
Chapter 326 At Your Will

'What does this cockroach want?' I gnashed my teeth and simply looked back at him with a gaze that basically told him that I would probably release my anger at him if he were to have stopped me for nothing more than some petty reason or dare I even say a lecture.

"W-Wouldn't she be more useful alive than dead?" Scar asked, making me think for a second, yet not entirely convinced I did not put my arm down nor did I deactivate the fire on my arm.

At the same time, I felt an energy signature appear from the place I had first appeared when I had entered this arena.

'They must have finally finished the other trials... Man, I must have been in that last trial for quite a bit of time.' I thought to myself, yet I did not look at them directly since I still had my 360-degree vision to look at them instead.

"Lilith?! Scar?! Finally! We caught up to you guys. I was sure that we would have been at least a few trials before you guys but I guess Laila was right about you guys being slower than we thought you would be." Croloer exclaimed in happiness, yet I still had chosen not to look at him.

"Master! Please try convincing Lilith to not kill this beast-human! She might be extremely valuable later on and so it would be a complete waste to kill her!" Scar explained to his master, causing both his master and Laila to look over at who I was holding up with one hand.

"Lilith? How about letting her go? I mean, it isn't really worth it is it? Why do you care so much about killing her anyway? You are much stronger than her." Laila tried to reason with some sound arguments, yet that only fueled the anger within me even more for reasons I could not explain.

'Ugh... She's right.' Finally listening, I dropped the broken catgirl and let her hit the ground and drop face-first right after with no one there to soften her landing.

Seeing she had finally fallen to the ground, I flickered from my place and quickly appeared in front of the 2 unconscious boys and the only conscious person out of the three.

"You..." I called out to the girl with a cold tone that I would have usually only saved for the people who would try and hurt me rather than some poor innocent girl who had just watched her whole life play out in front of her eyes the moment she saw an attack come at her.

"Y-Yes sir!" She stuttered, making me raise a brow behind my mask

'Did she just call me sir?'

[I mean, with your mask on as well as your now distorted voice, it is a bit hard to tell if you are a female or male. Plus, you are wearing a robe that is shrouding around 90% of your body.]

'Oh, true'

Listening to what Hela had to say, I immediately changed my clothing and armor to fit that which would have resembled a female more than a male.

I had tightened the cloak a little, making it cover less my body and this time a little more tightly too.

Since now the front was exposed too, I changed my armor into looking like a female knight's clothing that had been simply hidden under my robe this whole time.

It was only then that I watched the girl's eyes widen before barely standing upright and bowing.

"I am sorry miss! I did not know you were a woman like myself."

[You might want to suppress the aura around you a little bit. You are still leaking a bit of bloodlust and you know what happens when that combines with the energy of your natural aura and pride energy that naturally leaks out of you.]

After Hela stopped speaking, I immediately did what she had told me to do and I watched the girl in front of me visibly relax to the point where she had almost fallen back and fainted on the spot, yet to my surprise she had proven strong and stood tall, trying her hardest not to waver whatsoever as if her life depended on it.

"You can relax." I told her, but with my distorted voice and previous feats, she saw this as more of an order than a kind gesture from myself to her.

'Why is my voice like this?' I asked Hela, the only person I knew would know exactly what was happening to me, of course, this did not mean that she would answer me honestly yet it was worth a shot.

[Chaos energy. It changes your very being. The moment you stop producing it your voice will go back to normal]

'Ah. Thanks for answering my question.' I thanked her, yet unlike other times, it felt more like a formality rather than something I would casually say and actually mean.

"What is your name?" I asked the girl.

"M-My name is Lea." The girl stammered.

"And those two? Your boyfriends?" I tried making a joke to lighten the mood, yet no matter how hard I tried, my voice would not allow anything coming out of my mother to seem like anything but command or a retort.

"N-No..." She waved at me, but this time instead of being mostly scared for her life, she seemed to start blushing to cause her ashen blood drained face to become a rosy red, something that made her charm seem more appealing to the normal person.

'She doesn't hold a candle to Rose though.'

[Chaos really brings out the worst in people huh?]

'What is that supposed to mea-'

"M-Miss... Are you going to kill us?" Lea asked, looking at me with uncertainty and wariness.

"I'm not sure. I am trying to go for the treasure too you know." I replied, causing a shiver to go down her spine.

"Please miss! We can aid you in anything you wish! I have mana eyes while my other two comrades have their own good traits." Lea tried to bargain, but I was simply unimpressed by what she was telling me.

"Just mana eyes?" I asked, causing her to flinch back as if she just heard the most absurd thing ever.

"Miss might be unaware, but mana eyes are the fourth rarest mutation the human body can go through. Of course, soul eyes and soul-mana eyes are rarer, but in the end, it does not make that much of a difference. I knew how to use these to an extremely high proficiency, so I am bound to be useful." The girl tried to explain again, but I was still unimpressed.

I was comparing her feats to my own after all, and simply no one could hold a candle to all the crap I've been doing, or not at least on Solaris.

[your standards are too high]

'But I don't really need her, do I. I have divine eyes and they are thousands of times better than anything anyone in Solaris could naturally gain all by themselves. Unless they unlock some kind of divinity and happen to unlock mana-soul eyes with it, then I don't see how they could do better than me'

[You do know you didn't just have mana-soul eyes, right? You have Mana-Soul eyes with both the Gluttony and Pride affinities, making you have one of the greatest 14 eyes on the entire planet. Only one of the apostles of the sins should have had those eyes, yet you had two of them]

Hearing what Hela said, an idea popped into my mind and a small smirk formed before extending into a large grin.

before I could do anything, however, I watched as a boy with orange hair began waking up looking at me with a pair of drowsy eyes before widening in shock after seeing an unknown person with a mask, knight gear, and a cloak draped around me standing before a kneeling Lea.

"Don't touch Lea!" Ronny roared and immediately charged at me with a flame bursting under his feet, allowing him to shoot towards me and appear in front of me within the span of 2 seconds.

Due to him having just awoken barely having recovered from his last battle, he felt several of his wounds open simultaneously, yet he did not pay them any attention and had solely concentrated on hitting me, no matter what.

He instantly threw a punch at me that burst through the air like a hot flaming bullet.

Before Lea could even call out to stop him, he had felt his fist halt mid-air without even touching me.

Fear was instantly instilled within him, but seeing Lea behind him, he made sure to retreat, but just far enough so that he could be out of my arms reach but at the same time in front of Lea so that he could protect her.

'Hey, Hela! What was that! That was so fucking cool'

[Naturall aura. Chaos behaved differently from any other element out there. It is what destroys, yet at the same time, it is what creates things. Another example is chaos and strife in a marriage, this time being more metaphorical than literal. While sometimes arguing can be chaotic and can eventually destroy a connection, it is also what allows the creation of a new and more powerful bond.]

'How does any of that link with what I asked?'

[Well, what I was trying to get at was you can't get chaos works in a way where rules of this dimension do not apply. While an aura is usually intangible until one's mana or soul energy is concentrated in it, chaos does not work the same way...]

'So what you are saying is-'

[Yes... He couldn't touch you because even though your chaos was just an aura, it had jumped a dimension to switch between tangible and intangible at your will

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