
Chapter 104 Alea's Surprise

Alea POV

...How is he doing this?

How can a human use Spirit Magic this well after only a few days?

He must have... a very pure soul. Compared to a bad girl like me who acts on a whim, it's something to be jealous of.

"Like this?" He asks with an innocent smile after replicating my magic.

Without knowning it, a smile has already crept up on my face. I wanted to use this chance to get back at him but I'm enjoying it so much. This is going to be a good game.

"Not bad. Now, it's your turn to set the spell."

"Hehe, I already got something in mind for you, Princess. Please excuse me as I prepare my spell." He says in his formal tone despite knowing my dislike towards it.

Ah, seeing his appearance, it just makes me want to... Nevermind.

Princess this, Princess that. What an irritating thing.

"It's done."

A beautiful flower of ice is made in his hands. It looks wonderfully sculpted and delicate. Each petals looks full of life despite being made of ice. And with a subtle movement of his fingers, the petals detached and began rotating!

Even before attempting it on my own, I could tell the level of mana control one must have to do this.

Is this really magic?

This must be what Master talked about regarding the true nature of magic. The product of one's mind. Chantless, no incantations. As expected of her son.

"You. What's up with this useless magic?"

My sharp tongue gets the better of me as usual. Would he be offended?

"Useless?" He laughs and I am filled with relief. This poor habit of mine has pushed away too many people... "It's not useless if it accomplishes the goal I want it to accomplish, right?"

"What would this type of magic be used for?"

"I didn't know the Princess was so curious about me?" He smiles at me in a teasing voice.

"Just answer the question." Why am I looking the other way?

"It's very simple, Princess. It was to please someone." His playful voice rings out.

"Huh?" My mind blanked for a moment. What is he saying?

My mind focuses back to the task at hand. It was time for my attempt at replicating the magic. I couldn't do it. Such fine shape control was not a skill I possessed. Not yet, at least.

I helplessly put my hand down. The ice flower I've sculpted is pathetic compared to what it should be.

"What a surprise. The Princess is the first to take a letter?"

"How irritating. Tsk. I'll give you a letter here then. Copy this!"

In the end... I won. The score was unbelievably close. My score was- 'Magi'. Just one letter away from 'Magic'.

"It's my win." I proudly say.

"I suppose it is." He did not seem to be too bothered by the loss. "It's time to fill my end of the promise, isn't it?"

"Good that you remember. Speak to me casually from now on."

"I'll do that then, Princess. The magic vocabulary you showed me today was unbelievable. I'm impressed!"

"T-thanks." Why am I looking away again? "Y-Yours too. I think they're useless but I am impressed, nevertheless."

"I'm not sure what that means, but I'll take it as a compliment, Princess." He rubs his head while looking away. A tinge of red can be seen on his previously calm face.

"Oh, and one more thing."


"Call me by my name. Alea. It's Alea."

Narrator POV.

Later, at the Elven Palace.

"That's surprising~ My Alea isn't training today?" Saryll said playfully while peeking her head into Alea's room.

On the bed, Alea was laying down like a starfish.

"What are you here for?" The little girl groaned irritatedly.

"There you go again, not being cute~" Saryll jumped onto the bed and pressed Alea's face against her chest.

"Nooo! Let go!" Alea began protesting in a muffled voice. "I can't breathe..!"

"How can I let go when you look this cute? Hehe. Tickle, tickle, tickle." The Elven Queen continued to smother her daughter's face with her chest.

Her dignified regal self was nowhere to be seen. This was the reality of the Elven Queen, a person who liked cute things.

After the Queen had her fill, Alea was left completely dead on the bed.

"Haah. Haah. Haah." The sound of Alea's heavy breathing fills the room as she tried to catch her breath.

Saryll chuckled once more at Alea's appearance and carefully placed her head on her lap.

"So? What do you think of our visitors?"

Alea thought about her answer for a moment before answering. "Master is very impressive. She is fully dedicated to magic and I fully understand why she is an Archmage. Her son, on the other hand is probably spoiled rotten by Master. He has talent but it doesn't seem like he trains seriously. He has these two slaves he wastes his time on..."

"Ah, so you like both of them." Saryll gave Alea a teasing smile.

"No-" Alea's eyes widen as she attempted to protest.

"No use denying before me~ I am your mother after all, I know what you're thinking."

The girl pouted. "Hnggg..."

"Let's go bath together, Alea."

"But I want to lay down some more..."

"No buts! Let's go!"

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