
Chapter 55 - Suspicious Black Book

Third floor, tower of magic books.

I was browsing around the area where the meditation books are located. This tower is really wide, it also has so many floor.

Where did all this books came from? Are the previous owners of the tower wrote books? It could be.

I mean the books would not magically appear on their own ain't it?

Anyway, I already know this tower is a mystery itself. No one knows where it came from and who created it.

I pick all the books that I think would suit my training, After browsing from the meditation book section, I move to another floor.

It's the 12th floor, That high. Ugh, is there some kind of elevator or something? While I was thinking such thing.

A coincidence appeared, A cleaning android is standing on a floating slab that was moving upwards. Without hesitation I jump.

Stepping on the round slab I couldn't feel any different from walking on the ground. It did not even shake. amazing, It's a magic levitation.

Arriving at the floor where the books I'm looking for, I jumped down.

I just realized, There are no windows in this tower. I mean up there, at the top of tower. I could see a sunlight but yet there are no windows.

Shaking my head, Let's find out that later. There are many oppurtunity I could get in here, I should use that oppurtunity and not waste it. let's not waste on something we could not get an answer.

Walking towards the shelves where the books I'm looking for while carrying two books about meditation in my hand.

The two books are called, the first one is "Clear mind, Calm soul meditaion" The other is "Tough mind, Strong soul meditation." The two books had the same writer.

The first can help me focus and calm my raging soul while the other is for resistance against mental attacks.

The book I'm looking for in this floor is about magic spells. I really don't have any powerful spells but just basic ones. I want to learn powerful spells too.

I keep humming while walking until I arrive.

Browsing around, I found good spells I'm looking for. As for why I did not search for very powerful spells it's because I have a feeling I can't use powerful spells yet without learning the intermediate spells. After all there is no shortcut to success.

I found a really interesting spell, it's called 'parallel mind' I took the book cause it pick my curiousity. I read what is inside and thought what an amazing spell, No it's not just a spell but a mental training.

This will greatly help me. With this book I could think fast and think more. As the book can enable another second thought. Meaning I could think twice at the same time. But, It will cause headache if use too much or if one doesn't have strong mental resistance or mental energy.

Fortunately for me I could just refill my mental energy anytime I want. Sleeping can refill energy, I did not use my energy to replenish my mental energy cause I love sleeping.

Combine with the two meditation books, this will be so easy. I chuckled.

The second book that I pick was a disguise spell. 'Morphing spell' It's not the mastered one but the intermediate. It can only change the skin's shape. Unlike the mastered one that can make the person into complete different person from height, weight and etc. The mastery can also change gender. Although it can change gender, it's just an illussion it's a fake and cannot function.

I mean for example; I learned the mastery of morphing and decide the change my gender. My dick would change into a vagina but the shortcoming is that it's just an illusion that would trick the mind. In reality my dick did not really turn into a vagina. Also I don't want to lose my dick, or else I cannot fuck my women.

If a person really want to have the ability to become anything, then that person needs to learn the ancient spell 'metamorphosis'. With that spell anyone could become anything from human to animals to things or even dust. But learning the spell would take many centuries to learn, according to the intermediate book of morphing.

Why did I even pick this book?

Because this book will help me too. How? The world is full of women, If I want to freely roam around the city I need to disguise my self as a woman or else, I would be raped on the road if I did not dsguise myself. Frustrated women are quite scary sometimes.

While I was searching for another book. I only picked up non-elemental magic spells. I also need intermediate elemental magic spells, so I grab all elemental books that interest me. Some books have cool names such as 'Whirlwind storming the earth' or 'Water dragon strike's again'.

There are also weird names. I laughed while reading them.

While I was browsing books I notice something peculiar. Between the shelves there is a wide gap and there is a table place on the middle.

On the table there is a book and it look very supicious, The book is covered in black and have black paper. It looks mysterious and could grab my attention anytime. But I'm not that stupid, Who would fall such trick. I read too many stories and this thing is very suspicious.

But I ignore the book and resume searching for books. I pick books after books, when there is nothing that could grab my interest. I go to other side of the shelf, but what greeted me made my face twitch.

I peek to the side where I came from. I saw the table on the middle disappeared. I turned towards the table that appeared on middle of the side where I am.

No matter how you look at it, this thing is very suspicious. It's intentionally luring me. I shook my head and ignore it.

That might be cursed or something, I don't want another problem in me. It will be very hard and would cause me headache.

I continued picking up magic spell books. At some point I already pick up so many books. I need some hands.

While thiking such thing, I android robot suddenl appeared on my side, scaring the shit out of me. For fuck sake, Don't appear out of nowhere.

"Sir, do you need some help. I could carry the books for you."A robotic voice came out from it's speaker. This android is not a human-like but just a normal robot.

"Yeah, Here take this."I dump all the books I was carrying. There is no need to be angry wit this program thingy. even if you lash out it some words it would not uderstand. Except for the latest adroids my famiy told me.

The robot and the black book keep following my from aisle to aisle. I continued ignoring the book.


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