
Chapter 246 - Moving Out

Baekha was in her ward, feeling anxious. She was going to be discharged that day and even though she could go back to the mansion to live if she wanted to, she was reluctant. The deeds of her parents were viral and there were several reporters at her place. The creditors heard about the state of her parents and they swooped in to mortgage all their properties. In fact, her mansion would be sold off in a few days so Baekha was going to become homeless anyway.

As for her idol career, she would have to put it on hold. Jango had informed her that the management found out she was a girl thanks to the fainting spell she suffered from. One of the bosses found out through a staff member and they thought it was too risky to work with her. If the fans discovered this, they would feel hurt and betrayed. So they decided to hold her wages and terminate her contract because as per it, she was not supposed to have any scandal otherwise she must compensate.

If this broke out, it was going to be a huge scandal.

She sat on the bed, sadly contemplating her future. Her parents had stripped her off her dignity and now her dreams. 

There was a knock on the door and she turned around to find Jiwoon standing there.

"How are you doing now?" she asked Baekha.

"I\'m fine," the girl said in a small voice. "I\'ll be discharged today."

Jiwoon sat next to Baekha, looking worried.

"I heard about the auction," Jiwoon said. "It came on the TV."

Baekha nodded and sighed. "They really screwed everyone over. To take so much debt and for what? The fortune they prided on is gone along with their souls."

It took her a while to come to terms with all this but she was starting to believe some of it. It was complicated but not impossible. 

"Where will you go?" Jiwoon asked. "Do you have any relatives? Will they take you in?"

"I...I called all of them but they said that they can\'t take me in," Baekha sighed. "Apparently, my family name is too tainted and will ruin their reputation."

Jiwoon was not surprised. Every one of the Cho relatives were like that and she was aware of it. She studied Baekha carefully. Even though Baekha\'s whole world was crumbling, she was not lamenting nor sympathetic to her own situation. Rather, she was being as rational as possible.

"Stay with me," Jiwoon suggested. "I\'m still the widow of your brother. So I can be your legal guardian."

Baekha looked at her with surprise. "I can\'t-" she was about to say but Jiwoon cut through her.

"You can\'t refuse," she said flatly. "My place might not be a mansion but it\'s enough for the two of us. And as for your studies, don\'t worry about it either. I have some money saved up which will cover up your high school expenses."


Baekha was overwhelmed and she hugged Jiwoon tightly. Tears stung her eyes for the first time in years, truly happy that there was someone who looked out for her. Jiwoon smiled and hugged her back.

"The nightmare is over," she assured Baekha. "Don\'t worry about all that now and just focus on your studies, okay?"

Baekha nodded in happiness. Their nightmare was truly over.


"You\'re moving out?" Siwan could not help asking. His arm was still in a sling but his injuries were treated and he was back home. Hobin and Jiwoon were there as well to help him settle in while Soobin was at school. It was at that moment, Jiwoon chose to tell him that she was moving back to her apartment.

"Why?" he asked. "You can stay here as long as you want. We\'ve got plenty of rooms here."

Hobin, who was observing his brother, frowned. Siwan looked calm but his voice was a little sad. He slightly grinned and was witnessing the exchange between them.

"I overstayed my welcome," Jiwoon replied. "Now that Sungki is gone, I can go back to my apartment. Besides, Baekha also needs a stable place to live. I need to think about her."

Siwan wanted to argue and make her stay. For some reason, he did not want her to go. What if some other danger haunted her? 

"Y-Yeah but it\'s a dangerous world out there!" he claimed. "So many things can happen. What if another demon comes? Or criminals? Isn\'t it risky?"

"Bro, in case you forgot, Detective Kim managed to kick you hard when she was handcuffed," Hobin stated, his tone hinting amusement. "And she\'s a cop. I think she\'ll be fine against criminals"

Jiwoon nodded. "We\'ll be fine," she reassured him. "I\'ve already packed up my things and I\'ll move out today."

Siwan did not show his disappointment on his face but merely nodded. If she wanted to leave then he could not stop her but his heart was unsettled. The mansion felt homely with her around and the past month, he was actually looking forward to coming back home after work.

But with her gone, it would feel empty again.

His sadness did not go unnoticed by Hobin. The latter shook his head but did not say anything, opting to let Siwan figure out things on his own for now. His brother was smart and would know what to do eventually.

"I\'ll drop you off, Detective," Hobin offered. "I have to go to the precinct anyway."

"Thank you, Doctor Ohm," Jiwoon said in a grateful tone. She hesitantly glanced at Siwan who looked gloomy. Her heart was also troubled by the thought of leaving but it was for the best. 

The demon had already exposed her feelings to the others and she did not want Siwan to find out. He loved someone else while Jiwoon was content with simply harboring unrequited feelings for him. The history between them was too deep and she was thankful to him. She did not know when those feelings turned to admiration and eventually, love.

But she knew she had no chance with him. He needed a person who was untainted and came without that much baggage. Jiwoon was broken inside and she doubted she was worthy of him.

"Are you sure you don\'t want to say?" Siwan asked again. "Baekha can live here as well!"

Jiwoon smiled and shook her head. "You already have too much on your plate," she said. "Besides, I don\'t think your mother will approve of us living here like this. People in the neighborhood are already gossiping. It\'ll affect your reputation."

"Mom wouldn\'t mind," Hobin chipped in. "She\'ll be happy to have more people in this dreary house. But…"

He turned to his brother and added, "Bro, weren\'t you thinking of getting an apartment in the city? I remember that you wanted to rent one near the hospital so that you can crash in between shifts. I heard that the apartment next to Detective Kim is empty now. Just take that one!"

Siwan gaped at his brother while Jiwoon was embarrassed. "I-I\'ll think about it," Siwan muttered.

"Anyways," Jiwoon said. "I should get going! Bye…"

She smiled at Siwan and headed out of the house. Siwan watched her leave with a heavy heart and his mood dampened. Hobin sighed and shook his head in amusement. 

Love really makes people blind at times, he realized.

He patted his brother\'s shoulder, but Siwan hardly noticed. His gaze was still on the door through which Jiwoon had just left.

Hobin dropped Jiwoon off at her apartment and drove to the precinct. It was Jina\'s first day at work after her injury and he wanted to welcome her. He bought her a welcome back gift. 

Parking his car in front of the police station, he got out of his car only to see that Jina was emerging from it with the rest of her team. All of them looked tense as they got into their car. Hobin quickly joined them, getting into the seat beside Jina.

"What happened?" he asked.

"There\'s been a murder in B-Street," she sighed. "A teenager was found dead in his room."

Hobin sighed and shook his head. "Welcome back to work, Tinkerbell," he said.

They drove towards the crime scene. A lot of people had gathered outside the apartment but the police kept them at bay while the CSI swooped the area for clues. The boy\'s distraught parents were giving their statement to the cops while Jina, Hobin, Dahoon, Woohee and Jaebum headed for the bedroom.

One rookied officer approached them to give the details.

"How did he die?" Jina asked. "Any idea?"

"He was fine this morning," the rookie officer reported. "It was the usual. He woke up in the morning, had breakfast, went to school and returned home. After that, he locked himself in his room."

"Is that a usual thing?" Hobin asked.

"It\'s apparently normal. He always stayed in his room locked up. His parents never thought it was strange. But when his sister went to his room for some work, she found him dead."

"Is it a suicide?" Jina frowned.

"Well...that\'s the strange part," the rookie officer winced. "It\'s not a suicide."

He led them to the bedroom. As soon as they entered it, a ghastly scene met their eyes. Jina grimaced while Hobin shook his head in dismay.

"People are disgusting," he muttered.

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