
Chapter 201 - Dragon's Heart

The figure could be seen desperately clawing away from the mushroom cloud while muttering the word "Monster" over and over again.

Both guilt and shame could be seen in its eyes.

It had just used everything it had up its metaphorical sleeve to just barely survive that spell that was clearly way above the level of the caster, yet what did it know? It was just a simple-minded lizard trying to remain to itself wanting to perform a few experiments, yet when that treasure fell from heaven itself upon its land, it could not help itself before being overtaken by the greed for power.

As it was clawing away, it decided to take a glance up, yet it was that moment where it learned that the simple act of looking up could be the last mistake of one\'s life.

Immediately, it watched as an illusionary pair of eyelids lifted to show a pair of beautiful golden irises. While most of the irises were golden in color, the pupil was slightly small while a 3-dimensional Star of David rotating around the slightly shrunken pupil.

The wyvern in his humanoid shape knew these eyes very well. These were the eyes of the person who had put him, a wyvern, in this state with what looked like a single spell. The worst thing for him was the fact that the person wasn\'t even stronger than him, yet, they had still one due to his arrogance and pride making him short-sighted.

Right now, however, he could not think of any of that as he simply looked into the illusory eyes that sent a shudder down his very soul the moment they made eye contact with him.

It felt like the goddess of life and death herself had opened her eyes to look at him before blinking and deciding on death.

The illusory eyes disappeared from his sight a few seconds later, yet the scene was deeply etched into his mind.

A moment my eyes disappeared, a feeling of terror and pure despair fell over it.

It knew it was found out.

It quickly let go of the transformation it was holding onto with dear life.

I thought maybe if it could make itself smaller, just maybe no one would be able to see it from far away.

\'How wrong I was to think that she would be normal...\' The wyvern lay on its back before closing its eyes, completely accepting its fate of death.

Barely a minute later, the sound of whistling could be heard a few dozen meters away quickly becoming louder.

When the wyvern opened its eyes, it looked directly at the figure of a 5ft 5.5 woman with her arms crossed and a golden aura shrouding her entire body, making even space itself bend and become distorted around her. 

The pressure from her stare alone caused the wyvern to feel like a mountain had just been put onto its chest while the aura around her made him sweat cold.

\'Is this the true power of a divine being...\' I thought as the thoughts of running away instantly shattered in front of its eyes. Even though it had expected to die, it could not help but feel like running away. Yet the moment it saw the aura of the person it was just beaten half to death by, it let go of all those \'stupid\' and \'foolish\' thoughts.

The god-like figure slowly descended until its feet touched the stomach of the dragon. 

From then on, it started walking as it gradually uncrossed its arms and put them behind her back, yet not for a second did it stop looking into the wyverns eyes with the golden radiation of its own.

"Hey" A primordial voice entered the Wyverns eats, making it reply in a timely effort-


"I heard Wyvern hearts are also considered dragon hearts. Is the rumor correct?" I asked in an emotionless almost uncaring voice. This was no longer an act that I had put on the likes of before, but for some odd reason that was beyond me, everything around me started to feel so... 


The bored attitude made the Wyvern feel an insurmountable amount of hate towards this person on its stomach, yet it chose to remain silent before asking the question in hopes of maybe, just maybe being let go if it was obedient.


Of course, this wyvern was extremely stupid. What kind of person would ask if their opponent\'s heart is good for consumption and now want to eat it?

"I heard after a few years, a beast\'s heart merges with their regular heart... And since you have the dragon blood line..." A cold smile appeared on my face sending countless shivers down the wyverns spine.

"N-No! PLEASE! I\'LL DO ANYTHING!" The wyvern shouted in a last-ditch attempt. Its voice was filled with despair to the point I could almost taste it.

"I wonder, did those humans beg the same way you just did?" My smile grew colder.

A scene of a human begging to not be killed flashed in the wyvern\'s mind, yet he still thought it was unfair.


Why you might ask? Well, out of anger I accidentally lit his wings on fire before letting the gluttony flames do their thing. Simultaneously, I sent a few lighting bolts into its wounds making it howl in even more pain.

"Oh... Whoops. Don\'t mind me, just muscle reflex" I tried to form a warm smile, yet what came out was something you would see from the devil right before being thrown into the deepest pits of hell.

The Wyvern was even more scared now, yet it could not do anything. It could not run, it could not hide and mainly, it could not fight no matter how hard it tried.

"Oh well... I\'ll be taking your heart now" My eyes flashed with coldness before golden energy began to expand along my arm before increasing in size and creating a hand big enough to hold his heart as well as having to shape enough claws to go through his tough skin.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-!" It tried to create a last attempt at creating an energy blast in its mouth, yet before it could even open its maw further and draw any energies in...


My hand went right through his already worn-out scales. The next second, I pulled out my hand as a gush of blood and a minute amount of mana began to escape, yet due to my passive skill Gluttony, all of that was automatically absorbed into my body since it was such a small amount.

Moving smoothly as if I had done this a hundred times before, I moved my enormous hand that held the heart on top of my head before crushing the heart. 

The next moment, a water fall of blood began to fall into my mouth with a few chunks of meat being thrown in every now and then.

The sound of gulping was the only thing that resounded in the area before IT happened.

Suddenly, the sound of my heartbeat becoming extremely loud was the only thing that could be heard other than the occasional winds that passed through the barren lands.

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