
Chapter 129 - Lagua City II




An excited glint flashed in both their eyes. They felt as if the heavens were listening to their complaint and decided to bless them with a special guest today. Anyone who can tame a beast must be quite strong, right?

"What kind of beast is it?"Another asked

"It's a... Wolf? Big one at that." The man who had first shouted started to blink his eyes rapidly after looking at the scoping crystal.

"A wolf?"

"Oh god! It must be in the Lord rank or above! I knew it! Whoever is coming is strong or has an influential background. We must inform the mayor!"

"Yes, I'll go inform him now!" Another shouted before running off in a certain direction.

On my side, I was simply sitting down atop of Keaurin when I saw the city. Mesmerized by its beauty, I did not make use of my divine eyes to see the humans who were frantically moving around at the bottom, but instead, I watched the scenery from just under the clouds.

'Man, I wish I had a camera' I sighed while looking at Olivia who looked like an excited little girl who had finally gotten that puppy she wanted for the longest time as she looked down at the city. Her eyes were practically sparkling as they looked down on the land.

"If you're so excited, why don't you jump down?" I chuckled but Olivia frowned.

"I'd rather not become a paste on the sidewalk" She replied with her chest puffed.

'WHy does she sound proud?'I thought in expression.

"I'm going to take us down now, so hold tight" Keaurin's voice resounded in our ears, making us grip tightly to his fur


Keaurin instantly dropped at a 150-degree angle towards the city at his highest speed. While I could not physically look at Olivia, I could still see that her face had become deformed due to the air pushing on it. Her mouth and cheeks moved back while her teeth were completely for show. Even her eyelids almost rolled back due to the air, making me laugh heartily while she sits down.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Shouted Olivia from behind me while I screamed in laughter and gasped for air.



We finally seemed to have landed, but Olivia did not stop holding onto the fur of Keaurin for dear life. I simply jumped off the back of Keaurin, still wearing the same attire I always wear which I just realized might become a problem, especially for Olivia. Yes, I have a few problems here and there, but at least the bandages were properly on me. However, it is a completely different story.

"Olivia, you can come down now" Yelled at the struggling Olivia

"It seems kind of far from the ground though" She replied teary-eyed.

"Stop being such a baby and come down already before I bring you down myself" I crossed my arms and spoke with a domineering tone

"O-okay..." she slowly tried to get to the ground, however, every time she is about to let go, I could see her entire body jolt while her eyes become completely shut

"Ugh," I swiftly jumped up a few meters before hitting her head with a chop, making her instantly fall.


The scene was quite humiliating, to say the least.

*"Do it"*

*"She is weak"*

*"She looks so pathetic"*

*"why don't we help her out"*

*"Imagine how it would feel"*

*"Imagine the humility she will feel"*

*"Tame her..."*

"Hello, Visitors! May I ask why you have come to our small city?" A man bowed respectfully, snapping me out of my daze

"Oh... Oh yeah." I coughed slightly before returning the gaze "We are here to register for an adventurer guild.

"Oh? Would you like us to escort you to one of the large-" He started to speak excitedly, however, I simply cut him off.

"Nah" I waved my hand to him as if I was telling him to 'shoo', which he immediately complied with by scurrying off. As I watched the man scurry off, I looked back at Keaurin and walked towards him, and patted him on the head to his surprise.

"Thanks for the ride" I whispered before walking towards Olivia, leaving him frozen

'What the hell was that?' he asked himself in a daze, not seeing me drag Olivia by the arm towards the front gates of the city.

Eventually, we reached the 15-meter tall gate carved out of the Iron-silver 40-meter wall. It had engravings of runes with different shapes and patterns covering the entire door that would flash an emerald color now and then on different areas of the door. These were probably defensive runes since the door was technically the weakest place on the entire wall.


Mechanical noises started to come to the door as it slowly opened up to show the magnificent city behind it. In the distance, I could see a huge house that stood above every other house in the vicinity while also looking just as unmatched in elegance and vibrance as it is in volume and size.

"On second thought, you can come with!" I waved at the man who had previously scurried off, just to see him run back at full speed and bow with a vibrant smile.

"I need you to help with a few things. First, I want to find a place where I can look for guilds to join. Secondly, if you have come kind of place where I can accept missions, it would be nice if you took me there. The third thing can wait for now" I quickly listed, making him nod rapidly.

*"How cute."*

*"He really wants to-"*

*"please you"*

*"So why don't you-"*

*"Reward him for being a good bo-"*

"Of course, I'll help you, young mistress" The man replied with a jubilant smile

"Sure, lead the way" I replied quickly, but apparently a little too quick because Olivia started to look at me weirdly

As we walked through the city, many people started to eye us with lust-filled gazes or in simple awe. While people did not mind ogling at Olivia's breasts without any restraint, everyone would look down on the floor while bowing slightly out of reflex. In the last 2 years, my natural Divine aura had become stronger by many folds, making it hard for them to even look at me if I did not permit it. Looking into my eyes, however, was another thing.

"Young mistress. You seem quite young to join the adventurers. but I am guessing your age is deemed old enough from where you come from?" He tried to inquire into my identity

"Well, I am 18 now" I lied through my teeth. Right now my body had become mature enough for me to pose as an adult without anyone batting an eye if they did not know me personally.

"But miss, I have a question. From where you come from, are everyone's clothes so revealing?" He asked in a worried tone while trying his hardest not to peak.

"Of course. Where I am from, people wear things much worse than this. Some wear tight clothes that leave nothing to the imagination, while others wear nothing but their undergarments in public. Right now, I would be incorrect clothing as long as it is summer" I replied flatly, but the man could not believe such a place actually existed. Olivia on the other hand could see some truth behind my words. She had almost become a little like a wife who can see right through her husband's lies, but in this case, we are sadly just friends and she has just known me for long enough to know when I am lying or not.

'Maybe she is talking about her origins?' Olivia guessed

"Pan. Don't you think that we should buy some clothes that are more appropriate for this place?" Whispered Olivia in an embarrassed tone after seeing all the eyes that have been ogling her from the moment she had walked into the city.

"Na" I replied nonchalantly, making the man's eyes twitch and Olivia angrier


'Cuz' I enjoy seeing you like that' I replied through the mind link with a smirk, which also made Olivia cover her bountiful image with a cloak she grabbed out of her dimensional ring.

'I can see through the fabric you know.' I was perplexed

'I know. This is to stop the others'

'So you don't mind if I see? Hehe' I teased, making her turn red but at the same time, feel something tugging at her heart.


'You know it'

"We are here" Before we knew it, we were already in the middle of the city after only 40 minutes of walking. Right now, the three of us stood in front of a tall building labeled "Guild Examination"

"What is this?" I tilted my head a few degrees to the left

"Well, to enter a guild you must have a power level. Unlike those in the academies, we use the unit of measurement the rest of the kingdoms and even races use to Identify one's power level. We use something called an Appraisal crystal that will tell us around what power you are at. Then you will have to undertake a series of tests from analyzing your fighting ability, your experience, your reaction speed, and all other sorts of tests to see which bracket or classification you are best suited towards

{Two more chapters after cuz' we got 180 votes, a lot more than I thought I would ever get. Make sure to vote if you want and comment on your thoughts about the chapter. It really motivated me to see people commenting, so please do so. Thanks}

{Also, check comments to see what Olivia looks like}

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