
Chapter 82 - Massacre III

"NOOOOOOOO! MY MEAL!" I sobbed while kneeling on the ground

\'That bastard! He just has to go ahead and commit suicide didn\'t he! Now I can\'t gain any of the soul energy nor will I be able to see the despair on his face before he dies! You know what! I\'ll just have to find the other four, maybe I\'m missing a single meal, but there are plenty of fish in the sea! I just hope the others don\'t commit suicide like the first one.\'

Immediately, I expanded my senses and looked around for my next meal before seeing the closest going towards my brothers. Without thinking twice, I had dashed towards their location to intercept the person before he gets to them first.

I quickly moved my hands behind my back before releasing a compressed blue flame mixed with compressed air which caused a rapid instantaneous combustion that propelled me above the roof of the forest, while also allowing me to see my destination a hell of a lot clearer.

Being a lot further away from the solo moving towards my brothers, I decided to use a few more compressed bombs of flames to propel the closer to them.

\'I would have had my meal if I used analysis\' I mourned


A sensory assassin moved at break neck speeds towards the closes humans he felt. While there was another one that seemed human, after feeling the fight that she had with Ryan, the sensory assassin could only wipe a tear and promise himself to kill that monster if she hadn\'t died to the explosion, which was extremely unlikely.

\'First I\'ll kill the demons that live in this crappy village, and then I\'ll find the family of the one who had killed Ryan\' the man thought with pure rage contorting his face into that of something from a horror movie behind his mask.

Finally getting within a 1000 meter radius of the people he was tracking, he finally could \'see\' what they looked like and who they were

\'Nobles? Those bastard! Not only did they not do anything when my entire family was slaughtered for the villages entertainment, but now they dare take action against us! They are just watching!? Do they think this is some kind of play! A game for them to watch and laugh at! I\'ll kill every single one of them! EVERY SING:LE ONE OF THEM! No matter if they are children or elderly, they are all to blame!\' The man thought while accelerating towards the 3 to the point he broke the sound barrier.

finally reaching 100 meters away from the three, he became a flicker before appearing right above Zackro while slashing down with his dagger towards the dirty blonde hair boy. While the boy panicked a little, the other identical twin quickly shot a few ice \'bullets\' towards the man who was now forced to block the attack.

\'F*ck! They now how to use magic... Well that is at least expected at their age! If they couldn\'t do that much, why would nobles be nobles? They have a head start in life, but through hard work I was able to close that gap between the two of us.\' The man grinned

"I might have been a commoner, an I might not have a strong affinity to an element like you pampered children might do, but I have a hell of a lot more experience than anyone here" The hooded man roared behind his mask, which made his voice a lot deeper than it actually was.

Before he landed, he had realized the ground was emitting a bit of mana which caused him to use his wind affinity to locate what the problem was, but there was nothing. At least, he thought there was nothing until he landed on the floor and immediately slipped.

\'Ice?!\' He thought panickily. If he were to slip, it would cause a him to be completely open which might as well be the end for him.

\'Air walk\' he thought, which simultaneously created an air platform beneath his feet and stopped his slip. However, just when he had thought he was safe, a water projectile shot towards his head, forcing him to dodge. A second later, an ice lance poked his back, giving him less than a second to flip over the lance and land on the air once again.

\'I have to mov-\' his thought was completely cut of by another another water projectile being shot at him, while one that for mysterious reasons he couldn\'t sense, attacked itself to his feet and froze it.

\'F*ck\' He thought while looking towards the young man who was now doing something that looked like a dance, but however was one of the most efficient and battle friendly way of using water magic.

With a thrust of his fists, multiple water projectiles sliced the air and moved towards the body of the masked man.

Due to the masked man having no time to react and having his foot iced, he could not react in time with any of his spells as they would need hand signs or at least a chant. Using his final efforts to throw a gale of wind towards the kid, he watched as the kid\'s movements flowed like water as he dodged the attack, and with the same momentum, twisted his feet and punched towards the man causing a wave of water to moved toward the man.

However, this time the man was ready. He had completed all the hand signs and small chant to create a small ball of air within both his palms. This ball of air however, was extremely concentrated, to the point where it would blow everything within a 100 meter radius to bits, except of the caster.

As the water made contact with the assassin\'s body, the water turned into ice, imprisoning most of the assassin\'s body within, while on the other side, unknown to the assassin, there was an identical boy right behind him, summoning as much mana and elemental energies from the world to create a large \'Splash flow\'. A large vortex of water creating a concentrated orb of water in the middle created by the moisture in the air and the water in the plants.

\'Oh f*ck\' The man thought while getting ready to release his final attack. Watching the water vortex stop spinning, but instead, the water orb itself start spinning into a smaller orb made the assassin\'s mind go into a state of despair.

\'He can do that, at that age??? I can\'t let him live! He must die!\'

When the orb finally finished getting smaller, another wave of water hit the man, confining his further, but this time, the spell was actually ready to turn anything in it\'s path into smithereens.


The orb of water shot towards the assassin while several ice spikes were created in the air shoot down when the explosion occurs. The shot of the orb of water alone had caused Zarchon, the one who had shot the attack, to be blasted back from the recoil alone.

\'Now!\' The man thought while letting go of the spell within his palms.




after the small explosion which should have finished the assassin off, a large dome of wind exploded from within where the man was supposed to be. It uprooted the ground and trees while pushing the cart, both boys, and the hiding driver back, but due to the confinement the spell and the assassin were in, it did not straight up destroy anything further than 20 meters or kill anyone.

As the smoke dissipated, a single man with a half broken mask stood on a bent leg, while his other looked broken beyond recovery, or at least, beyond earth\'s recovery. He held his right shoulder with his left arm while trying to limp into the forest. Seeing that both kids were only knocked out however, caused him to contort his face and use his last bit of energy to throw arcs made of wind towards both of their head.

Unfortunately for him, both of them were stopped by a dark figure with only it\'s bright gold hair and vibrant golden eyes shining through the steam and debris.

"W-who... are you!?" The assassin asked with the last bit of energy he had. All he could hope for was that his colleagues had heard the explosion and would come and get him in case he was in danger.

\'I knew going in solo would be stupid! But who would have known I would get beater by a few kids.\' the assassin thought while looking at the 4ft 10 figure that had shown up. He was wondering whether it was just a child or maybe actually a dwarf or another race that is notorious for being short.

"While some call me a monster, others say I am a demon stuck within a child\'s body. While, none of them are technically wrong, I\'d like to think of myself as an incarnate of justice" A melodious voice sang from within the smoke while it\'s arms sung up from it\'s sides. It\'s eyes seemed to look deep into the man\'s soul rather than the man himself, while the threatening aura made the assassin want to do nothing but kneel to the being that seemed to be on another realm of it\'s own.

"I kill those I believe to be evil, and while I do so, I consume their souls for further benefits. You can say it\'s fair trade, dontchy\'a think? I really do hope they use my name in bed time stories or to warn kids about the big bad devil who will eat them when they do wrong. Oh, sorry for rambling on. I\'m just kind of sad that my last meal decided to suicide bomb themselves, so I really hope you don\'t do the same." The melodic feminine voice chuckled while her white pupils spread from the center of the eye to create a \'Shield of David\' {3D star of David} that constantly turned and and spun at different angles, directions, speeds and lengths.

"Y-y-you! YOU KILLED RYAN! HOW DARE YOU!" The assassin shouted with despair and rage cracking from deep within his voice.

"oh~? Was that his name? And don\'t be putting your blame on me! I\'d like to tell you that I am quite the pacifist" I chuckled while stepping out of the steam and debris. With a single step, I had caused the entire area that was once full of steam to turn completely clear, showing the dark clouds getting ready to shower raid down upon the land beneath us.

"Now now, don\'t be killing your self like the other one, hehe. No one wants that do we." I said with a smirk appearing behind my pitch black mask.

Before I could do anything further, I heard multiple loud footsteps walking running towards us, causing me to look towards the source of the sound just to see the 3 who were the furthest away from me when I first checked.

Seeing their heads pop out of the darkness that was the forest, and moving towards the giant half destroyed cliff overlooking the village, I looked every single on of them in the eyes and used analysis, while moving my wrist to cleanly cut the head of the assassin of his body.

"BLAKE!" The women with really nice curves shouted.

\'Damn, she is hot\' I thought with a smile.

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