
Chapter 150 - A Good Day


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Jina held her breath. She was completely shocked, unsure of how to react to the story Siwan just told her. Hobin had transformed into a winged creature? How was this even possible?

"The next morning he woke up but couldn't remember anything," Siwan narrated. "He had no idea what happened that night after he returned from Wang Taehee's execution. I never told him about it because it'll only create more confusion."

"Did you guys ever find out who his parents were?" she asked him. "His father? Anything?"

Siwan shook his head. "Mom tried to find him but to no avail. Aunt Bosung didn't leave any traces of him."

Jina was now in deep worry. Ever since she found out about Hobin's powers and his dubious origins, she could not help but wonder if he was fully human. They tested him with salt and peach but nothing happened. However, he fainted during the exorcism ritual which made no sense. If he was fully human, he would not be fainting like that…

"Whatever happens, keep him away from the Cleaver case," Siwan warned. "And don't tell him about this. I know it's hard to believe but-"

"I believe you," Jina stated firmly. "Don't worry. I don't think you'll lie about him. You truly love your brother and I know that you're not lying. I'll keep an eye on him."

Siwan smiled at her and grasped her palm. Jina was a little surprised but did not move her hands away.

"Thank you," he said, his voice full of sincerity. "You're the only one I can trust with this. Thanks for protecting him."

Jina smiled and patted his hand. "No worries. I'll do everything I can to keep him safe."

Siwan nodded and let go of her hand before revving up the engine again. They drove on in silence, lost in their own thoughts.

Is he really something other than a human? Jina wondered. She had never heard of such a phenomenon. As far as she knew, ghosts or poltergeists could not reproduce. They did not have a proper human body nor functions to do so. Was it possible through possession?

I'll have to ask grandpa about it, she decided.

They reached the hospital. Siwan parked in the parking lot and they got out of the car, slowly walking towards the fourth floor.

"Why are you here today anyway?" he asked her. "To meet Hobin?"

"I'm here to meet Soobin actually," Jina explained. "Did you talk to her about last night's incident?"

Siwan nodded. "I had a long talk with her this morning," he nodded. "She's scared and confused about it. But there's something else which also concerns me…"

They stepped on the fourth floor and headed towards Hobin's office.

"She took a few days off from her cafe," he said. "Her manager told me that she's tired and needs some rest so he gave her a few days off. It's strange. She never took a day off. I'm glad she did but I can't help worrying. Did she tell you anything about it?"

"No," Jina replied, shaking her head. "But that's good, isn't it? Let the girl rest. Besides, I also think that she wants to spend more time with her new boyfriend!"

Jina giggled but Siwan frowned. "Your brother better not do any funny stuff with her," he said in a stern tone. "She might not be my relative but she's still under my care. I don't want the kids to do anything stupid!"

She laughed hard at that. It seemed that her little brother was going to have a tough time with his new girlfriend, she predicted. 

Her prediction came true within a few seconds. As they approached Hobin's office, they saw that Yoonmin was standing next to Soobin's station while Hobin glared at him like a vulture eyeing its prey. Yoonmin did not back down and was staring back at him while Soobin was apprehensively looking from one to the other as if she was expecting a showdown.

"I'm here to meet my girlfriend," Yoonmin gritted.

"Meet her," Hobin said in a cool tone. "No one's stopping you."



Jina hit both of their heads, making them yelp, "OW!"

"What are you doing sis?" Yoonmin scowled.

"What was that for?" Hobin exclaimed. 

"Stop being a bunch of idiots and let Soobin decide!" she snapped at them. "What's the big deal if she wants to spend time with her boyfriend?"

"I don't trust men!" Hobin claimed. "What if he does something weird to her?"

"I agree with Hobin," Siwan added. "I'm worried about leaving them alone as well."

Jina groaned at the two men who were acting like protective brothers. She knew it too well because her family was the same when it came to her dating life.

"Ummm…" Soobin spoke up. "I don't mind being alone with Yoonmin. He won't hurt me-"

"All men are scum!" Hobin claimed. 

"Yes, you'd know it very well since you slept with half the female population in the country!" Jina scolded him. "How about this? They can only be alone for thirty minutes and will go to the cafeteria downstairs. That'll work, right? Now stop making a fuss!"

She turned to her brother and added, "I need to talk to her afterwards. Bring her back here after half an hour, got it?"

"Fine," her brother shrugged.

Hobin grumbled while Yoonmin was smug. Siwan, however, agreed.

"Half an hour only," he stated. "A minute late and I'll come downstairs to fetch her."

He gave Yoonmin a hard stare, his gentle demeanor replaced with a 'Touch-her-and-you're-dead' look. Even Yoonmin felt a chill down his spine while Jina could only laugh. He quickly nodded and ushered Soobin to follow him. She scrambled after her boyfriend, waving them goodbye.

"Stop giving the girl a hard time!" Jina told the men once the couple was gone. "They're young and are experiencing first love!"

"I supposed they are more responsible than other kids of their age," Siwan nodded but Hobin was still frowning.

"You never know," he said. "Men are all hot blooded."

Jina angrily turned on him.

"Just because you sleep around and toy with girls doesn't mean that my brother is the same as you!"

Hobin was outraged. The midget thought he slept around? Before Siwan could stop the silly argument, Hobin exclaimed, "I might flirt and go one occasional dates but I didn't sleep with any of them! I'm a one woman guy, ya know!"

Jina's heart skipped several beats. He never slept with anyone? Huh? 

Why is it making me feel so happy? She wondered. Her cheeks were burning up and she tried hard not to blush. Thankfully, Siwan stepped in between them.

"Cut it out!" he told them sharply. "You two are adults! Can't you be more mature?"

His pager beeped and he took it out. "I have a patient now," he declared. "Don't you dare fight, okay?"

Both of them muttered, "Okay."

Siwan nodded and left them alone. Once he was gone, Jina slowly turned to Hobin.

"You...never slept with anyone?" she asked, feeling a little hesitant. "What about that pretty receptionist at the forensic lab?"

"I didn't sleep with anyone and it was just an innocent flirtation," he scoffed. "I was never intending to go on a date with her!"

Jina's heart was fluttering and her expression must have given it away because Hobin was frowning at her. He stepped close to study her blushing face.

"This is strange," he remarked. 

"W-What is?" she stammered.

"You're all red, your heartbeats must have increased and there's a silly smile on your face," he stated. "Your hormones are probably acting up and you're attracted to something right now. In other words, you're horny-"

Jina kicked him on the knee, making him bend over in pain. She was outraged by his bold words, stuttering.

"I-I-I'm n-n-n-not...ugh!" 

She stormed off towards the balcony outside while Hobin was still reeling from pain. But he was also grinning like an idiot.

"Ahh, Tinkerbell!" He snickered. "I missed ya!"

With that, he returned to his cabin, whistling happily to himself.  It was indeed a good day.

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