
Chapter 467 - War Of The Wizards (4)

Ziu didn't know which direction to go in that blanket of snow. He walked through the mesh of snow and ice aimlessly. He didn't know where he was or what to look for in this wilderness. Yes, the great wizard Ziu was completely lost and at mercy of the Queen who brought him here. Were these the notorious Northern Mountains? Tufts of snow fell from the night sky brushing past him. Wherever his gaze went, he found tall mountains rising on the horizon. There were scanty pines that dotted the base of the mountain on the left. Angered at Adrianna's trick, he continued to walk in that direction. He badly missed his broom and cursed Adrianna with every step he took forward. 

In the Northern Mountains, you had to get a special pass to fly on your brooms. This was where the council headquarters were located. Ziu had never been there but he knew all the protocols. However, he knew that Adrianna could use her broom since she was the representative of the Wizard Realm and the representatives didn't need any special permission. Had he even had the slightest inkling about her plans, he would have stopped her from bringing him here. He tried to delve in her cell, but he was cruelly shut out. Plus after she had converted into a shadow of herself, there was no way he could even feel her physical presence, let alone get into her cell. It was magic beyond comprehension. 


He ambled on. Using his wand, he created a yellow orb of light that glowed to show him the way. He was extremely exhausted and out of breath. He was in need of rest. He must have traversed that terrain for an hour but the scenery was just the same—there was no change. The same white snowy mountains at a distance rising against the black sky. 

Not knowing where to look or go in the pitch-dark night, his Adam's apple bobbed in agitation. He gritted his teeth and called her out again, "Adrianna, where are you? Come forth. If you have the guts, fight with me." The wild wind blew like an answer to his question tousling his hair. According to his calculation, it was still a few hours from the dawn. He wanted to reach the pines to take some cover. 

In the Northern Mountains, the magic was limited. Strange creatures inhabited it. He wished not to encounter them. Ziu picked up his pace as anger roiled in his stomach for the want of his broom. The winds became harsher, whipping past him as if screaming through the cold atmosphere. He created a bubble of air all around him to keep safe from the lashing winds. He was extremely tired and desperately needed to rest. He noticed that the pines were looking bigger now. 


It was Adrianna's anger that made her so mad at Ziu that she couldn't control herself. Her body's heat rose and for a moment she thought she would become the rogue wolf again. She controlled herself from bursting into a fit of anger and casting spells at him when he had entered the hurricane ring because she knew that if she would start right there, more harm would be caused. So she controlled herself all the more. But the rage in her was challenging her werewolf. In all possibility she had thought of creating a portal and leaping in with her opponent. But before she could create a portal, Ziu had brought his wand forward to kill her. She could no longer take it. The hot burning rage inside her wanted to harm him. So she leapt at him and perhaps it was a biological button that triggered her to shapeshift into the feral wolf that she was. The wrath destroyed her from the inside and she exploded into energy as she leapt. She didn't realize what was happening after that. All she knew was that she had to strangle, suffocate and slaughter him and that too, not in this place. 

This time when she jumped, she took him with her in the lands of Mun.

Adrianna found herself crouching on the ground, panting, sweating and gasping for breath. She was soaked in her sweat even in that cold icy atmosphere. She sprawled on the soft snow to squench the heat emanating from her body. Her eyes became hazy with tears. She took her hand to her stomach and addressed her child, "I am sorry darling. Stay strong inside. Stay with your mother. We will eliminate him for life. I want you to have a safe future." He tears rolled out. She held her hand on her eyes. After a short while, when she felt better, she sat up. She wiped her tears and investigated her surroundings. She looked up at the moon and the constellations of stars. It took her precisely five minutes to understand her location. She got up on her feet. It was time to find Ziu. She knew he was trapped here along with her forever. He would never be able to get out or create a portal. A vicious smile tugged her lips. She closed her eyes and opened her mind. She was searching for her friend, Mun. And for any beast who was near her. 

She kept walking to the horizon where the moon was now beginning to set. The moon's rays cooled her, soothed her and healed her. Her broom flew beside her quietly. It didn��t nudge her even for a second to mount it as if understanding the gravity of the situation. 

All the while she walked she kept sending her messages so that anyone would pick them. She hadn't walked much, when suddenly she heard a night owl screech over her as it flew away, "Yes, I saw a man going to the pines on the west."

Adrianna's mouth curled into an evil smile. 


After walking for a long time in the snow, Ziu's legs were numb. He had somehow managed to keep himself warm using whatever heat he could gather from the surroundings. Frost started to gather on his eyebrows and his fingers became slightly numb. The pines were now only a few feet away. They stood tall like ballet dancers against the dark backdrop of night, as if they were about to dance and present their show. His feet picked up the pace and he reached there quickly, ice crunching under his foot. 

Ziu used his wand to break dry branches. He wanted to build fire as soon as possible. When enough of them were gathered, he took a few and created a bonfire. With the rest of them he quickly made a small shabby hut right next to the fire. It had just enough room for him to curl and sleep. When he had seated down, he warmed his hands and as the warmth cruised through his body, his eyes began to close. Sleep overtook him. 

A creaking sound disturbed him sleep slightly. He opened his eyes and flitted his gaze around but it was just the wind that made the nearby tree creak. He slept again. Few minutes later more trees creaked. The ground near them sunk a little and the ice crackled. 

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