
Chapter 205 - Tender Love - Part 1


She'd thought the kiss was an end to the conversation, but it turned out, it was only the beginning. 

Aaryn seemed to wrestle with some kind of demon—his hands so gentle on her face, his fingers stroking her cheeks, his lips caressing hers. It was as if she were breakable and he was terrified.

At first she wanted to snap him out of it, afraid it was borne out of fear. But then, as his breath turned to sighs, and the mating call echoed in his throat, she realized, no… he wasn't kissing her that way out of fear. He was kissing her that way out of love.

"You are so precious to me," he whispered, then tilted his head to take her mouth in a slow, tender drag that made her lips tingle and her heart race.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," she whispered back.

He whined in his throat, pulling her into his lap so she straddled his thighs and the kiss went on. And on.

The night air was becoming chill. They were still in leathers and shirtsleeves. But Elreth didn't feel cold. Her arms rose in goosebumps, but that was because he was slowly, slowly trailing his fingers up and down her back, kissing her as if she were the sweetest thing he'd ever tasted, and groaning with the sheer pleasure of it.

It seemed to last forever. She lost track of time, lost track of everything except his trembling hands, his soft lips, the scruff on his cheek because he hadn't shaved, the tiny noises he made that rang of his desire for her—and warmth of his skin under her hands. 

Then suddenly he pulled away, staring at her, pushing the hair back off her face with one finger and combing it to lay down her back. "I want to take you inside," he whispered, his eyes bright and dark at the same time. 

Elreth smiled. "I want you to take me inside."

So they got up and banked the fire, then he took her hand and led her back to the cave, closing the door behind them.

Neither of them bothered to light a lamp. 

Moonlight, and the last gray of the evening sky filtered in around the door, and made the fireplace glow. It was more than enough light for both of them to see clearly, and Elreth smiled when Aaryn walked her straight to the sleeping platform, then turned to face her and, without a word, began to undress her. Not urgently. Not seductively. He simply stared into her eyes and started on her buttons.

So she followed his lead and began on his.

Before long, both of them were naked and he took her hand again, urged her onto the platform, to lay on the furs, then he climbed up beside her. 

They lay on their sides, facing each other. Elreth's breath was a little fast, but not heavy. Aaryn just stared at her, stroking her hair, her face, down her arm, following the curve of her waist, then up to cup her breast.

He looked like he might speak, so she didn't. She waited. But as his eyes followed the trail of his hand and his body tensed, Elreth smiled.

"I love you, El," he murmured, then kissed her—so softly. His lips barely brushed hers, the touch so light it made her lips tingle. 

"I love you too," she said when he paused, his lips just barely against hers.

He huffed the mating call—softly, but it came from his chest. She could feel it under her hand, and it made her heart race.

Then he pushed up on one elbow to lean over her and began to worship.

He tasted her mouth first, cupping her face with his hand, stroking her cheek. His breath thundered in her ear when his tongue flicked to find hers, then danced away. 

She cupped his neck and held him close, arching her back a little so their stomachs brushed. But still he didn't become urgent.

For minutes, he traced the lines of her, his lips following his hands, rolling her onto her back as he arched over her, tasting every inch  of her skin, stroking, licking, pressing himself to her—but always so softly.

He said her name like a prayer, then took the peak of her breast in his mouth, laving it with his tongue, the pressure electric, but oh-so-slow.

She shuddered against him and her breath picked up. 

And still he didn't rush. 

Settling himself between her thighs, he reared up to brace his elbows on either side of her head, his hands cupped over her crown as he took her mouth again—slowly, languidly—but then his hips began to roll. 

Elreth arched her back, harder this time, seeking that glorious pressure—seeking him. Wanting him. But his every movement was careful. Every touch a tease—and a praise. 

Despite her rising desire, she made no noise, her breath catching in her throat and her eyes closed as her skin prickled and fizzed, stretching towards his touch, yearning for it. 

Then he pulled one of her thighs up, her knee bent, positioned himself, entered her with a shuddering cry—slowly, so slowly. 

Elreth was overwhelmed with sensation, her entire skin shivering, as if he kissed every inch at the same time.

He groaned the call and she answered and they rolled together again. But still his control did not break. 

He played her skin like a musical instrument, his fingers rising trails of heat and cold, a fizzing sparkle that made her more alive than she'd ever felt.

Then, from tasting her throat, his teeth grazing her jaw, he pushed up, into her, in the same moment he took her face in his hands and they locked eyes.

The intimacy of his gaze in tandem with his body inside her, almost made her weep. She was speechless, her mouth falling open, as she searched his gaze for the answers to everything that was happening.

But all she could see in him was love. It shone out of him in the dark, underlined by the glint of his eyes, the flutter of his breath on her cheek, and warmth of his skin. 

Elreth, overwhelmed, tumbled into his gaze and surrendered to the hands, the mind, the heart that would love her so.

And she prayed there would never be a day when she could not find him. 

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