
Chapter 462

Chapter 462

3 months have passed without a week, almost half a year since the start of the development of the right hand.

Cooperation with The Golden Pig guild has begun to bear the first tangible fruits. Earnings exceeded 300 million per month, which in total brought Kyon 1 billion! The name of “The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron” gained popularity in other empires.

Lovr also bought another 10% of the keys required for enchanting, and they cost him as much as 1.5 billion, which is 50% more expensive than the previous batch. According to the latest estimates, he now has 82.5% of the keys needed to enchant the soul to the highest level of strength.

Meanwhile, “The Demon Huntress” continued to put a spoke in the wheel of The Silent Horror clan. She quickly got out from under the impressive shadow of Dick’s fame. In the eyes of the citizens, he did nothing at all. And she has gained such popularity that she could only dream of before. She stands alone against the megaclan! Even ardent opponents of the superheroine involuntarily imbued with respect for her: the government is helpless, but she acts! Well, how can someone not love her?

Of course, the information that the masked girl was almost killed three months earlier did not spread, so everyone thinks that she is practically invincible.

Elsa almost rolled her eyes in ecstasy, imagining what glory would cover her after the capture of “The Dark Baron”. This time she is ready to meet that killer in dark clothes and her twenty stooges. By the way, it is possible that she is “The Dark Baron”.

Kyon didn’t like the situation with the brilliant Stone at all. Because of her, the achievements of the fake clan created by Dick pale, and the authorities are indignant. Milan, with a dissatisfied look, tirelessly asked: where are the results, Baker?! And what the 0th general thinks is still a mystery. Considering that he is engaged in the internal politics of the empire, it is possible that he understands better than anyone how much Dick is trying, and that his chances of catching the leader of The Silent Horror megaclan are several times higher than those of “The Demon Huntress”.

Valeera often repeated that «something needs to be done with this bitch, since you don’t want to kill her»! Kyon had to agree with his wife. He came up with a plan: to catch her, competently luring her into a trap, and then blackmail her to stop her activities.

Although Valeera did not understand why her husband would complicate everything so much when it was possible to fix the problem in the simplest and most effective way, she had to agree with him. She helped him organize the trap, into which the masked scoundrel would surely fall from day to day.

Meanwhile, the achievements of The Silent Horror clan were already really impressive: it firmly established itself in the capital, found its leaders and earned the respect of crime bosses. The truth of success is this: if you can’t destroy something, lead it. This principle was used by many legendary personalities in the world of Lovr. It is strange that the 0th general did not come to such a conclusion in decades.

The black market, despite the incident with the auction, still opened. They were especially glad to meet the members of the megaclan, which can not be said about the fake clan. “For some reason” the organizers of the black market did not even contact them.

In six months, Kyon has increased profits from the territories controlled by the clan three times (compared to previous years), largely due to the monopoly, modernization and optimization of processes. He destroyed all dissatisfied people, suppressed competitors, and carefully avoided the fake clan, warning Valeera that something was wrong with «these newcomers», it was better not to get close, but to wage a cold war with them.

In general, taking into account the successes and troubles (mainly due to the superheroine), Kyon earned 1 billion in six months of the development of the clan, and now the contents of his wallet looked like this: he received 1 billion from the treasury of the Feruzs, 1 – from the underground auction, 1 – from Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1 – from the Golden Pig guild and 1 – from the megaclan. Total: 5 billion, 2.5 of which went to the keys. All other earnings were spent on smaller expenses and needs, which were also enough.

Valeera especially liked the taste of big money. She regularly reminded her husband about this, mostly expressing gratitude in bed.

Kyon once delicately asked his wife why her invisibility was so good, to which he received the answer: this is the ability of her unique body. When he asked her how she was developing it, and if there was any progress, the girl replied that there had been no changes for more than a year, and she did not know how to develop her body. It never speaks to her.

Earlier, Lovr had a theory that the people he sleeps with improve their unique bodies. So, for example, in one year, Triana’s claws became many times sharper. It turns out, however, that the reason is in clearing the keys? It sounds plausible. After all, the purer the keys, the better the connection of the soul (where the unique body is located) with the physical body, that is, with the claws. Therefore, the wife’s invisibility has not improved in any way for over a year.

Kyon’s suspicions were also confirmed: the main reason why the head of the clan opened her heart to Zosimos is that she sees her father in him and dreams of becoming his daughter. Similar features of appearance and domineering behavior contributed to this.

Such a conclusion had long occurred to him. For example, the eyes of the usually icy head of the clan were sometimes filled with shyness when she was next to Zosimos, and the manner of speech became submissive, as if she was a little vulnerable girl next to a strong dad. After that, the lady, as a rule, wanted to cuddle, rub against his chest and fawn on the man in every possible way.

During sex, Valeera asked to spank her more often and call her a bad girl. Everything would be fine, there is nothing abnormal in this, but, while experiencing an orgasm, she sometimes called him “daddy”, which made Kyon feel, to put it mildly, hurt…

The great invader, conqueror and seducer of women’s hearts was indignant inside Lovr. It’s one thing for Valeera to be seduced by Zosimos, a mature person who doesn’t look much like Kyon, but quite another is the father she sees in him… He couldn’t feel proud of such a victory.

It turns out that the wife has a pronounced father complex, the essence of which is as follows: a girl deprived of paternal protection and support in the future will try to find a husband who will replace her beloved dad.

Kyon would have put up with this, but the problem is that often such girls cannot perceive their man as a person separate from the image of the “dad”. The situation with Valeera is exactly like this, moreover, sometimes she even seems to become that girl from the illusion.

Lovr has always highly valued his ego, pride and dignity, so when she sees only a faded copy of a real man in him, even if the beloved father, he felt quite understandable indignation and annoyance. Is it possible to do something about this? He did not want to act selfishly and break up, breaking the girl’s already wounded heart, especially since he himself gave Zosimos the outlines of a face similar to the appearance of Valeera’s father; re-educating her will not work either, because love for her father is the foundation of personality. With Triana, for example, he managed to pull off this venture only because the tigress’s worldview turned against her.

In general, instead of the desired feeling of triumph from conquering the heart of an icy beauty, Lovr felt like a man who was treated to a delicious pie for the fact that a red clown nose suited him better than the rest of the candidates.

Once, when he was walking with his daughters in Dantes, the little fairy whispered in Kyon’s ear that she felt an invisible person following them, and, judging by the development, it was Arpha. Since then, he has found out that Valeera is secretly watching them. Why is the respected head of the clan doing this? Obviously, due to the same father complex. Only this way she can get at least a drop of what she dreams of: becoming the daughter of Zosimos. It can be understood, and it’s kind of sad. There is no doubt that the girl is very jealous of the happiness of Eve and Leila and wants to return to the past.

As for the daughters, over the past 3 months they have not abandoned their attempts to win the heart of the man. Now Kyon had no doubt that they had fallen in love with him. With Eve, everything has been clear for a long time, but Leila… As soon as he held his gaze on her for 5 seconds, the girl began to blush, embarrassedly look away and become indecisive, or confess in a confused voice to all her tricks and pranks. It seemed very sweet.

Leila became much more submissive and obedient, because Zosimos responded to her with gratitude for such behavior, and for disobedience and harmfulness, on the contrary, distanced himself from her. Such a carrot and stick worked for the pixie 100 times more effectively than banning games. However, she still committed crazy antics, was shameless and brazen because of her character.

Today is Zosimos’ birthday. The daughters begged him to spend the holiday together, without the «nasty Arpha», and the man, of course, did not refuse them. But he still booked a table in a restaurant for the evening with his beautiful wife.

In the early morning of this day, Kyon visited the dwarf factory to pick up a very valuable order.

The golden-bearded dwarf Gimli handed an exquisite gift box studded with precious stones to the most respected person in the world: «O great and terrible Zosimos, I spent three days and three nights making this treasure! My work could be valued in hundreds and hundreds of millions, even the elite of this world would look at it with greed, but to you, my dear friend, I will give it for free!»

«Haha, thank you, Gimli! I owe you!» – Kyon thanked him, accepting such a dangerously priceless gift.

Gimli’s eyes stung with happiness. The hope of the entire dwarf race, the one who is seen in dreams on a par with the god Thor, owes him… Three days and three nights of work were worth it: «In that case, can I ask you, Zosimos, to give me an individual lesson? No, your students are very smart and know the answers to all questions, just it would be a great honor for me to learn directly from the legend…»

«No problem. In the next two weeks, I will carve out a free half day for you.»

«Oh, thank you! Thank you very much, Zosimos!»

Gimli, like all the dwarfs at the factory, revered Zosimos almost as a god. The technological miracle taking place at the factory just blew the imagination, and at least every 10th dwarf once a day fell to his knees and sobbed with happiness.

Opening the box, Kyon whistled respectfully: he saw a wristwatch of incredible quality with a genuine signature of Gimli. Perhaps such an exclusive product would have gone for a billion at the Saturn auction. But he didn’t want to undermine his relationship with such an authoritative dwarf for the sake of money. He asked to make him the watch in order to make a present for one hated bastard – Rose!

Many noble gentlemen confirm their status by demonstrating luxury items to everyone around. It is enough for someone to have a family token showing the rank in the family, but most prefer to show off expensive things: earrings, rings, clothes, wristwatches, etc.

Rose Valentine will celebrate his birthday in a month and a half, and it is hardly possible that the narcissistic selfish guy, seeing such a priceless gift, will refuse to wear it, missing the opportunity to strengthen his image in the eyes of others, and especially Elsa. Still, there was a tiny chance that he would sell the watch, so Kyon left the note…

Lovr sent a precious gift box to the VIP cell of the Golden Pig guild and ordered delayed premium delivery personally to Rose.

This luxurious gift, of course, was not made out of the kindness of the soul, but solely in the name of revenge.

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