
Chapter 205 - You Did WHAT!?

"So you are trying to tell me you, all by yourself, killed this wyvern?" She walked towards the wyvern with quickened steps.

Seeing this, I shrugged and looked at her curvy behind, which of course due to her being so strong, felt my gaze land upon her ass.

She did not react to it at the moment and changed my line of view to the corpse of the wyvern by pointing at a hole in its chest.

"You took the dragon heart?" She looked at me with curiosity

"Yeah, why?" I started looking around at other things in the barren land out of boredom. Since I could not look at her ass, I needed other things to keep me entertained.

"Are you thinking of giving it to someone?" She inquired

"No" I narrowed my eyes

"Then, can I have it?" She smiled wryly

"Huh, why?" I finally looked into her eyes instead of using my 360-degree vision. This was mainly done so I can see the movements of her soul flame to see if she is trying to hide something from me even though she really wasn\'t that kind of person, but you never know with human greed. Even your closest ally can become your enemy in an instant if you have something they are desperate for.

"Well, since you are still in the gaseous stage you will not be able to use it, and even though you were able to beat this wyvern through whatever method you used, you are still far from breaking into the Liquidus stage. I\'m willing to give you a good trade for the heart if you want." Her expression did not change throughout her whole speech, making me feel a little weird.

\'She didn\'t even ask me how I beat it... Is this trust, cunningness or stupidity?\'

However, I did not voice any of those thoughts and instead spoke the words "Sorry, but I can\'t give it to you."

Rose widened her eyes slightly but after a bit, she just smiled wryly while shrugging "Oh well. Just make sure whoever you give it to is worthy of you" She began walking away.

"Uhm, I think you have the wrong idea" I grabbed her shoulder which surprised her since the last time she sensed me there was quite the distance between us.

\'She became stronger\' Rose looked at my hand with weariness.

Not knowing what she was thinking, I quickly reached for her other shoulder and forced her to look me in the eyes even though she could have easily resisted and broke out of my grasp, yet she did not

"Rosie... If I ever got something as beneficial to you as the dragon heart and couldn\'t use it, I would give it to you 10 times out of 10" I smiled warmly before continuing "I wouldn\'t even ask you for pay, since you know, that\'s what friends do. They help each other out"

Rose looked me in the eyes yet she was still a little taller than me forcing her to look down a little. It was only then she realized the change in my height, skin, power, and mental state. She could even feel the soul energy inside me that I clearly never use had become stronger somehow, making her even more confused.

\'Wasn\'t she a little smaller?\' she on a cold expression

"We are friends?" She sounded more curious than surprised.

"Of course we are friends" I moved both my hand up her face and cupped her face. Only then did I realize how hot her face was becoming, yet she still kept her cold emotionless expression.

My smile became even brighter as I pinched her cheeks and pulled on them from either side forcing her to do a cute expression, making me chuckle at her dismay.

After seeing her pout silently for a few more seconds, I finally dropped the bombshell on her.

"I ate the dragons heart."

Her brows became knitted but she still didn\'t seem as surprised as I thought she would have been

"Is that why your skin looks smoother and you grew a little?" she folded her arms as if she was about to scorn me for doing something dumb

"N-NO! That wasn\'t due to the dragon\'s heart!" I cried out in panic

"Then what was it due to?" She narrowed her eyes further.



\'I dug my own grave again\' I sighed

"Hmm?" She looked at regretful face with even more intensity, making me finally blurt out-

"I- I kinda..."

"You kind of?" she repeated

The corners of my mouth twitched

"I kinda ate the treasure..."



Silence seemed to be the only consistency throughout this entire conversation

"Let me get this straight. Two guilds fought over a single treasure for countless days, some were even sacrificed and lost in the process due to the wyvern, and you are telling me after you found it, you simply plopped it in your mouth and decided to consume it?" His smile was growing warmer and warmer, yet I could feel the immense power being held back by the dam that was her self-control.

\'If I run, would I be able to live?\' my eye visibly twitched

"I can explain!" I started to panic

"No need" She muttered and flickered in front of me before putting one of her hands on my shoulder

I closed my eyes expecting my arm to tip out of its socket or something, yet the next second, a string of words was spoken that shook me to the core.

"Truly amazing..." A low mutter entered my ears

"You have no idea how proud I am of you" She patted my shoulder with a prideful smile.

\'Oh yeah... I forgot what kind of person she was\' scenes of Rose emptying restaurants with the amount of food she ordered entered my mind and made me lightly chuckle.

\'I SURVIVE ANOTHER DAY BITCHES!\' I shouted inwardly while thrusting my hand towards the skies with a mixture of enthusiasm and relief 


After she put the dragon in her storage ring for later use, I started to look around before voicing.

"Oh by the way-" I glanced at Rose who was looking at the sky with a frivolous expression on her face. Honestly, while most people would think her heaven-piercing gaze filled with determination would be slightly scary, I thought it was quite cute. 

Of course, at the same time, I could not help but treat myself to a glance at her buttocks before looking up like nothing had happened.

Of course, unknown to me, she felt my gaze almost immediately, therefore, making the corners of her moth almost stretch into a small smile, yet she kept it in and looked at me with a curious yet oblivious expression.

"Yeah? You were saying something?" She put her hands behind her back and leaned forwards to look into my face.

"Oh yeah. I was going to say something about my clones finding the hostages/ captives almost an hour ago. They found them almost instantly but I didn\'t let instruct them to help them out unless I really had to run. So right now they should be in their cell back in the underground lab." I pointed in the direction of the lab.

"You have a clone spell?" Rose was slightly surprised. Having a clone spell was similar to having a spiritual spell like the spirit warriors spell that Gen\'s brother, who I forgot the name of, used a few years back.

"Yeah... Anyway, we should probably get there as fast as possible. There are many stupid things that I can imagine them doing, none of them end well for either of us." I closed my eyes and started to float off the ground with the help of wind magic that I had started to circulate around my body, as well as gravity magic as to where I would try to lower my weight to the lowest amount possible.

\'Wind magic?!\' Rose was stunned again

\'First, she kills a wyvern, eats its heart, eats a treasure, gets insanely more powerful, can sense me from kilometers away... and now this? Wind magic... She used the ice element before which means she had water magi-... No way right? All 4 elements\'

Feeling Rose\'s distress, I put on a warm smile and said "Don\'t worry, when we get back home I\'ll answer all your questions, okay?"

Knitting her brows in frustration, Rose nodded and also flew. As she did so, she began to eye me from top to bottom before commenting "Your breasts have increased a cup size"

"Oh shit" I touched my breasts before realizing it too

"No wonder they felt so uncomfortable..." Rose looked at me speechlessly as I said those words, yet, she was still more concerned by the fact I could fly.

As we started to fly towards the area, I realized that I was currently moving just as fast as I did when I was on land, however, this was comparing my current flight speed to the speed I had before \'evolving\'

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