
Chapter 59: Part-time Senior

Chapter 59: Part-time Senior

…… That’s all.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that the last cricket left my mouth was attached to the warden’s back.

After that day, I stretched out my tongue and touch it on the back of the alien who came to take Abigail home.

On my way to be taken somewhere, I touch it at the back of the alien walking in front of me.

As I was being taken around the facility, I stole a look at the people around me and opened my mouth *pop* *pop* *pop*

After two full days of scattering the No.3 army around the facility, my work was finally done. I wonder what Titania wants to do with it.

Whatever it is, I’m more than willing to help her.

And now I’m working hard at the butcher shop.

I use a regular butcher knife to cut up thighs.

Bones and all!

Even though I’m chopping, my measuring skills are perfect. It can be measured in grams. I finally have mastered the art. I think I have one foot in the realm of craftsmanship. I’d like to participate in the Amazing People show.

Chop! Chop! Chop!

Just as I was polishing my mystery skills, there is a rustling in the storefront.

Could it be Ferris calling again?

She seems to be quickly becoming a celebrity in town these days as a superhuman who carries Butcher around like a pet dog. Everywhere she went, crowds of people made way for her, staring at her in awe.

Well, it’s probably better for Ferris that she’s not underestimated, but I’m worried about her future. I hope the rumors don’t get out of hand and she doesn’t end up being single for the rest of her life…….

When I turned my attention to the storefront, I saw that it was not Ferris who was talking to the minotaur manager, but an Orc officer.

–Pork loin 500 grams.

A pig eats pig……..

And it’s funny because it’s a small portion. When aliens buy meat, it’s usually in kilos. Is he on a diet? Make sure you’re on the rebound by the time I eat you.

As I wrapped up the pork loin and brought it to him, the Orc officer looked at me with a bit of confusion and said something. Next to him is the demon maid with the black eyeballs that I nearly missed.

You must be in a bad situation. After what he did to you, you’re still working for him? Tell me, and I’ll eat you and the pig together. Of course, I’ll eat the pig while I play with you. All of the orc officer’s associates have already become my targets.

–Suddenly, I felt as if a part of my vision had shifted.

When I focused my attention next to the Orc officer, I saw the ninja girl from before. She was one of the ninja girls who had been on either side of him in the Orc officer’s room the other day. Her watchful eyes glittered behind her ninja costume. I hadn’t noticed.

I see you have such a technique. I’ll keep it in mind for when I kill you.

When it comes to Kunoichi, group play is the way to go, isn’t it? I think I heard someone say that a long time ago, but now I understand. In my case, I’m alone, but I’ll deal with you as hard as I can.

–Oh? There’s a demon officer walking towards me from the other side.

The demon officer greeted him with a smile, and the three of them, including the minotaur manager, started talking.

In the meantime, I finished receiving the new meat from the supplier.

I received two human corpses wrapped in a bamboo mat and stamped the Butcher’s seal. I’ve earned the trust of the Minotaur Manager to the point where I can be trusted with this level of responsibility. Ahem.

As I was carrying the meat into the store’s refrigerator, I saw a line of familiar faces walking toward me from across the street. It’s strange how many people I know show up today.

This time it’s Ferris, and that’s the…… elf girl?

They walked over to me, conversing in some kind of calm atmosphere.

Didn’t you two just have a fight? Have you girls made up already? It’s good to be young.

But no matter how much you fought, don’t throw your friend into the Butcher’s cage again, okay? If it’s anyone but me, it’ll be the end of her life for sure.

“Oh, Jibodan!※○▲◎☆◇〆〒●▲”

Ferris approached me, wagging her arms and tail. She looked up at me happily and spoke some incomprehensible words to me. I’m sorry, I have no clue.

It’s a shame that Lydia isn’t with us today…….

I mean, is it still Jibodan? I told Lydia my name was Givaudan, didn’t I? Didn’t she get the message? I’d like you to stop calling me by that name because it makes me feel weak.

The elf girl, on the other hand, is standing a little further away, her face tensed in silence.

I’m fine. I’m not going to start throwing a tantrum in the middle of the day in the manager’s store, no matter what. I’m not that ungrateful.

When I came to the front of the store, Ferris and the elf girl went to the front of the store with me and started to look for croquettes and other items, arguing about this and that.

Buying and eating on the way home from school. They look like a cover of a school girl magazine, I want to stain that shiny paper page white with the two of them together.

While I was thinking such a disgusting thing, the Minotaur manager suddenly patted me on the shoulder and handed me some grass with a laugh. Thank you.

As I was munching on the grass, he left me alone and walked off with the two officers.

–Thank you.

That was the last order I received from the device.

what? One Butcher stood stunned in the store, unable to understand what was going on.

There is a small line of aliens in front of the store looking for meat.

*buzzing* *buzzing*

An aura of confusion emanated from them.

A dwarfish bearded alien at the head of the line pointed fearfully at the meat in the product case and said, “◇#☆□○……”

I don’t understand. Do you want this meat?

I nodded my head, and he gently held up two fingers.

Aliens are measured in kilos. Two kilos of chicken.

I go back to the back of the store, wrap up two kilos of chicken, and take it to him. Here you go.

Then he takes the item and offers me a coin in return.


I wonder if this is a right amount. Do you want change?

At any rate, I took the four coins, looked at them, and stared at the dwarf.

The dwarf doesn’t move from his spot. The dwarf was frozen in place, sweat dripping from his eyes as he stared at the red glass ball glowing in the back of my paper bag. I’m sweating inwardly, too.

I think I’m waiting for change. But I don’t know how to count coins. ……

As the dwarf and I stared at each other, at a loss for words, a cheerful helper appeared. It was Ferris.

She trotted over. She walked around the store and came next to me. She looked at the coins in my hand and spoke cheerfully, then took a few appropriate coins out of the coin purse and gave them back to the dwarf. He looked relieved, took it, and left.

Thank you for your help!

I’ll give you a lick on the cheek. I’ll lick your cheek. Ferris then smiled and beckoned the elf girl who had been watching in the distance to come over.

At first, the elf girl looked grim and shook her head, but at Ferris’ incessant calling, she reluctantly came into the store.

This time, an alien with a face like that of a Baltan stood behind the counter. He was pointing at the meat and saying something. His arms are crab scissors. I don’t even know the number anymore. That’s two, right?

–One kilo of beef tenderloin, four kilos of beef sirloin.

I looked over and saw Ferris operating the control terminal. Smart. Smart, Ferris.

I head to the back of the store and wrap up the meat in the fridge and take it with me.

As Ferris was exchanging money, she left the goods with the elf girl who was standing next to her. She had a look of confusion on her face, but she obediently handed it to the guy who looked like an Alien Baltan. A Baltan-like fellow leaves while laughing foppishly ……. No way, are you really Baltan……?

So the two girls took over for me, and I settled down to my usual job of cutting the meat and bringing it to the customers.

As a part-time leader, I wanted to give them the impression of being senior staff, but they worked so hard that I didn’t need to.

A fox girl and an elf girl are standing in the store where the minotaur manager would normally be. And both of them have a very cute schoolgirl look.

Ferris is a bit on the short side.

The elf girl is thin and fragile.

In addition to their curiosity, these girls arouse the desire and protectiveness of men at the same time, and if they stand in the store, word of mouth will quickly spread in real-time, bringing in a thousand customers. The longest line I’ve ever seen was formed in front of the store.

Thanks to this, the store was very busy. We were definitely trending at this very moment.

I sliced the meat and took it to Ferris. The elf girl started to take charge of the frying, making croquettes and fried chicken.

At first, she was a little pale at the thought of having to stand so close to me while frying, but as she got busier and busier, she seemed to lose her dislike of me, she was tucking in her hair and rolling up her arms. At the end, she shouted with a cheerful voice “※ー☆っ!” she is sweating with a smile on her face.

Ferris seemed to be enjoying herself from start to finish. I guess she was enjoying being able to tell me what to do.

The faces of the customers who came face to face with Ferris were relaxed from start to finish.

As I watched the two of them working around the clock, I also enjoyed the youthful atmosphere of a part-time job that was different from the usual.

I was longing for something like this.

When the line was getting shorter, the manager of the Minotaur finally came back and was surprised to see me. The coin purse was overflowing.

Ferris and the manager were chatting and laughing.

Oh, I thought those two seemed to know each other. Good, good, good. I was afraid the manager would scold me for letting a stranger into the store without permission.

That day, we ran out of meat stock, so we had to close up the store.

As the minotaur manager left the store to take me back to the facility, Ferris intercepted him.

This is how I ended up being taken to the facility by Ferris.

Yes, in her mind, I am her pet. JK walks her dog after school.

I’m sure there’s no one left who would be foolish enough to mess with such a bold figure like Ferris.

The elf girl and Ferris are having a really normal conversation.

This means that my theory that Ferris was thrown into my jail because of the elf girl’s mistreatment, and that the elf girl was later punished in my jail by the perverted fox woman, may have been off the mark. I’m too rude for that.

No, but I was definitely told to punish her at that time.

I’m not sure if aliens have a very refreshing temperament like if they fought yesterday, they’re friends today. Lydia is also a bit…..different, and I don’t know what she’s thinking.

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