
Chapter 448

Chapter 448

The first book that Kyon read in this world was brought by Martha at the request of a sick young slave in the mine, and it was called «The Child of Talent». The first part of the trilogy. It’s hard to imagine how the second part got into the elite section of the central library of Dantes! Here is the most severe filter of incoming literature.

The first part told about a man who found an extraordinary child in one of the remote villages. The three-year-old kid was stuck in emotional and spiritual development, he was not capable of doing evil, was not burdened with human vices and weaknesses, did not know hunger, cold, pain… And with the irresistible desire inherent in him alone to bestow, give and do good.

Having spent a lot of time studying this unique child, the man did not notice that he had grown to love him like a son. He explained to him the basics of the world order, human nature, morality, taught him the basic principles of life and methods of survival… Although the child was quite smart, his heart could not be influenced from the outside in any way, no matter how hard his sworn father tried. It was as if naivety and goodness were embedded in his very essence.

Then the man decided to radically influence the nature of the child and went in search of the legendary «Heart of Desire», in order to change the nature of the boy from the inside.

The second part of the story told about the tragedy that befell the innocent child. The war broke out, and the army of barbarians attacked the village. The boy’s grandparents, all his friends and relatives were brutally murdered, and he was taken prisoner. For three years he was mistreated and tortured. He saw the cruel death of people he knew, learned what pain, suffering and despair were. The child did not understand why he was being punished. He never hurt a soul in his life, he didn’t say a bad word to an offender, but now his life has turned into a waking nightmare.

At the moment when the barbarians lied to the boy about the murder of his sworn father, something incredible happened. The pure and immaculate essence of the child turned inside out. He turned into an insensitive creature, driven only by hatred for all living things and contempt for the whole world. Along with this, an incomprehensible strength came to him, so enormous that a whole army could not resist the young prisoner. With his newfound strength, he escaped from captivity, destroying all the barbarians and even fellow sufferers with whom he was once familiar.

The second book of the trilogy ended darkly. The innocent child, stuck in his mind at the age of three, turned into a bloodthirsty killer, wreaking havoc and destruction on everything he faced on his way.

{From a children’s fairy tale to a horror story… Unexpectedly.} – Kyon thought, not finding an answer to the question: what is this little book doing here? The author’s name was not indicated anywhere, which was even more puzzling.

So, in the elite section of the library, Lovr read: about the desert lands (in detail); about the flourishing of the Torres in the last 16 years and the Valkyrie, who is considered a symbol of the success of the family; about the legendary spiritual medicine; about the probable motive of the bloody empress to look for an alchemist. And at the end – the second part of the strange little book.

Overall, Kyon was satisfied with the results of the day, and now it’s time to prepare for an important meeting.

At 5:30 pm, right on schedule, Lovr, disguised as Dick, arrived at the main entrance to the territory of the Valentines, a family of the 1st rank. He recently received an invitation from patriarch Monty. Very few people can get such an honor. If he were an ordinary guy, he would instantly gain popularity among peers and even adults.

The guards checked the guest’s formation and assigned an escort, with whom the young man went directly to the central part of the territory: to the main building of the Valentine’s office, where the patriarch and elders regularly discuss important issues.

With its luxury, the vast territory was not inferior to that of the Clintons (2). However, after Kyon visited the top floor of the Golden Pig guild, this did not surprise him. After that spectacle, he could completely lose the ability to be surprised by someone’s wealth…

After passing through numerous security barriers, Lovr finally got to the top floor of the main building of the Valentines. He was escorted down the corridor to the cherished door to the patriarch’s office. As soon as he got inside, the atmosphere changed dramatically. The presence of an important person was felt, and the pleasant scent of a familiar girl was in the air…

Kyon saw four people in the room.

Milan – a man in glasses and a trouser suit, the head of the analytics department and his boss.

A feminine man in his 30s with disheveled blond hair was standing next to him. The outlines of his face were very similar to Milan (after all, they are brothers), but he didn’t wear glasses and was much bigger. His name was Monty Valentine, the patriarch of the family.

On the side was his youngest son – a handsome long-haired blond man of 19 years old, in whom Lovr instantly recognized Rose Valentine. A mean scumbag. He likes to **** other people’s wives on their wedding night, taking the cherished flower of innocence to himself. He should be strangled to death.

The girl was standing next to him. Even a goddess would envy her beauty: a long and thick mane of hair as light as molten gold; clear emerald-colored eyes; symmetrical facial contours and chiseled pink lips, delicate as rose petals; skin as smooth as silk and an elegant slender body. A tight-fitting sundress in black and white stripes only emphasized the already flawless picture.

Elsa was so mesmerizing with her irresistible appearance that it’s hard to imagine how many men broke their necks looking at the passing beauty. What the hell is she doing with Rose, this bastard?! Kyon has asked himself this question many times.

Now Stone was looking at Dick piercingly, as if she wanted to burn a hole in him.

Rose’s look at the fat man seemed to say – “What the fuck?!”. Previously, he had met with him at the Grands’ palace, he carried out the prince’s order to impose a subordinate formation on Julia, and unfortunately, he still hasn’t forgotten that meeting.

Milan coughed dryly, trying to dispel the tense silence alone.

Patriarch Monty quickly pulled himself together and smiled cordially: «Dick Baker! Welcome!»

«Hello, Mr. Monty Valentine. It is a great honor for me to accept your invitation.» – with an effort of will, Kyon folded his lips in an answering smile, bowing low to the man.

«After solving a sensational case, you are a welcome guest in my family! Milan, would you mind introducing those present to the young gentleman?» – suggested (although, rather, demanded) Monty.

The bespectacled man stepped forward and spoke solemnly: «Dick, meet Rose Valentine, the youngest son of Monty Valentine and a possible future successor to the head of the family.»

«Hello, Mr. Rose!» – Kyon exclaimed “respectfully”, bowing.

The blond man tried to make a friendly nod, but instead only jerkily shook his head, as if he was convulsed. A sickening lump rolled up to his throat.

«His future wife is Elsa Stone!» – Milan continued.

«Oh, Miss Elsa, you are unbearably beautiful…» – Kyon bowed again and winked at her.

The girl shuddered, as if she had been plunged into an ice hole with her head.

«And, actually, I am the brother of Monty Valentine.» – Milan finished modestly.

Kyon stepped forward and shook Milan’s hand, with this impudent gesture showing that their relationship is much closer than between a subordinate and a boss – they are friends. Milan himself called him a friend, so now he had no right to object.

«So», – Monty spoke up, clearing his throat. – Tell us, how did you solve the case of Lindia and Stein?»

The sensational “S” rank case discredited the honor of the family, because it directly concerned the patriarch’s eldest son, Stein Valentine, the most talented (after Rose) family member and senior disciple of the empress.

For the next few minutes, Kyon repeated his recent report to Milan, that is, his version of events. Say, during the inter-imperial tournament, Andrew met the daughter of the patriarch Lindia and immediately was into her… Then everything went according to the script.

In the middle of the story, Milan frowned slightly, because for some reason Dick made the Clintons’ family alchemist look not as bad as he really was. Say, Albert tried with all his might to dissuade the bad son, but he could not. As a result, he paid for his sins with his life, and he managed to escape.

Lovr’s story was coming to an end: «And now the record has fallen into your hands. Tell me, please, do you intend to divulge the whole truth to the public?»

Patriarch Monty shook his head: «No. That’s not how things are solved. If we make this information public, then all the Clintons’ honor will be destroyed, and they will certainly want revenge. In order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, I recently agreed with Horace that he would drop all charges against Stein and no longer demand anything from us.» – the man’s stern gaze suddenly pierced the fat man like a sharpened dagger. – «And he also promised me very, very good money if I deliver you to him…»

In an instant, such a dense tension hung in the air that it was impossible to breathe.

Milan turned his gaze to his brother, Rose was surprised, and Elsa frowned.

«So are you going to kidnap me for the money? Is this what Valentine’s gratitude looks like?» – Kyon asked coldly. Obviously, he was prepared for this turn of events.

After a long pause, Monty suddenly smiled slightly: «Don’t jump to conclusions, Dick! I’m not that fallen person. I will not hand over a virtuous person for the sake of profit into the hands of someone who will not leave a wet spot from him.»

And the truth is that until recently, a man planned to do otherwise, yet Horace offered too good a reward, but last night Milan convinced him not to do stupid things. He said that the head of the department met with Dick and placed high hopes on the young man, even made some kind of deal with him. This means that his abduction is tantamount to obstructing the interests of the Russells. Whatever money is at stake – it’s not worth it.

Yesterday, Kyung, of course, specifically mentioned to Milan about the «deal and hopes» with the head of the department. It was supposed to be a deterrent, and it turned out that way. It’s good that he won’t have to invite Eve and Leila to visit the Valentines for another warm-up.

Lovr almost blurted out “a wise choice”, but came to his senses, exhaled loudly and with noticeable relief in his voice said: «I am glad that you turned out to be a grateful person. And yet now, it turns out, I am the enemy of family number two… Sometimes it seems to me that it would be better if I did not take up this case at all.»

«Do you want our protection?» – Monty immediately caught the subtle hint and immediately shook his head. – «I’m sorry, it’s completely out of the question. You blackmailed Horace, and yet the record fell into my hands, which means that you violated the terms of the deal. My heart will not allow me to help someone who breaks his own promises, wanting to get benefits from everywhere. Honestly, I’m disappointed in you, and just letting you go in peace is already a great reward.»

It cost Kyon a lot to restrain the emotions rushing out, mostly inappropriate and even obscene. He coldly turned the words back: «Don’t jump to conclusions, Mr. Monty. Whatever Horace told you, he was pursuing purely his own interests, but the truth is that I was not the first to break the terms of the deal. Yes, I admit it, I blackmailed him, and now you have the record, but what makes you think that I gave it to you because of a thirst for profit? Don’t be so biased towards me! I was just trying to protect myself. Mr. Milan will confirm that a month earlier, all the high-ranking investigators from the Clinton family resigned of their own accord. I also put forward a condition forbidding to follow me and investigate me, but Horace decided that I would not notice his people, for which he paid the price! I gave him a chance, but he didn’t use it! It is his own fault that the record is now in your hands! He left me no choice!»

None of those present knew that one of the conditions of the blackmail was a million keys of the superior phase. Of course, patriarch Horace would not have dared to talk about this, so the words of the fat man seemed as peaceful as possible, as if he had retaliated only in self-defense.

Patriarch Monty looked bewildered: «Perhaps I was too hasty with my conclusions… But anyone in my place would have preferred the words of an authoritative person rather than… In general, Dick, can you somehow prove your words?»

«To prove that I was being followed? It’s not easy to do, you know. However, the best proof will be the patriarch Horace himself. Now I will talk to him, and you draw the appropriate conclusions from his words.» – Kyon took out a sound transmitter and handed it to the patriarch. – «Dial his frequency. To be sure that I’m trying to deceive you.»

Monty exchanged glances with Milan, picked up the fat man’s sound transmitter and dialed Horace’s frequency.

Milan, Rose and Elsa involuntarily came closer and listened with bated breath.

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