大话西游2 电影

Chapter 204 Only I Can Have It

"All you have to do is stand around" Ayemon replied nonchalantly, "oh, and shake a few hands every once in a while. Besides it\'s a good opportunity for you isn\'t it?"

That\'s right, who were Ayemon\'s guests? Important people! This was a valuable opportunity to get to know them even if it\'s just showing his face.

"Okay, I will be there. Just tell me who is the main guest?" Aldrich asked because he was curious who Ayemon went out of his way to prepare so much for.

"It\'s lord McConnell, one of Vorian\'s representatives in the lord\'s Assembly."


That was someone of great importance.

To understand that one must know that the legislative system in the Empire is split into three general levels.

The lowest was the Common\'s Cabinet and it consisted of elected officials from the peasantry. This can also include some lesser lords however the voting pool was of commoners alone.

For example a mayor must be elected by the commoners, while the lord of the land still held ownership over it he had to split some of his authority with the mayor.

Next was the Lords Assembly, the provinces of the Empire are divided into regions, the lords of each region elect a representative to the Assembly. And any law passed in the Common\'s Cabin must pass through here before it can move on.

Lastly, the High council, in which the Emperor himself was a member. It included the highest lords and officials in the land. A bill must pass through them before it becomes law.

Of course the Emperor had the final say by Imperial decree but it wasn\'t often that Emperors did that.

So this is an incredibly important person in Vorian. No wonder Ayemon was paying so much attention to this party.

"Oh, yeah. Before I forget take this." Ayemon took out a brown leather box the size of his palm and presented it to him.

"This thing will help you meet the blind priestess again to confirm if she\'s really the oracle."

"But I don\'t want to meet her again." Aldrich replied adamantly. Although there was a part of him that wanted to see her again irrationally, but he suppressed it with a will of steel.

"You will whether you like it or not. She already saved your life, right? It\'s too late to back down now." Ayemon had already cast him out and was not going to sugarcoat things.

"But, but, we don\'t know that… it was a dream maybe it didn\'t mean anything, it wasn\'t real."

"You have a point which is why I gave you that thing. If she comes then test her to know if she\'s telling the truth and extent of her ability and knowledge."

"No point in running from this then. What\'s in the box anyway?" Aldrich sighed in resignation.

"Oh, it\'s a ring Caldera found while looking for the oracle. Back then she said that it had obvious signs of belonging to the oracle. She kept it in hops of it triggering a vision or something."

"How is that supposed to help me find her then?" Aldrich asked cooperatively.

"You won\'t find her but she will find you. We weren\'t able to do anything with it but I bet it will do something when you take it out and wear it while you sleep."

Aldrich didn\'t say anything he just nodded sheepishly.

"Oh, come to think of it, could this ring have been meant for you to begin with? Man these oracles are good." Ayemon came to his own realization and slapped his knee.

"Can you stop that? How is it meant for me? It must\'ve been a coincidence… I have enough things on my plate… fuck this!" Aldrich couldn\'t take it anymore and cursed out loud.

"Ooh, language, boy! Language! You never know maybe you have a minor role in all this. Like passing on an item or a piece of advice."

"Oh, that\'s true!" Aldrich suddenly cheered, "I probably have to do some minor thing and then I will get back to doing my own thing."

That\'s right, there was nothing to indicate that he was in too deep, he was a minor character, a supporting actor, a sidekick. Probably.

Aldrich left the mansion and he was in deep thought in the carriage. It was an eventful and fun day even though he lost the bet. He found himself wondering just how powerful Ayemon was.

He was curious about his personal power and not his political influence. Back in the theater when Ayemon elbowed him he actually felt it sting.

Is it impolite to ask? Probably not. Ayemon was an open-minded person he wouldn\'t mind, so Aldrich decided to ask him next time he got the chance.

Aldrich was also thinking about something else. The Taboo items. He remembered the banshee and how she-supposedly— used an item to peer into the future and and know it\'s own fate.

That couldn\'t have been an ordinary item, no way. Something that ridiculous… Aldrich felt his stomach twisting and churning. It could be… the missing Taboo item.

\'Oh, no. Stop jumping to conclusions!\'

Aldrich clenched his fists and breathed deeply. He couldn\'t allow that monster to continue to possess such an item. It was too dangerous and sinister.

He was the only safe option to have such an item, monster or not, it was too dangerous for anyone else but him to have it. If he couldn\'t have it then… no one else could.

Aldrich made up his mind, if he couldn\'t have it then he wanted it destroyed. It was able to seemingly extract information from both the present and the future.

If he had it, then maybe he could use it to… know who were the ones responsible for the Wakefield massacre.

Not just who they were but even their future actions and current locations, with that item his search could come to and end!

"Stop the carriage at once!"

Aldrich suddenly spotted something and shouted an order at the driver, causing the carriage to come to a violent stop.

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