
Chapter 230 - All About Timing


Reth was still grinning at him across the table, but Aaryn wasn\'t amused. Then the other man flapped a hand. "I\'m just teasing. Look, it is a tough decision. Neither option is going to be easy—or without its critics. But welcome to being a Ruler, Aaryn. Seriously. If you\'re looking for clean cut decisions and easy options, you\'re in the wrong career."

"I don\'t see being Elreth\'s True Mate as a career, Reth."

"And that\'s good, I was just… nevermind. Listen, if I\'ve learned anything in thirty years of this, it\'s that you shouldn\'t paint yourself into corners. You\'re in a position to make things as you want to them to be to a certain degree. And the things you can\'t change don\'t necessarily mean the extremes you might think. I mean, in this situation, what if it\'s a timing thing? What if you stay Alpha for a little while—until the disformed are in a better place, or maybe someone comes up next to you who you know they would trust to lead just as much as they trust. Or maybe… who knows. You pick your milestone or qualifier, or whatever. What I\'m saying is, don\'t  be scared to negotiate, and don\'t decide it\'s all or nothing right from the starting line. Maybe there\'s a middle ground here that will work for both of you.

"Have you considered sharing the Alpha with someone?"

Aaryn\'s head jerked back. "How do you share Alpha?"

"I keep forgetting you didn\'t get to be close to any Alphas except me. Look, it\'s not uncommon as an Alpha\'s getting towards the end of his life, for him to bring someone alongside that he\'s been grooming or training. And there\'s a kind of… transition time where the Alpha is still the Alpha, but the younger male is given a lot of responsibility and it\'s understood by the people that this is probably going to be their next Alpha.

"You need to be really wise choosing someone for this role, and I know you\'re young and that seems really far away. But maybe that\'s an option? Maybe you start grooming someone now. Maybe in a year or two they can challenge, or you can hand it over to become the Advisor. I don\'t know, it\'s just an option. That\'s what I\'m saying though, Aaryn—and I\'ll tell this to Elreth too—make sure you don\'t look at things too black and white, okay? Often the middle ground holds the better, wiser, decision."

Aaryn nodded. "Okay, I\'ll think about it." The idea of handing Alpha over to anyone made him want to growl. But the truth was, the idea of letting anyone else close to Elreth to be her Advisor made his teeth snap, too.

Reth was right about one thing, there was going to need to be some kind of negotiation. Because he wasn\'t going to leave his Mate to navigate all of this alone. And he wasn\'t going to let the disformed defect, either.

He sighed and Reth chuckled again.

"You find this funny?" he asked darkly, glaring.

Reth shook his head. "Not at all. I just remember when these moments were my job to fix, and I gotta say, today I\'m grateful I\'m sitting on this side of the table," he grinned.



"You know, I will talk to Gar," her mother said after they\'d been sitting on the couch, both staring at the wall, in silence.

"About what?"

"Well, just to make sure he\'s still in line."

"I very much doubt that," Elreth said dryly.

"You know, I\'ve been meaning to talk to you about your brother, El. He\'s not the idiot you think he is."

"I don\'t think he\'s an idiot. I even called him wise. Once. More fool me."

Her mother sighed and pushed up to sit straighter. "That\'s what I\'m talking about. Gar has issues—some real issues. And they push him in directions I wish he wouldn\'t choose. But the fact is, he\'s a good male, El. And you often talk to him—or about him—like he isn\'t. You need to stop."

"What? He\'s so disrespectful to you and Dad! I can\'t believe you\'re sticking up for him!"

"He\'s also incredibly strong-willed and choosing to submit himself to others. You think that doesn\'t grate on him sometimes? Your father and I are safe for him to unleash all that because he knows we\'ll still love him afterwards. It\'s not good, El. But it is understandable."

"He\'s not submitting to me," Elreth grumbled.

"You want to bet?" her mother snapped. "You think he couldn\'t have taken your father down, El? If this was purely about dominance, purely about who was strong enough to do it, your brother could have taken your father a year ago—and you as well. But he doesn\'t."

"Because he doesn\'t want the responsibility. It\'s hardly noble," Elreth pointed out.

"No, he just goes out and takes responsibility for an entire people who don\'t have anyone else, and he pours everything into them," her mother replied sarcastically. "Open your eyes, El. He\'s hiding his own good from you. Why do you think that is?"

"I don\'t have a clue. I stopped trying to understand Gar years ago."

Her mother frowned. "Well, you shouldn\'t have. He\'s your brother. And when your father and I are both gone, he\'s going to be the family that\'s still here for you. Don\'t burn those bridges."

"I\'m not! I offered him the emissary and he turned me down!"

"He didn\'t say no, exactly."

"Well, he wasn\'t jumping up and down to thank me, either."

"Please, Elreth. Do you need to be applauded for every gesture you make? Every good decision?"

"No." But even she heard the pout in her own words. "I just… I just want to stop feeling like he resents me."

"And he probably wants to stop feeling like everyone else wishes he measured up to you. You\'ve both got baggage to carry, El. My point remains. He\'s your brother. Make peace. Even if he plays pranks on you, or goes behind your back, he\'d never do it to harm you. You know that."

"Do I?"

Her mother turned to look at her, very seriously. "If you don\'t, you should. He\'s a good male, Elreth. I mean it. He\'s more his father\'s son than either of you realize."


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