
Chapter 145 - A Break-In


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Jina and Yoonmin rushed to the penthouse as soon as they could. Yoonmin arrived first and he sprinted up the stairs all the way to the top floor. To his shock, the door of the penthouse was ripped apart! 

"Fuck!" he cursed and ran inside, panting as he looked for the girls.

"Soobin?" he yelled. "Miyoo?"

The house looked fine. The furniture was in its proper place and nothing was broken nor missing. Then what could have happened? Why were they screaming? And who the hell ripped the door apart like that?

He looked for them in the living room but they were not there. The girls were not in the bedrooms either and he was about to call Jina when he heard a slow whimper coming from the kitchen. He slowly approached the source which was from the cabinet under the sink.

"Soobin? Miyoo? Are you there?"

"Yoonmin?" Soobin\'s gasp came from it. "Is that you?"

She slowly opened the cabinet. Miyoo was with her, holding Soobin while there was a baseball bat in the latter\'s hands. Both of them were pale and terrified.

"Yoonie!" Miyoo cried and hugged her brother while Soobin climbed out of the cabinet. She was shaken as if she had seen something very scary.

"Miyoo is scared!" Soobin panted. "Let\'s calm her down first and then I\'ll tell you what happened."

Yoonmin nodded and it took them almost fifteen minutes to calm her down. They heard someone clambering in through the front door only to see that it was Jina, Hobin, Minyoon and Junho. They were all notified of Soobin\'s pleas for help and responded immediately.

"What the hell?" Minyoon whispered. They were examining the door which was not simply broken apart but there were claw marks on it. It was as if an animal had pounced on it, ready to kill whoever was inside. Jina rushed by Miyoo\'s side while the others were checking the state of the door.

"I\'ll investigate this," Hobin told him. "Don\'t touch anything!"

He put on his gloves and checked the broken door. Junho also stooped down, running his EMF over it. The device was pointing at red, indicating demonic activity.

"Are there claw marks?" Minyoon winced. "Just like what happened at school?"

"Probably," Hobin muttered. Minyoon was about to touch the wood but Hobin slapped his palm. 

"Don\'t touch anything!" he scolded the idol who scowled at him. Junho was sniffing the air.

"You smell that?" he asked. Hobin nodded.


They stood up, both understanding what might have happened. Jina brought a glass of water for the terrified girls. Miyoo ws wrapped in a blanket while Yoonmin put his jacket around Soobin and had his arm around her shoulders.

"What happened?" Jina asked her. "Who attacked you?"

"It all happened so quickly," Soobin whispered. "M-Miyoo and I were having dinner when the d-d-doorbell r-r-ang! I thought it was Yoonmin so I was about to open it. B-b-but Miyoo bit my leg and I know it\'s her signal to say that she\'s scared…"

"Anyway, I didn\'t open the door but the person behind it got really mad. I asked who it was but he wouldn\'t reply. S-s-s-so I picked up the bat and peered through the hole. But there was no one there! I couldn\'t see anyone at first until suddenly, a red eye stared back at me!"

"And then, within a second, A strange claw-like thing stabbed the door from outside. It ripped the wood off and we screamed. I took Miyoo and ran into the kitchen. We hid under the cabinet there. In the process, we called Yoonmin."

"Did he enter the house? Did you see him?"

"No," Soobin said, shaking her head. "He didn\'t enter the house. We heard the door being broken apart but I think that person was just standing at the entrance. I heard him shuffling outside. He seemed to be...trying to enter but couldn\'t. I don\'t know why. And I was so scared that I couldn\'t see his face at all!"

Yoonmin shared a glance with Jina. The charms Junho put up must have stopped this intruder. 

"Anything else that you can remember?" Jina gently pressed but Soobin shook her head. 

"I can\'t remember anything else," she admitted. "We were hiding under the sink. We couldn\'t see anything else."

Jina nodded and stood up. "I\'ll call Siwan and inform him about this," she told Soobin. "Hobin and I will take you home, okay?"

"I can drive her-" Yoonmin was about to offer but his sister\'s glare shut him up. Soobin, however, spoke up.

"Sis, I think it\'s best if you stay with Miyoo," she suggested. "Doctor Ohm and Yoonmin can drop me home."

Jina sighed, unable to refuse the girl when she made a request so earnestly. Besides, she would probably rather have her boyfriend comfort her. Moreover, Miyoo was also very distressed. She was quiet but shivering in fright. To think that she had sensed a demon that day for the first time must have been traumatizing for her. She needed her sister with her.

"Fine," Jina agreed. "Thank you, Soobin. For protecting Miyoo."

Soobin was sheepish and mumbled, "I tried my best."

Yoonmin sighed. The idiot girl kept on inviting danger at the cost of her own life. He would have to talk to her about this but it was not the right time.

"Let\'s go," he said. 

She nodded and gave Miyoo one last hug before leaving with Yoonmin. Hobin was waiting for them and followed them to Yoonmin\'s car.

As soon as they were gone, Jina turned to Miyoo and tucked her in bed. Miyoo was scared but very tired as well so she went to sleep immediately. Downstairs, Junho was checking all the charms in the house.

"What was that thing?" Minyoon asked his grandfather. "Why did it attack Soobin and Miyoo?"

"A demon," Junho revealed. "As for why it attacked the girls, we\'ll have to ask it ourselves…"

Jina joined them in the living room, flabbergasted. "This seems to be the doing of the same demon," she stated. "The one who killed the kid at school and also behind the murder-suicide cases!"

"Seems to be that way," Junho agreed. He sat on the couch, thinking. Minyoon, however, had many questions.

"But how did that demon get here? And why did he attack us? It makes no sense!"

"The demon must have found a host body to occupy," Junho replied. "It has to be someone from the school. A teacher or a student, perhaps."

"Why did it attack our house? Is it targeting Dalton kids?"

"I doubt it," Jina said. "The other victims of the murder-suicide weren\'t from Dalton."

The three of them were silent for a while, thinking about possible connections. But they could not come up with anything conclusive.

"I\'ve called my team," Jina finally said. "Let\'s see what we can find out. The cops will investigate so don\'t roam here."

The men nodded and they sat there, waiting for the cops. Junho looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight. 

For some reason, he could not help but wonder if the demon was targeting his family. What if it sensed Jina? Or Miyoo? Was that the reason it arrived in their house? Or was it something else?

I need to find out, he decided.

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