will show you around the office, so you can settle in before the young boss arrives." Amy felt relieved just listening to the woman talk. She was internally glad that her new boss had not arrived before her.

That certainly would have made things a lot worse even though this kind old lady wanted her to think that it was not such a big deal.

"My name is Mei Mei Chung, and I have worked for the Wu family since I was very young. They have been good to me, especially old Wu and his charming wife, god bless them wherever they may be," she said, pausing to look upwards, a sad look flitting across her face.

"I am sure the young boss will be good to you as well, if you remain diligent and hardworking," The older woman told her as they rode the elevator upwards.

"I wonder how many floors there are," Amy murmured to herself, smoothing the flyaway hairs on her head so she did not look crazy.

"A little over 20, I too am unsure. But we are only allowed on the last 10. The other top floors are completely sealed off. No one is allowed there. Sometimes I wonder why, but I am far too old to engage in any pointless discoveries. Whatever is up there, I doubt that I want to see it even," Mei Mei Chung said.

\'Great,\' Amy thought. \'The CEO of this place is young, and seems to have some kind of secret. I just might enjoy working here.\'

"On this floor, the 5th floor, is the kitchen. Edward loves his morning coffee, can\'t function without it. If he doesn\'t get it, he goes crazy." Mei Mei Chung joked, chuckling to herself.

The kitchen was larger than Amy\'s entire apartment and every surface was covered in stainless steel, making the place resemble a steel wonderland. All so shiny and robotic.


"Edward Wu, the man you will be working for. He is the third generation of Wus to own this company. Are you sure you are in the right place? How do you not know even this?" Mei Mei Chung was genuinely taken aback, and she stopped to turn and look at Amy.

Amy was at a loss for words. She was shy but this felt like something else entirely. It was all she could do not to turn around and make a beeline for home. Mei Mei Chung shook her head and started to walk again.

They had gotten off the elevator on the fifth floor so she could show Amy the kitchen. She was walking along the lobby now towards another elevator exit that would take them to the 10th floor, where Edward\'s office covered nearly half the entire floor.

"I can see you have got a bad case of the nerves. I would advise that you relax and take things easy. I understand that being in this building alone can be very intimidating for most people, but don\'t think too much of it. Edward is a nice boy. I literally watched him grow into a handsome young man.

He seems like a hard nut at first, but once you get to know him, he\'s the nicest boss anyone could wish for." The grey-haired woman recalled fondly, a distant smile on her face. "He likes his coffee rather sweet. Half and half of cream, milk, and sugar.

He will always ask for extra sugar, so take him a plate with 3 cubes of sugar. Two will go unused, but it\'s important they\'re on the plate."

Amy recorded the information in her brain, hoping that she would never forget anything that she had been told.

"Edward has special restaurants that he likes to eat lunch at. It is separate from the one he orders food from when he is with his friends. There\'s also a different one for when he has huge meetings. Are you following, sweetheart?"

Amy breathed deeply to steady herself and nodded, forcing a smile onto her face. It was a lot of information to digest, but she was sure she would get the hang of it in no time.

At the elevator, Mei Mei Chung paused and turned around. "You\'re a smart girl. I knew you\'d be perfect the moment you walked in. Now come on, we have some more floors to cover before you can finally meet Edward."

Amy\'s eyes went wide. "But… I thought you said he hadn\'t come in yet?"

Mei Mei Chung laughed loudly. "Great! I was just making sure you hadn\'t lost all the information I just gave you. In fact, I think you will be just fine from here on.

Get up to the tenth floor, make yourself some tea, and relax. You\'ll know when the boss comes in." With that, she turned and left the same way they had come up.

Amy took what felt like the hundredth deep breath of the morning, and as she stepped into the elevator, she sensed that her life was about to change drastically. Just how drastic, she could not have imagined.

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