
Chapter 270 - Blue Fish (16)-Conclusion

Jina walked up to Myungsoo to confront him. He stood there, not looking her in the eye. The boy was scared that she was going to make him spill his secrets and that was exactly what Jina planned to do.

"You have two options," she said out loud. "Either tell me the truth or I will have to take you to jail."

"You can\'t!" Myungsoo pointed out. "I am a minor and there is no way you can arrest me without a guardian-"

"You were caught with a fake ID and ordered a drink from the bar," Jina stated. "I can take you in for underage drinking and clubbing. I don\'t need a guardian present to arrest you and once you\'re in jail, I can delay the bail if I show the CCTV camera footage to the court. I\'m guessing you\'ll be in for a few weeks or at least six months in juvie."

Myungsoo gulped in fear and was sweating hard. Jina stepped forward and added, "If you want to be spared of the humiliation, I\'d suggest you start talking. Why are the people around you dying the exact same way? Yisub was killed in this method and now your friend Youngoo has been murdered in a similar fashion. If the forensics check the bodies, I am sure that they will find a connection."

She watched him with a stern gaze. He was sweating and nervously fumbling before breaking into tears.

"It\'s the game!" He confessed. "The Blue Fish game did this!"

"Blue Fish?" Jina asked. "So you know about the game? Why did you lie?"

"I-I was scared! I didn\'t know it was going to turn out to be true. I swear, I thought it was a hoax and nothing more!"

Jina quickly caught on to his phrase.

"You thought?" She echoed. "What do you mean? What did you do?"

Myungsoo was quiet, his lips trembling as if he was ashamed of something. He was struggling with a secret in his heart which he did not dare to tell anyone. Jina was now alarmed.

"What did you do, Myungsoo?" She demanded.

"I...I heard about the Blue Fish game from someone in the online community," he confessed. "I play games all the time and came across this player called SJS66. He used to play this game called War of the Leagues online. It\'s a multiplayer game. I was ranting to the players in my server about how Yisub beat me up and I wanted to strangle him with my own hands! I wasn\'t serious but SJS66 told me about the Blue Fish site. He told me that at midnight, exactly at midnight, this site opens up and if we write our names in it, one of our wishes will come true."

"And? What did you do next?"

"I thought it was a joke but I was curious. So that night, I logged into the site at midnight and found a webpage. There was a contract in it which asked me for my name and signature. I put in my name and signed it digitally. Suddenly, the lights went off and someone appeared in my room."

"Who was it?" Jina demanded. Her heart was racing and she was scared. Was it a demon? How the hell was it reaching out to these people?

"A woman," Myungsoo whispered. "A dark haired woman. She was very beautiful and wore a red coat. That woman offered me a wish. At first I thought she was an intruder and I was about to call someone but she silenced me with a snap! I was really scared and she asked me again what I wished for. In panic, I told her that I want Yisub dead! I don\'t know why I said that but it was the first thing that came to my head. After a few days, I picked up Eli from her house at midnight. I was simply planning to sleep with her and dump her to take revenge on that retard! But the next day, news came that he...he…"

Jina wanted to slap sense into the idiot. How could someone just sign on things without a thought?

"In the contract, was there a timeline?" she asked, trying to keep her tone steady. 

"Yes. There was a timeline and I put 3000 years as a joke."

Jina raised an eyebrow. Does that mean his soul will be taken to Hell after 3000 years? She wondered. 

"You will have to give this statement to the cops," she went on. "One of the officers will record it. Also, give us the list of people who played the game. Do you have details on the player...SJS66?"

"No," Myungsoo admitted. "I don\'t have any information on him. It\'s an online game. We don\'t know each other."

Jina was now in deep thought. Why was this SJS66 spreading information on the site? Was he a victim as well? 

She called a police officer to make Myungsoo record his statement before making her way towards Jiwoon.

"The forensic expert said Youngoo also died in the same way," Jiwoon informed her. "And there\'s another thing."

She held up Youngoo\'s phone and showed her the last webpage on it. 

"Blue Fish," Jina muttered. "But how is this demon moving around? I can\'t smell any sulphur? Do you?"

"No," Jiwoon replied. "Maybe we\'ll find something in his house? We\'ll have to inform his parents anyway."

Jina groaned. It was the part of her job which she loathed the most: informing the families of the victims.

"You do it," she begged. "I don\'t wanna see the sad faces of the family. I already came from one funeral!"

"I don\'t want to either," Jiwoon winced. "It is depressing."

"Rock paper scissors?" Jina offered. Her partner nodded and they began to play.

"Rock paper scissors!"

Jina flashed scissors while Jiwoon flashed rock. "I win!" Jiwoon said, feeling relieved. "You gotta go, boss."

"Ugh!" Jina scowled. "How come you always win?"

"You always play scissors."

Damn it! Jina cursed herself. 

Reluctantly, she stood up and made her way to her car. Her old car was completely annihilated in the accident so her father sent her a brand new Audi from abroad. Even though Jina tried to protest, her dad insisted that she keep it because he was worried for her wellbeing. Moreover, he also had it thoroughly improved so that if another rotten spirit tried to kill her, it would automatically brake itself. 

Sighing to herself, she revved up the engine and sped off. Here comes the worst part, she winced.

As she expected, Youngoo\'s mother was devastated. His father had passed away many years ago and she was raising her son on her own. She was always busy at work so she could not monitor his activities properly. 

"Please keep yourself strong," Jina said gently. "It\'s going to get harder from here on."

"My son!" Youngoo\'s mother, Yona, cried. "My only son...I...I…"

She broke down completely and hugged her sister, Nina. The latter was also sobbing, consoling her sister. Jina was helpless as she watched the poor mother whose entire world had crashed and now, she had nothing left. 

Jina\'s phone vibrated. It was a text from Dahoon.

"Boss, I sent you the online information of the game Myungsoo is playing to your email," he wrote. Jina tried to access her email but her phone was not connected to the internet.

"Excuse me, Miss Nina," Jina began. "If you don\'t mind, can I use the wifi here? I need to check an email on the case. It might give us a clue."

Nina wiped her eyes and nodded. "Y-Youngoo\'s bedroom has the wifi router. You can turn it on and connect to it. The password is a9iafg."

Jina thanked her and left the women alone to grieve. She walked into Youngoo\'s room and turned on the wifi.

Instantly, the foul stench of sulphur hit her nostrils and she almost gagged. She stared at the wifi in shock.

"The wifi network!" She realized. "The fucking demon is traveling through the internet!"

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