
Chapter 399 - Lullaby Part 1

        Baby Bea kept on crying and Selina is getting worried. She looked at Fin with teary eyes. Stanley is checking the baby and he always had doctor's basic equipment just in case.

"It's just a fever for now. But to run more tests, we need to take her to the hospital. For now, we need to observe baby Bea, from her urine to pop. We need to cool down her temperate and it's a good thing that I always have medicine with him.


        He gave her the medicine for the infant to cool down the temperature.

"She needed to take it every four hours."

"Okay." She nodded. Steven faced Fin.

"I'll be going and ask mom to make something for Selina to help baby Bea for breastfeeding."

"Thank you." Fin smiled at him tightly.

        Fin watched Selina cuddle their baby and talk to her. Baby Bea stopped crying and she's talking back in a baby way and sounding like she's complaining. Selina is brokenhearted and it's because she's worried about their baby. Every mother would feel the same.

        After they gave the medicine, Selina fed her, and baby Bea looked up at her mom with puffy eyes. Fin reached Selina's cheek and wiped her tears.

"Stop crying, my love. Baby Bea will be fine." He kissed her forehead and he caressed baby Bea's head.


        Dmitri helped with cooking for Selina's soup so she could feed baby Bea with the nutrition that she needed. He increased the ingredients for other girls who are breastfeeding including his wife. Andy sat on the barstool in front of him and she drummed her fingers over the counter.

"I'll guess," Andy said. "I'm going to die in your mission?"

"Yes." He answered. Andy chuckled.

"Wow, this is fantastic."

"What's fantastic about it?" Dmitri asked. Andy only smiled like she knows something that he didn't. He put down the knife and tilt his head. "Tell me."

"Nope." She shook her head and winked. "Continue making the soup. Baby Bea might not be able to play with her cousins if you didn't make the soup."

        Then she went to the living room and take one of Freya's boys and hold it. Zachary finally sat beside her after helping on taking logs for the fireplace. Kale stood from the carpet and then he fell his butt back on the carpet. Ellen is filming everything.

"Come on, baby get up." Percy cheered him as Percy lifted the guitar and strum it. Kale stood again and take a few steps. Everyone is watching him and then he stopped and sat down, he crawled fast to Percy and everyone are laughing.

"His knees are strong," Percy said and place baby Kale over the pillow as he started playing the guitar. "Grow up fast, so we could make a band." He winked at him. Kale clapped his hands and then he cleared his throat and started singing. Kale becomes hyper and he stood and danced.

        Everyone is clapping their hands together with the song to cheer up baby Kale. Stanley crossed his arms and nodded as approval of how bright his baby was. He approached Luna and sat beside her, and he hugged her.

"Our baby is wonderful, thank you, my moon." He kissed her cheek.

"Why are you thanking me?" She asked with a smile.

"You give me our son. I am glad that we are together again. Let's make another?" He suddenly asked. She frowned at him.

"Kale needs to grow up first. Besides, I haven't had great sex for long."

"Why? I am not that good in bed?" He grinned at her.

"You know what I mean." She rolled her eyes.

"We can give our baby to Percy for a while."

"That's a good idea." She glanced at the clock. "I need to feed him first and hand him over to Percy."

        After the song, they clapped their hands since Kale is clapping. Then he crawled to his mother and pull the collar of her dress.

"I guess you are hungry," Stanley said. Luna took him to their room so she could feed him.

        Steven took another guitar and he sat beside Freya and in front of his babies. He started playing the guitar and Zachary took the guitar from Percy.

"We are going to sing something…" Steven said, and Percy positioned on the Grand Piano. "Suggestions?" He asked.

"You are my sunshine," Zachary said looking at his wife. Andy bit her lip and she faced him as she leaned on the pillows.

"Hit it, Percy!" Steven said.

        Percy started the introduction and Steven strum the guitar while Zachary is plucking.

"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you in my arms

But when I awoke dear, I was mistaken

So I hung my head and cried…" Andromeda sings softly.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away…" They sing along and Steven is singing back as he looked at Freya.

        Freya bent down and kissed his lips.

"You sing sexy." She murmured and he couldn't help but grin as he continued singing.

        Their lunch is settled, and everyone is happy for this long vacation. Then, they went back to the living room and Baby Bea is awake and she's slowly recovering. But still, they are monitoring her temperature.

        Fin took the guitar himself and to make his baby happy by singing the song a while ago.

"I'll always love you and make you happy

If you will only say the same

But if you leave me and love another

You'll regret it all someday

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away…"

        Baby Bea reached his daddy with her hand and Fin bent down and kissed her first.

        As Dmitri watched everyone, his heartaches because he knew someday that their family will hold a funeral for someone so important in the family. He turned back from them and he walked outside as exhaled as tear fall from his eyes. He wiped it away and he clenched his fist.

        No matter what. He will protect everyone from them.

"D," Agatha called as she stepped out the house to approach him. "Why are you here?" She asked. He turned to him and hugged him tightly. Agatha froze for a while and then she softly wrapped her arms around him to comfort him. "Everything will be alright."

"I need to protect everyone." He murmured. "Aggy, while I am doing that, can you please protect our baby?"

"I will protect our baby." She told and she pushed him a little and reached his face. "I will protect you in a way that I could."

"I lost my family once, now that this family accept me and brought my sister and cousin to me, I can't lose it again."

        Agatha smiled at him softly. 

 "You won't lose us. We will fight with you." She wiped his tears. "I love you, Dmitri. We love you. You are the best husband, father, brother, uncle… you are everything to us."

        Dmitri pulled her again into a tight hug. Agatha stroked his back to make him feel better.


        Ellen watched as it's Andel's turn to sing her favorite song. As Andel sing, Ellen couldn't help but feel aroused with his voice. She squeezed her legs and Andel noticed it and yet he continued singing. After he's done singing, Moira cheered him more.

"Who's going next?" Andel asked and spin the bottle and it was pointed to Selina.

        Zachary observed Ellen and Andel. Ellen left the living room and after five minutes, Andel left and told that he needed to plant a bomb in the bathroom. Everyone pushed him away. Andy is also observing her husband and she knows that he already guessed on what is happening.

        Ellen took the vibrator and started playing on it as she thought of Andel. The door unlocks and she stopped. Andel sneaked in and locked the door. He grinned at her and she uncovered herself.

"Are you horny, baby?" He asked and sat beside her. He watched her masturbate. He bent down and sucked her nipples. She moaned and he watched her masturbate with the dildo and clit sucker, steady inside her. Her back arcs as he increased the volume and she squirmed. She didn't get it to level five but Andel is vicious to put it on volume five.

        She screamed at him telling him that it's too much. Andel's eyes are dark and lustful as he massaged her breasts while she couldn't fold her legs anymore. She squirted again and he lowered the volume to 1 and she kept on coming until her bed is soaking wet.

        He turned it off and he pulled out the vibrator and he kissed her down there softly. Her face is flushed as she watched him licked her down there.

"Andel…" She said in a hoarse voice. "Please…"

"Okay." He removed his clothes. "Can you still take it? Baby girl?"

"Yes, please…" She pleaded.

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