
Chapter 116: Vol2 Ch14: Sacrifices

Chapter 116: Vol2 Ch14: Sacrifices

Translator: La0o9

“No problem” Fang Ze nodded and walked away from the riot under the escort of these people.

This little commotion was a bit strange, it could be a simple accident, but no one had the courage to gamble when the safety of a Disaster King was involved.

Especially in this world where any disaster could be transformed into an Authority, even an [Accident] could also manifest as an Authority without anyone knowing.

“Watch out!”

Due to Liu Shi’s Authority, a firework slammed onto a hanging billboard while avoiding the crowd.

With a creak, the support frame of the billboard broke and sent the thing slamming downward.

If anyone was hit by this heavy billboard, they would either die or become handicapped.

Those protecting Fang Ze had all undergone strict training to be able to skillfully react and adapt to any sudden accidents.

As soon as they noticed that something was wrong with the billboard, they flexibly squeezed through the crowd while bringing Fang Ze away with them, followed by a group of people who suddenly appeared and escorted Fang Ze away from the range of the billboard’s collapse.


“A series of accidents. We can confirm that this was an attack by an Authority Holder” compared to the assassination of the [Medical Malpractice] Authority Holder, Chang Xia’s was more concerned with the problem on Fang Ze’s side.

The former’s death would only cause a few accidental malpractices within the hospital, as long as they stopped and investigated, they would understand that they were accidents caused by his death and could solve it accordingly.

But Fang Ze’s side was different. If he was killed and triggered an asteroid to fall to Earth, they would have to use ranged means to either blow up the asteroid or change its orbit, which may or may not cause broken fragments to fall and strike the Earth instead. Or they would need to borrow the power of another Disaster King just like the solar storm disaster from years ago to cause the Earth to dodge the asteroid.

However, that method might cause other incidents to occur instead.

Chang Xia frowned, although the power of that other Disaster King could work to a certain degree, there was a reason why Disaster Kings were named as such: their powers are still derived from disaster. Even with precautions, once they exercised their Authority, there would be repercussions.


More and more accidents started occurring around Fang Ze, causing those protecting him to keep bringing him away from the scene to avoid those issues and gradually leaving his side actively or passively.

On top of a certain building, a sniper was aiming at Fang Ze, but as soon as he saw his path being blocked by a crowd of people in front of him, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At the very next moment, the head of the panicking civilian in front of Fang Ze exploded and collapsed to the ground, Fang Ze’s escorts didn’t even bat an eyelid as they trampled on the corpse and continued moving forward.

Seeing the mutilated corpse, Fang Ze felt for the first time how heavy this so-called position of Disaster King was. The other party was just a normal person that happened to block his way because of their survival instincts.

That was it, and yet his life was taken without hesitation. Judging from the expressions of the guards surrounding him, they obviously also knew about that.

Is this simply how reality works?

Fang Ze gasped at the sight and thought. He was smart, but his heart wasn’t made of steel, and the fact that a person had just been killed and trampled so severely simply because he stood in the way of another triggered an impulse in him to reject this reality.

But right away, Fang Ze threw that impulse away. He was currently running for his life. From the perspective of the bigger picture, if his death would cause an even greater disaster, then every sacrifice right now became necessary.

Meanwhile, the people escorting him kept reducing in number bit by bit as tiny, unexpected accidents kept happening one after another.


“Where are the reinforcements? Are they all dead?” Chang Xia angrily questioned.

“Every street is being blocked by either a car accident or other kinds of issues, the jam has caused traffic to back up for several miles in every direction. Our land reinforcements have been trapped in traffic. Preliminary conclusion is that the Disaster Authority: [Traffic Jam] is being exercised, but this is an unrecorded Authority” Seven hurriedly reported: “The air reinforcements are still heading in, but will need around 3 more minutes to make it there. A part of our people are trying to get there on foot, but they most likely won’t make it”

“What about Disasforce reactions?”

“Besides the Disasforce reaction from the ‘invasive’ group of infected people, all the other Disasforce reactions are those kept on record, no other Disasforce reactions have been found”

“Damn it” Chang Xia cursed.

There were always certain requirements for an Authority Holder to exercise their Authority, for example other disasters of the same kind as the [Traffic Jam] disaster required the Authority Holder to be in the same area in order to trigger. Especially since they managed to cause the exact route around Fang Ze’s location to freeze, they must be nearby.

However, since a Disaster Authority was being activated without any Disasforce reactions, a lot of things could be implied from this. Disasforce Suppression Device, this was one of the research results that the government produced, but it was unlikely for people of the government to actually try and attack a Disaster King, at least, if they truly wanted to get rid of a Disaster King, the situation would have gone far beyond what it currently was.

“Which means, someone had managed to pass the research results out from the government’s grasp. It really is like those guys to do such a stupid thing” Chang Xia shouted in anger.

“The guards have all been caught in various issues, there’s currently no one around Fang Ze” Seven anxiously reported: “We’ve also lost contact with the sniper we set up”


Sitting on the rooftop, Wang Zhao looked down at the unconscious sniper next to him and looked through the scope at Fang Ze: “Humans are really fragile”

“Even a Disaster King is only a single bullet away from death. Our so-called Kings are nothing but a few lucky dregs, that’s all” Wang Zhao said with a strange smile on his face: “Got you, Apophis”


In an alleyway, Wan Heng Yang was madly rushing towards Fang Ze. Through the micro-camera on Fang Ze’s body, Chang Xia quickly noticed who the assailant was.

“It’s him” Chang Xia put a hand over his forehead. Because this was an ordinary person who tried to sue an Authority Holder and persisted with his charges for over 20 years, Chang Xia recognized him.

He had also turned to the D.E.R division for help, but due to pressure from various parties, they had no choice but to turn a blind eye to this case. Out of guilt, they had also helped prevent a few issues for this person.

It was unexpected for it to be him, but also reasonable.

“Look at his arm. That convex armguard is the Disasforce Suppression Device” Chang Xia’s eyes went cold.

Those sons of bitches actually allowed such an important thing to flow out from government control, just look at the state they’ve brought the issue this time.

Fang Ze panted as he watched the uncle with the crazy expression rushing towards him. There was no one else around him, and at such a close distance, he could already feel the Disasforce that drifted about that uncle’s body.

The attribute of this Disasforce was cold and cruel, as if every last bit of warmth in life were deprived and stripped away from him. This was the Disasforce that came from the [Loneliness] Authority, in addition to its destructive power, it also carried that sense of crushing spiritual bleakness.

“Die!” Wan Heng Yang’s rational mind had already been destroyed by the emotions of pain and longing for his daughter.

The Disasforce surged towards Fang Ze. The human body was extremely fragile, even if Wan Heng Yang’s Authority produced relatively less destructive Disasforce than normal, it was still Disasforce, and the human body had no resistance towards this power.

Fang Ze wanted to escape as he saw Wan Heng Yang rushing at him, but after running for his life for so long, he had no stamina left. And when he wanted to use Disasforce to defend himself, he found that he wasn’t able to utilize that enormous amount of Disasforce in such a short time with his own will.

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