
Chapter 26 Campfire

When night came, the party stopped at a clearing by the road. They were surrounded by trees, and the area they found was spacious enough to comfortably fit multiple carriages.

When Earl stepped out of the carriage, the Wild Roses were walking around to verify the safety of the area. The stocky dwarf, Brenda went over to a tall tree and chopped it down before rolling it over to use as a bench.

The others gathered branches to start a campfire. It felt more like they were on a camping trip, rather than staying the night at a dangerous forest. Although to be fair, under the protection of an S-rank Adventurer group and his mother, there was nothing to be fear and it wouldn't be wrong to call it a camping trip.

A cold breeze passed by causing Earl to shiver.

"Cold?" Ari asked and opened her palm. "Try this, it's good practice for your magic too."

A small flame lit up in her palm and then she used to warm her hands.

Earl followed her example and held his hand together while leaving a pocket of air to summon a small fireball. And sure enough, his hands quickly heated up which then spread to his entire body.

Together with his mother, he approached the Wild Roses who had just finished setting up their campfire.

"Mind if we join you guys?" Ari asked with a smile.

"Of course you can join us!" Sheryl welcomed them with open arms.

Ari took a seat on the wooden log first and then placed Earl onto her lap. Around the campfire, there was only Sheryl and Paula. The other two went out to hunt their dinner.

When Paula saw Earl use a small fire in his hands to warm himself up, her elven ears twitched from surprise. "What fine mana control!" Paula praised. She placed both her hands under her chin and leaned forward. "How old are you, boy?"

"I'm 7 years old!" Earl answered cheerfully.

"7 years old with this proficiency with magic?" Both Paula and Sheryl were shocked.

"Yes, he's my pride and joy." Ari smiled proudly and rubbed Earl on the head.

They continued their small talk. Under the veil of the night, they sat around the campfire. Earl would join the conversation occasionally but his eyes would often end up staring at Sheryl's pink ears.

"Is something the matter?" Sheryl suddenly asked while tilting her head to the side.

"Your ears!"

She touched her ears then asked again. "My ears?"

"Can I... Can I touch them?" He asked while putting on his best cute face.

Sheryl was taken aback by Earl's request. She never had someone request such a thing from her before. She was a Grand Adept, no one has tested their luck by teasing her like this. If it were any other man, she would've kicked them flying. However, when the request was from an adorable little boy like Earl, was there any way she could refuse.

"Kehahaha!" She could hear Paula giggling from the side.

"Ugh..." Sheryl let out a sound to express her embarrassment. "Fine, just a little bit, okay?"

"Yay!" Earl cheered and jumped off Ari's lap. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his mother chuckling to herself too. This entire ordeal was very entertaining to her and Earl was pleased to see his mother so happy and relaxed.

With happy steps, Earl came to Sheryl's side of the campfire.

"H-here," Sheryl bowed her head slightly to allow Earl to touch her ears.

At this distance, Earl could see all of Sheryl's delicate features. The way her pale skin was blushing slightly from embarrassment with a tinge of orange from the campfire. The way her naturally pink, silky hair flowed down her shoulders and onto her kimono. The way her red eyes avoided his gaze. And finally, the way her pink fox ears twitched.

Suppressing his excitement, Earl had his first touch of a beastkin's ear. It was soft and fluffy as one would expect. However, the fact that it was a beastkin he was petting increased the wonderfulness of the situation.

"Ah~" Sheryl accidentally let out a voice from Earl's touch to which she hurriedly suppressed by putting her hands over her mouth.

The damage was already done, however. Earl suppressed his grin and put on a face of curiosity. "Does it feel good?"

Earl's childish voice caused Sheryl's embarrassment to heighten. Just as she was about to answer, Paula could no longer suppress her laughter. Earl's voice was the final straw for her.

"Kehahaha... Hahaha!" By Sheryl's side, Paula held her stomach and let out an uncontrollable laugh.

"Paula!" Sheryl let out a voice. Earl could see her pink tail that was wagging before jolt up straight like a stick.

"Hahaha! I'm sorry leader... I never thought there would be a day where I would see you getting taken advantage of by a little child... Hahaha." Paula finally said a sentence with great difficulty. "Haha... My stomach hurts. The great Sakura Death... Petted by a child..."

"Paula..." Sheryl repeated her name again in a quiet voice.

"Huh?" Paula leaked out a voice, sensing the killing intent directed at her.

"Paula." Sheryl said again.

It was at this moment, Paula knew, she had screwed up. She let out a scream, "Nooo! I'm sorry leader! Spare me!" Then sprinted out to the other side of the clearing.

However, Paula was a physically weak mage. Sheryl followed her like a spectre and pinned her down to the ground.

"Time for your punishment!" Shery said as she lifted her two dainty hands up intimidatingly and began to tickle Paula's long ears.

"Ahh~" Paula let out a voice similar to a chicken that was about to have its feathers plucked.

On the other side, Earl stood and watched the scene speechlessly before going back to Ari's lap with a sulking expression.

"I only got to touch her for a little..." He complained to his mother.

Ari petted Earl with a smile to comfort him. "There, there. Isn't this fine too?" She looked to the scene of the beautiful blonde elf being pinned by a fox girl shorty. "They're having a lot of fun. It's contagious isn't it?"

And before they knew it, the mother and son pair were laughing cheerfully together. By the campfire under the veil of the night, was a happy place.

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