
Chapter 258 - Blue Fish (4)






"Oi, stop touching that!" Magrod scolded Miyoo. "And stop fretting old man! She\'s fine!"

Magrod added the last part to Junho who was fussing over Miyoo. Miyoo had her first teeth pulled out that day and she was rubbing the side of her cheek. 

"Hurts!" Miyoo scowled. She was in a lot of pain and to her dismay, she could not eat candies. Junho was also sad to see her in pain and was pouting.

"My granddaughter is in pain," he mumbled. "And the stupid dentist charged five dollars more! That\'s insane!"

"It\'s just five dollars and he had to charge it because this idiot also has a cavity in her teeth!" Magrod snapped. "How many candies did you eat?"

Miyoo was counting on her fingers, deep in thought. Magrod facepalmed himself.

"Nevermind!" he snapped. "I hope you\'ve learnt a lesson and that you won\'t eat candies anymore!"

"Miyoo wants candies!" she demanded. 

Magrod could only sigh. Junho turned to his granddaughter and added, "Miyoo, if you put the teeth under your pillow tonight, the tooth fairy will come and give you a penny!"

Miyoo shook her head. "Dollar," she simply said.

Ever since she learned a dollar is more valuable than a penny, she has been insisting for a dollar. Junho\'s poor wallet had been ripped apart because Miyoo somehow managed to extort dollars from him thanks to her puppy dog-like eyes which she used to full advantage. 

"Fine! She\'ll leave a dollar!"

"Yaiii!" Miyoo cheered and ran off to play with Yisub who was in a corner. Magrod could only sigh and watched the kid trying to talk to Yisub. The latter was slow to respond but Miyoo pulled him along with her to play with her dolls.

"Don\'t get too close to the railing!" Junho exclaimed when Miyoo pulled Yisub to the balcony. 

"Relax old man," Magrod said, slumping against a pillow. "She\'ll be fine."

He picked up a book on demons and began to read it. Lately, he had been helping Junho to figure out the mysteries of demons and Hell. 

"Tch! This information is wrong," he muttered. "We don\'t make people eat insects and stuff when we possess them! Some demons do it because they like to eat insects. Personally, I prefer cookies."

"That\'s coz you\'re an idiot!" Junho snapped. "If I was a demon, I\'d be more focused on earning money and becoming rich."

"Old man, aren\'t you already rich? How much more money do you want? Greed is a deadly sin!"

"Says the lord of all deadly sins."

Magrod stuck out his tongue at the old man and went back to the book. Junho was also going through the things Magrod had highlighted for him, carefully reassessing his previous data.

"When my son and daughter-in-law faced a demon, we had to trap it in Purgatory where a reaper slashed it down," Junho recalled. "It didn\'t die but became a Mindless."

"That\'s because demons are still the souls of humans," Magrod said, turning a page. "Reapers can\'t sense anything unless they\'re directly in front of it. It must have felt the demon\'s presence because of its underlying human soul and killed it."

"Can a reaper take down any class of demon?" Junho asked. "Or is there a differentiation?"

"Nope, they can turn any demon into a Mindless," Magrod said. "But doing that is very risky. Your son and daughter-in-law could have ended up becoming a Mindless themselves. But they managed to escape. They were damn lucky if I might add."

"The only sure way to get rid of a human without killing the human is to use the Butterfly Priestess," he went on. "And make her destroy the object which binds the demon to this world."

"Why do you address Jina as the Butterfly Priestess?" Junho asked. "What\'s the significance?"

Magrod closed the book and sat up, feeling very self-important.

"Butterflies are the only creatures which can travel to all dimensions," he explained. "They\'re like the travelers who have access to all worlds, going from one to the next without any barriers. You\'ll see them hovering around bright flowers but you\'ll also see them in Purgatory and Hell, floating in the air. They\'re really unique and lead the souls from one place to the other. That\'s how the Butterfly Priestess works as well. She was the sole traveler between these worlds, guiding the souls on their way to different dimensions. This is one of the reasons the Second Prince was interested in her. They said that the most beautiful woman in the land was the one who led everyone to their ultimate fates: death."

"And why is she able to kill demons?" 

"It\'s an ability the Emperor of Hell himself bestowed on her. All her powers came from him."

"But that still doesn\'t explain how our families ended up getting her powers," Junho muttered. He glanced at Miyoo who was now making Yisub build a dollhouse for her. 

"That is a mystery we\'re yet to uncover," Magrod sighed. "Ugh, I miss my tail! This Alpaca toy only has a cotton tushy!"

He was complaining about his current body which had no tail. But possessing a toy was better than taking over a human who would not be able to take the burden of the possession.

"Why don\'t you act like other demons?" Junho wondered out loud. 

He had been curious about Magrod who was unlike any demon he had ever encountered. Despite being a high class Vozakel lord, Magrod did not possess people unless it was necessary and that too for a very short while. Moreover, he did not hand out contracts like the other demons did.

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about?" Magrod frowned. "Why should I, the great Vozakel lord, act like other normal demons? I got a standard too, ya know!"

He lazily lay on his fluffy paws and added, "It\'s no fun. I find humans dirty! They can\'t bathe in hundred degree water. That\'s insane!"

But his beady eyes were full of an inexplicable emotion which did not go amiss from Junho. Magrod was thinking about something as if he recalled a memory he had deep buried within his mind.

"What is it?" Junho demanded. "Say it."

Magrod sighed. "Summoning a Vozakel lord is not easy," he muttered. "It takes a lot of human sacrifice to summon one and when I was brought to earth, many people were killed."

"There were a few kids who were part of the sacrifice," he revealed. "Children were easy to target and kill so the people who summoned me had killed a few kids to summon me. I was a rowdy demon who simply wanted to fulfill contracts and nothing else."

"But a few of the children became spirits. They were roaming around the mountains where I was living, looking for food. I caught them sneaking around and tried to scare them. They were frightened but one of them, Moona, kept on returning. She was intrigued by the fearsome demon and continued to return even after I tried to scare her away. But she was really young, probably four or five years old when she died. Her mind was stuck in that child-like state and she did not know what fear was."

"So she returned to the mountains and kept on annoying me until I had to take her and her friends under my wing!" Magrod claimed. "I found myself babysitting those kids. It was a pain! They whined all day long and played in my cave, driving me up the wall."

"Ah, so you have a soft corner for kids," Junho realized. 

"No!" Magrod snapped. "They\'re annoying and irritating. Look at what your granddaughter did to me! I\'m now an Alpaca doll. People are gonna laugh at me!"

"Anyways," Magrod went on. "Since the kids were dead spirits and had no place to go, I kept them with me. I chased humans away who traveled there. What if someone tried to harm those kids? Even if they were ghosts, there were some humans who would capture spirits of deceased people in order to fulfill their own evil agenda. It\'s not uncommon. You saw what happened to your granddaughters. The elder one ambushed and the younger one almost attacked. That was the doing of humans."

"What?" Junho hissed in anger. "Humans did that?"

Magrod nodded, looking very grim. "That was the doing of the cult which worships the First Prince. I\'m sure of it. Only they can assemble such a large gathering of souls. It\'s not impossible but it needs a powerful spell. I can tell that it was the Prince\'s Brethren which did that."

"Why? Why would they do such things?"

"Isn\'t it obvious, old man? They\'d do it for power! Controlling a spirit means you can make it do anything. The ghost can even kill under your orders! Think about the ways a person can harness those powers."

Junho was now deep in worry. To think that there was an entire group of people doing this. He knew that cults existed but something like this was not an ordinary cult. It was definitely more powerful than he could ever imagine.

"What are they going to do?" he demanded.

"Obviously they want to wake up the First Prince," Magrod replied. "But we still don\'t know where he is. If we can find out, we\'ll be able to kill him and end his reign of terror for once and for all."

Junho furrowed his brows. "Where is he?" he muttered. 

"Only his daddy can tell," Magrod stated. "If we can find the Emperor, we\'ll know where his son is."

There was a long stretch of silence as they thought hard. Where could the Emperor be?


Miyoo poked her grandfather. Junho and Magrod turned to find that her mouth was bleeding and she was holding another tooth in her palm.

"STOP TAKING OUT YOUR OWN TEETH!" They yelled in unison, making Miyoo hiccup.


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