
Chapter 216

Muttered Natsuki, stretching her neck out from behind the group.

Then she gasped and clamped her mouth shut. Looking crestfallen.

This caused all eyes to focus on Abigail.

Dominic said as he brought up another recording.

“–A few months ago, the new Echo team’s secret recon base was attacked and destroyed by aliens. This is the black box footage we barely managed to recover from that site. The facility was so utterly destroyed that it took a long time just to recover this much footage.”


It was indeed, without a doubt, the camera footage from that underground facility that Abigail and Gevaudan had destroyed when they were in captivity at Faymbaum.

The black box was from the slow tortoise that had been shot down by Titania. The mission that Sergeant Adams assigned was a data recovery mission from that base. Adams was killed by Gevaudan but they left the black box on the helicopter. And later, it was successfully recovered by Fox.

But Abigail had no way of knowing that.

“You’re suspected of being a double agent, Abigail. The fact that you were sneaking about within the walls of 88. There’s also this video. By adding these two pieces together, the evidence is damning.”

There was no defense.

No one in the room could open their mouth.

For Abigail, this was completely unexpected – and fatal.

In the heavy silence, Abigail’s mind was racing at full speed.

Many excuses flashed through her mind, and then instantly faded. In front of this “concrete evidence” a half-hearted lie would only worsen her position.

She could no longer pretend that this footage did not exist. How could she ensure her own survival? And how long could she keep her privileged position? These are the last strands she has left to cling to.

“Hey!! Wait a minute.”

InoRyder yelled.

“It’s true that she looks a little bit like her. But that doesn’t mean she is the same person, right?”

“That’s right. However, don’t you think it’s a bit too similar?”

InoRyder continued to protest, but Dominic’s reason clearly has a lot of ground.

However, her distressed cover-up brought one spark of hope to Abigail.



Dominic furrowed his brow.

“–Doppelganger. A type of alien commonly called a shapeshifter that can mimic the shape of its target. I do not recall ever going outside the city during the time I was trapped in the alien city. They must have taken my shape while I was unconscious. Because it’s strange that they are wearing men’s clothing like that.”

It’s a desperate attempt to cover up.

The existence of doppelgangers is unknown to mankind. However, the existence of such aliens was mentioned the other day among the information from Gevaudan. Apparently, they are few in number, but it is certain that they do exist.


Dominic chuckles.

” ‘Aliens’ huh, How convenient. Any plausible narrative can be fabricated simply because we don’t know much about them.”

“And don’t you want to know? About doppelgangers. Why they haven’t been involved in the war until now if their ability is so terrifying? About the existence of an alien race called the Nocturnes. I know all there is to know about them, the inner workings, information about the enemy’s capital, and the location of the gate. All of this is valuable information you couldn’t get without me.”

“It seems you’ve become very friendly with the enemy. I will personally interrogate you to make sure you want to tell me everything.”

“-What’s the hurry Commander? Are you really that desperate to probe my insides?”

Abigail went on the offensive role. She raised the volume of her voice.

“You kill Wake and Garnier! And I’m next!”

“–Ex-captain? What are you talking about Abby?”

InoRyder asked back.

“Garnier died in prison. Isn’t that right, Eugene?”

“A-Ah. That’s what I heard…….”

Eugene confirmed, puzzled by the sudden turn of events.

“At the very day met Wake.”

After a few seconds, Bulging veins appeared on InoRyder’s temple.

“–What……did you just say?!?”

“It’s unthinkable InoRyder. He’s definitely been silenced. So was Wake. Even a child could tell who did it so openly.”


InoRyder glares at Dominic with a sharp look in her eyes.

Vani also has her gaze fixed on Dominic.

Agatha looks puzzled, her gaze darting back and forth. The same goes for Mclaren and Lestrade at his feet.

Natsuki is holding Yakumo from behind. Yakumo is holding Niblo. Mashu is standing next to them with a tray in her hands, and Eugene, who remains seated, watches the proceedings with a sparkle in his eye.

A suffocating silence fell over Valhalla.

Then Dominic clears his throat.

He speaks up with a grimace.

“–That’s a poor excuse, Abigail. Then you can’t claim that you’re not an alien doppelganger or something either.”

His point made the soldiers surrounding them tense.

“It doesn’t really matter either way. I need to restrain you. Please be cooperative…”

“Wait, let me talk to the Lieutenant General first-“

Abigail stood up, and then…

“Don’t move!”

A soldier raised his gun and shouted. His eyes are filled with suspicions.

“Lower the gun!”

Almost reflexively, InoRyder pulls two revolvers from her waist.

One is pointed at the soldier, the other at Agatha.

A single heartbeat later, all soldiers raise their guns.

Then InoRyder’s loud shout slammed into them.

“Don’t move! If I saw even a finger on the trigger, I’ll shoot!”


Being the first target, Agatha is unable to move, her hand still on her holster.

Vani put her finger on tactical tomahawks that she kept on each thigh.

The guests in Valhalla also stand up and all come to a halt with their fingers on their holsters.

“Ohh!, Ohhhhh!! what is this!!”

Eugene sprawled in his chair, held up both hands, and screamed exaggeratedly.

“You guys really going to pull a wild-west in this place!? And it’s at noon too!”

“InoRyder, clam down and put the gun away.”

Abigail looked at her with only her eyes.

“Nope, Abby. That one pointed the gun at you first, Have your men put their guns down Agatha.”

“Are you out of your mind!?”

A hysterical growl echoed through Valhalla.

“She might be an alien!”

“I’ve already been with her naked and thoroughly examined her beauty.”

“Don’t you understand!? The woman said it herself that shapeshifters exist!! you can’t be so sure, you don’t even know if it’s really a woman or not!!”

“Shut up!! it doesn’t matter as long as I enjoy it. It’s a very important lesson from Senpai, This is the age that love isn’t bound by gender or stereotypes!!”

“You guys are the reason why your team’s sex life is getting so messed up.”

“Well, Agatha, I saw your boyfriend in Haven the other day.”


“Heven’s Gay bar.”


“His face is …… ah, some kind of inviting face. Don’t you usually talk crap about him? He probably exploded from the stress and his pent-up needs.”


The corners of Agatha’s eyes twitched. She could see the not-so-small amount of damage on her face.

“You don’t have to say that now! what is your problem!!”

“If you don’t want me to tell your men about your nasty side, put down the gun!”

“Ahhhhhhh you fucking coward!!!”

Despite the difference in numbers, there’s nothing they could do. Normally, they would have gone to subdue InoRyder without a second thought, but there she was, living up to her reputation as a mad dog.

When this woman says she will do something, she will. The soldiers were unable to move and had no choice but to listen quietly to the increasingly petty arguments.

Dominic looked around.

Most of the soldiers and guests were wary of Abigail.

On the other hand, there were a few guests who had known InoRyder and they were now wary of the Alpha team’s actions. Dominic remained unconcerned, but he could not make any more bad moves here.

Thus, a classic Mexican standoff ensues in Valhalla.

A tension in which even the sound of breath could lead to the trigger.

Such a stalemate continued, and no one was able to move.

It was an unexpected voice that broke the tension.

“That’s enough.”

The deep voice that suddenly rang out made everyone’s shoulders jump.


Abigail looked over there, and a man broke through the crowd – Penrose.

Valhalla gasped at the unexpected appearance of the Fort 88 leader.

“L-Lieutenant General, What are you doing in such a place?”

“Why would you put a key source of information in jeopardy unnecessarily, Dominic? Didn’t I say to show her the video and respectfully invite her to join us?”

“Sir, please accept my apologies. However, because Abigail has raised the possibility that she might be a shape-shifter, a doppelganger, it is necessary to place her under arrest and conduct a medical test in the Secretary General’s lab.”

“I know what a doppelganger is.”

At Penrose’s words, Dominic groaned in annoyance.

“So you already knew about them, As expected of your excellency.

“I’ve been fighting aliens since before you were born. I know how to recognize them. I can guarantee you that no one here, even Abigail, is a doppelganger.”


With that, Dominic backed down meekly.

“All of you, put your guns down.”

Penrose waved his hand and everyone in the room lowered their guns.

“Miss Abigail.”

“…… yes.”

Penrose stepped forward, and Abigail straightened her posture.

“I want information. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’ve waited long enough. You seem to know a lot more than just the gate. It’s time for me to hear your story.”


“I’m going to put you under arrest for double agents, but I promise not to hurt you if you cooperate. —- Understand?”

Penrose looked at Eugene with his eyes.

Eugene nodded, His head dripping with cold sweat.

“Then I’ll invite you to join me.”


Abigail nodded.

“Abby, I’ll go with–“

Penrose interrupted InoRyder with his hand.

“Abigail will be under my direct protection. I’ll let you know when you can see her within the next couple of days.”

“…… yes, yes sir …….”

There was an unseen power in Penrose’s every move. He is not a man with just a title. No soldier could go against him.


Abigail calls, and Natsuki steps out.

“Abby, are you okay?”

“Yes, don’t worry–you guys keep doing what we agreed alright–…….”

Abigail whispers into her ear, and Natsuki gives a small nod, “Yeah.”

As they hugged, Niblo dove into Abigail’s hair.

“InoRyder, take care of the kids.”

“Alright. I’ll be there to pick you up myself, don’t worry.”

“Thank you.”

After giving InoRyder a hug and kiss as a farewell, Abigail left Valhalla, accompanied by Claudia, who was standing behind Penrose.

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