
Chapter 49 - mud-roasted rabbit, delicacies in the forest

Chapter 49: Chapter 49, mud-roasted rabbit, delicacies in the forest

The next day, Ning Fei packed up his luggage, tidied up his mood, and continued on his journey.

The plan for the day lay in the morning, and it was even more so for the forest.

The morning fog had yet to dissipate, and the air was still somewhat damp and cold. Dew was condensing on the leaves, and a few crisp bird cries rang out. The entire forest experienced the baptism of the dark night, and it seemed as if it had come alive.

The small falcon was becoming more and more active.

The falcon-like eye, the top of the bird food chain, the natural king of the sky.

Just like some people who were born with a fortune, the small falcon was destined to be the ruler of all the birds in nature.

The falcon-like eye was one of the animals with the best eyesight in nature. It ate meat, and was a true bird of prey.

The type of the small falcon was a white falcon. Its scientific name was the spear falcon, and its entire body was snow-white. Its wings had white and black patterns, and its body length was 56-61 centimeters.

In other words, when the little falcon grew up, it was almost as long as one of Ning Fei’s arms...

But the Little Falcon was still young.

“Good morning, Abbey Dean.”

“The air in the mountain looks so good!”

“Well, as far as the eye can see, it’s all green. It’s very pleasing to the eye.”

“Has the Abbey Dean reached the foot of the mountain?”

“It’s still early!”

“A new day begins with watching my husband’s live broadcast!”

“Who’s fighting with me for my husband?”

The netizens kept pouring into the live broadcast room, greeting Ning Fei in a lively manner.

Ning Fei now had a large number of regular fans, and his popularity was very high. He had already broken into the top ten of Douniao’s live broadcast popularity.

Moreover, he was the only outdoor streamer among the top ten streamers.

For a newbie to have such popularity, the management of Douniao live broadcast treated him like a treasure. Xu Sheng, who had signed him, had called him many times to invite him for a meal, trying to build a good relationship with him.

Ning Fei was indifferent to these things.

On the other side, Ning Fei had set off from eight o’clock in the morning. It was already close to noon, and he had already walked very far.

At this moment, the small falcon suddenly let out a sharp cry.

It flew up high, then dived down, gliding down at high speed!

The habit of falcons to hunt: they liked to dive from high places.

Ning Fei saw the small Falcon’s appearance, and knew what it was going to do.


The small falcon’s movements were extremely fast. Its two claws were downward like hooks, heading straight for a bush.

Ning Fei hurriedly followed.

The netizens also saw this scene, and all of them stared at the live broadcast screen curiously.

From the looks of it, what did the Little Falcon Grab?

Ning Fei pushed aside the grass and immediately saw the little falcon on the ground.

Under the sharp claws of the little falcon, there was a gray hare.

The falcon-shaped prey was small mammals, such as hares and bamboo rats. Sometimes, they would also prey on other birds.

Ning Fei grabbed the ears of the rabbit and grabbed it.

It was a very fat rabbit. Because it was too fat, the little falcon could only grab it. It could not fly with the rabbit, so it froze on the ground.

The rabbit was much bigger than the little falcon, but from the looks of it, the little falcon had completely suppressed the rabbit. The aura of a king was unmistakable.

“Friends in the audience, look, the little falcon has caught a big rabbit.”

“This is its first time hunting.”

“Fortunately, it’s a hare from the mountains, so it’s not very vigilant. If it’s a hare from the prairie, there are many falcons circling in the sky every day. A hare this big can turn around and kick an adult Falcon to death.”

“There will be rabbit meat for lunch today.”

Ning Fei carried the hare and showed it to the audience in the live broadcast room. The Little Falcon flew on his shoulder and cried out proudly a few times.

Ning Fei was right. The hare in the mountains could run faster, but its attack power was not strong. Like the hare in the grassland, it had been chased by Eagles since it was young. To be able to grow so big, the strength of its hind legs was no joke.

“Little Falcon 6666!”

“It was so handsome just now. Little Falcon is too amazing!”

“This bird is really beautiful.”

“He can hunt at such a young age. Is He a natural king?”

At first, the netizens were still praising the little falcon’s prowess, but gradually, the style of the comment section changed:

“Abbey Dean, can you not eat rabbits? Rabbits are so cute.”

“Rabbits are so cute. How can they be so delicious!”

“Rabbits are so cute. Of course, I choose to heat them up!”

“Save your words for Shibochuan. It’s said that they have to destroy 300 million rabbits a year.”

“Cold-eating rabbits, fresh-fried rabbits, dry-fried rabbits, jumping rabbits, tender corn rabbits, toilet rabbits, water-dipped rabbits, fried rabbits, boiled rabbits... I’m getting hungry.”

“It’s decided. I’ll buy a hand-torn rabbit later.”

The more the netizens discussed, the more excited they became.

At this moment, Ning Fei also said, “There are few ingredients in the wild. The way to eat a rabbit is usually to roast the rabbit.”

“However, this rabbit is so fat. I have other ways.”

Then, Ning Fei controlled the drone to film the natural scenery in the mountains. He put down his luggage and took out a pot to boil water. Then, he went to the riverside to clean up the rabbit’s fur and internal organs.

After the rabbit was completely washed, Ning Fei let the drone fly back and continued the live broadcast.

Ning Fei first dug a hole in a small dirt slope, then took out a red-hot wood to roast the hole, blackening and hardening the surrounding area.

Then, Ning Fei took out a sealed seasoning jar from his luggage, took some seasoning and put it into the rabbit’s stomach.

After that, he found a few large warm tree leaves and washed them. After that, he used the leaves to completely wrap the rabbit and paste a layer of wet mud on the outside.

Finally, he placed the roasted rabbit into the hole and lit the fire.

“What kind of roasting method is this?”Many netizens could not help but ask curiously.

Ning Fei slowly explained:

“This is mud roasting. It’s different from open roasting. Mud roasting can restore the aroma of the ingredients themselves. It’s more flavorful.”

“Mud grilling is the art of Earth and fire. It’s a very traditional Chinese cooking method. This method is rarely seen in the outside world.”

After hearing Ning Fei’s explanation, the netizens were full of praise.

Many people had never seen mud grilling before.

Many ancient and traditional things in China were gradually disappearing. Although they would not die out, they would become increasingly rare.

The mud grilling took a long time, So Ning Fei started to wander around to see if there were any ingredients that could be used to make soup.

A new pot of water was being prepared to boil.

“There are a lot of wild fungi in the mountains. Most of them grow under low shrubs or are pressed under leaves. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t be able to find them sometimes.”

Ning fei held the scented incense tree and explored the mountains. He explained while picking mushrooms.

“Everyone, look. This is a pine mushroom. It’s very delicious.”

“This is a stunningly beautiful mushroom. After eating it, your limbs will go numb and you’ll have hallucinations. It’s said that you can see beautiful women, but you can’t eat it.”

“Hey, there are also ground vegetables here. It’s just right for Soup.”

“It’s a fruity fruit with a astringent taste. It’s a very common wild fruit.”

“Wild black fungus. Black fungus is a good thing. It’s smooth and delicious.”

“Morels. It’s a good thing. This is one of the king of fungi. It’s a great tonic. You can buy it at about 1,000 yuan per catty on the market.”


Ning Fei strolled around the surrounding mountains and forests, his hands full of all kinds of wild fungi.

Listening To Ning Fei’s explanation, the netizens were all speechless.

Why did this streamer feel like he knew everything.

Moreover, the fungi in his hands were not cheap, they were all top-grade good stuff!

“Abbey Dean Ning, I have a friend who wants to ask where the stunningly beautiful mushrooms are sold?”

“What a coincidence. I have such a friend too.”

“Hahaha, is the friend you are talking about yourself?”

“I don’t mean anything by it. I just want to experience the feeling of numbness in my limbs!”

Many people still complained happily.

Then, they boiled the water and added seasonings. After stirring it with a wooden stick that had been peeled off the bark of the tree, a pot of fresh and thick wild vegetable soup was prepared.

After that, it was almost time. He took out the mud to roast the wild rabbit. He knocked off the dried yellow mud on the outer layer and peeled off the leaves of the warm tree. A crispy and tender-looking roasted rabbit appeared in the eyes of the audience.

“Damn, why did I order it in?”

“It looks so delicious!”

“Oh my God, I can’t Stand It!”

The netizens swallowed their saliva and said sourly.

Then, Ning Fei tore off a rabbit leg and threw it to the little falcon. The Man and the bird began to feast on it in the forest.

The taste was also very enjoyable.

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