
Chapter 128: Who Cares!

Chapter 128: Who Cares!

“What is he holding?” asked Zheng Ren.

“A silk banner embroidered with words related to the successful rescue operation of the patient with heavy postpartum hemorrhage last night. That man... should be her family member.”

Uh... Zheng Ren looked closely at the commotion. Generally, silk banners would be directly delivered to the department to be hung up or buried in a random corner of the room.

If the silk banner was meant to express sincere gratitude, it should be hung on a visible location so that everyone could read it.

However, the man standing in front of the Sea City General Hospital emergency building was holding the silk banner up with both hands...

Was that not exhausting?

Zheng Ren vaguely noticed the shaky arms and bruises on the disheartened man’s face.

A short distance away stood a few familiar figures who constantly appeared in the man’s field of vision on purpose.

There were a few noticeable but mild injuries on them as well.

Zheng Ren smirked when he recalled the nightmarish hell last night. Then, he returned to his seat and began to make a resuscitation plan.

He had no desire to deal with those scumbags at all.

“Yo? You look calm,” said Su Yun, taking a quick glance at the scene before he sat behind Zheng Ren and played on his phone.

“What do you want me to do? Rush down there and join in the fun?”

“I thought you’ll excitedly call the person who helped you and thank him with trembling hands,” Su Yun remembered something and stood up abruptly, adding, “I’m going to take photos of it and post them on Weibo and my social media.”

“What for?”


“What if it’s useful? It’s better to take the initiative and gain the upper hand first.”

Su Yun had no desire to explain his intention to the blockhead in detail and leisurely walked out of the office in the emergency ward.

When the elevator reached the lobby on the first floor, the doors slid open to approximate a hundred people watching the hustle and bustle outside the building.

The Chinese really loved a busy environment just like how the ancient ones used to say.

Su Yun slowly walked out of the emergency building with a cell phone in his hand.

The man in the middle hid his face behind the silk banner, probably due to embarrassment or something else, so Su Yun was unable to identify which troublemaker, who had created a mess in the obstetric department earlier today, was assigned to this task.

The silk banner was densely embroidered with many words to clearly summarize the event last night. However, the part where the family members had abandoned the patient with heavy postpartum hemorrhage and subsequently returned to raise a medical dispute was left out. Instead, it was replaced with a deception where they had gone to gather money and the surgeon had been competent and kind enough to save the patient in time.

The words were embroidered rather than written on the silk banner.

No one knew to whom this hard work was meant for.

Su Yun’s lips curled up into a sneer. What sort of darkness loomed beneath the bright and beautiful world? Nobody knew.

Just like these onlookers. Perhaps they would feel touched by that fool Zheng Ren, but who knew what had actually happened in between?

However, it was good enough for everything to go back to its original track.

Zheng Ren was worthy enough to receive a silk banner or a letter of gratitude.

Su Yun used his phone to snap photos of this “precious” scene from different angles.

The yellow-toothed, tattooed man was squatting and smoking at a nearby location with bruises visibly noted on the corners of his eyes and lips.

There was an indescribable joy in Su Yun’s heart after stealing a peek at him.

It seemed like the person who helped Zheng Ren had good control of his own actions. These professional troublemakers had been beaten, but the injuries were not serious enough for them to seek medical treatment.

Potential trouble to the hospital was avoided and the problematic issue was successfully solved. The man indeed had an extremely good sense of propriety.

Su Yun held a high regard for that man.

The joy in his smile intensified after understanding the situation perfectly. Then, he selected a photo with the best view that he had just taken and uploaded it to his social media and Weibo.



A newspaper office in Sea City.

Wei Feng had been busy creating a draft throughout the night.

Ever since his graduation from the Communication University of China, he had applied for countless jobs but all of them had been rejected. Left with no choice, he had returned to his hometown in Sea City with a disheartened mood.

It was very difficult for an undergraduate to find a stable job in an established newspaper firm.

He had been unemployed for more than half a year. Then, through his distant relative’s social connections, he had paid a king’s ransom before he was finally accepted to work as a reporter in the current newspaper office.

The hardship he had endured along the way fueled his inner desire to fight for a better future.

He must become successful. That was his obligation!

During the internship period, all tasks that had been assigned to him were trivial issues such as sharing positive energy with the public and so on.

Wei Feng felt nothing but contempt at such tasks.

After studying various classical cases, he had concluded that if he wanted to become famous overnight and cause a great sensation, he must first understand the people’s minds.

Indignation would consume the outsiders’ hearts in every “classic” case.

From the perspective of a college student who had been professionally trained, he clearly understood the twists and turns behind those cases.

Those involved in national civil services, law enforcement, medical field and education system could easily spark a public outrage.

On his desk lay yesterday’s newspaper with a shocking headline—Elderly Loses 2000 Yuan A Month By Selling Tea Eggs Outside University!

This news only stated that someone had paid only a penny using QR code payment when purchasing tea eggs. The reporter who had written this news did not... perhaps deliberately twisted the story by highlighting the university entrance where the incident had occurred in bold.

Hence, the first thought that occurred to every reader’s mind was that the students nowadays were ill-mannered to scam a tea egg seller by paying less on purpose.

Wei Feng had read through the online version of this news, and as expected, many people indignantly reprimanded the college students for their poor attitudes.

However, the truth had nothing to do with college students taking advantage of an elderly tea egg seller.

In fact, it was a guy from an urban village near the university who had used the old seller’s blurry vision under the cover of the night to his advantage.

The college students still had good manners in today’s world.

If truth be told, the young college students were far better than most adults in society.

They abided by the rules, and yet they were frequently slung with mud.

This time, it was the same as well.

After seeing the headline, Wei Feng had guessed how things would turn out in the end. He presumed that the university authorities would provide clarification today, but the damage had been dealt and the college students had become the scapegoat, and as for the rest of it, who cared anyway?!

The draft he had prepared overnight was cleverly typed into a suspenseful story with multiple parts. He was convinced that its publication would definitely raise an uproar in the society.

The sales growth of the newspaper office’s flagship—Sea City Life News—would increase tremendously because of this article.

Wei Feng, the creator of the news, would surely welcome the first pinnacle in his career.

The email had been sent to the lead editor. He glanced at the time and figured that his article should have been reviewed at this moment.

He once again happily read through his article. Lots of interesting twists had been included to completely control the readers’ minds, and the words could guide them using their cognitive inertia and inadvertently misdirect their focus toward the designated goal.

Wei Feng also had plans for the subsequent part of the draft. He was merely waiting for the first part to raise a public howl of protest so that he could make minor adjustments according to the readers’ emotional fluctuations.

This article was definitely better than the story about a tea egg seller outside the university and could lead to a greater debate on the internet.

Controversy was equivalent to popularity, which also meant that he would gain lots of attention in a short period of time.

‘Just you wait! Those who rejected me, I’ll make your jaws drop, and I won’t bat an eye on you even when you plead for my return!’

This delightful thought emerged in Wei Feng’s mind as if he had been awarded The Pulitzer Prize and had become a prominent member of the media.

“There are a million possibilities in an instant[1]...” Wei Feng’s phone suddenly rang. It was from the lead editor.

‘She must have thought that the draft is very well done.’ Wei Feng smiled and accepted the call.

[1] ] A lyric from the song A Million Possibilities by Christine Welch.

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