
Chapter 285 - War Of The Leagues-Conclusion

Cookie and Ofelia were surrounded by enemy soldiers who gave them cold stares. They were trying to break into the barracks and hide until they found the others but the soldiers spotted them. They captured the girls and brought them to the town\'s square to be executed.

"What do we do with them?" One of the soldiers asked. "They\'re from the enemy camp!"

"I say, we torture them and see if we can fine information," another soldier said. "They might have captured lands too!"

"Or they may have spies here!" Another soldier piped up.

"I say, we kill them."

Everyone turned to look at the Commander-In-Chief, a player named Beezee78. He stood there, wearing a high ranking uniform and had a strict expression on his face. 

"They\'re enemies. We will kill them. Besides, SJS66 is nearly here. He will love to see an execution."

The other soldiers nodded and murmured in agreement. At that moment, a jeep drove their way and stopped right in front of the group. A few soldiers wearing red uniforms came out of it and opened the back seat\'s door.

A tall, blonde man in his thirties came out of it. The level tag above him was written \'70\' and he had a muscular build. He was stocky with a goatee and quite handsome as if he had been carved out of a fantasy fairy tale. The avatar was modeled after a famous supermodel whom Hamlet recognized as a Hollywood celebrity.

Did the woman project her own fantasy into her avatar? He wondered. He stood in a corner, staying unnoticed.

"SJS!" Beezee exclaimed and bowed in front of him. SJS merely nodded and paid more attention to the prisoners. His face was distorted with contempt for the girls who dared to break into his barracks. The girls were not scared but glared at him, knowing very well that he is their target.

"How are we going to rescue them?" Doggy hissed from inside the pouch.

"Just wait," Hamlet muttered. He slowly began to step to his side, hiding from plain sight. The girls did not notice him yet but timing was everything. He would reveal himself when it was necessary but at that moment, all of them were greatly outnumbered.

SJS was glaring at the girls.

"You stupid bitches thought that you\'ll break into my area and get away with it?" He growled. "A couple of level 20 brats? Hah!"

He gloated over them. Cookie shifted next to Ofelia, trying to get a hold on her gun in her pocket but the ropes were too tight. Ofelia suddenly spotted someone moving in the crowd and realized that it was Hamlet.

"Kill them!" SJS ordered. "And make sure that they never return to the game. It\'ll take these kids a hundred years before they can beat me!"

"Yes!" Beezee replied, taking out his gun. He pointed it at Cookie who was glowering back at him. The Commander readied the gun, ready to fire.

"AHHHHH!" He growled in pain and doubled over on the ground as his stomach gave a loud rumble. SJS was shocked.

"Beezee?" He asked. "What happened?" 

To his horror, Beezee was starting to fade, his avatar disappearing fast. More men groaned in pain and clutched their stomachs. All of them were starting to fade and SJS was at a loss. 

"What the hell\'s going on ?" He snarled. "Why are my men dying?"

Cookie was shocked but  Ofelia was not because she knew it was Hamlet\'s doing. 

"Hamlet did it!" She hissed to Cookie. 

"Oh!" Cookie realized. "Good. Now we gotta get rid of these ropes…"

Something tugged at the ropes and to their surprise, it was Doggy. He was pulling the ropes, untying them and they were freed. SJS noticed his prisoners were escaping.

"Get them!" He shouted at the red uniformed guards who were about to shoot at the girls but the girls were fast. Cookie hit one on the nose while Ofelia picked up a knife from a sick soldier and stabbed a few of the red soldiers. Doggy began to transform into his demonic self and took down a few of the soldiers but more were coming.

"Where\'s Hamlet?" Ofelia shouted as she took down more soldiers. As soon as she said it, there was an explosion in one of the buildings, shocking them. An entire group of soldiers were taken out and the building was blown up, causing several avatars to disappear. Hamlet emerged from it, holding explosives in his hands.

"Get that bitch!" He yelled, pointing at SJS. Cookie ran towards SJS but the latter used a cheat code to gather more soldiers who magically appeared out of nowhere.

"She\'s using a cheat code!" Cookie yelled. "More soldiers are coming!"

"We can\'t beat \'em all!" Ofelia shouted. She was having a tough time stabbing and killing the other avatars but more were coming, overwhelming her. Doggy was also trying his best to shake off the soldiers who were jumping on him. He let out a blast of flame at them but so many of them were popping up that he was running out of steam. 

"If we can only get to her-" Hamlet was saying but his words were cut off by a very loud explosion at the entry gate. Everyone froze as a large battalion of soldiers in pink uniform were marching towards them. There were hundreds, no, thousands of soldiers, marching towards them. Tanks and advanced jeeps were also marching into the city and on top of the largest tank was…

"Surprise!" Pink Thunder declared, boasting a level 100 tag on his head. "How do you like my squad?"

Cookie and the others were staring at him in shock. Pink Thunder ordered his men to take down the Red Army. SJS was infuriated and used the cheat code to bring in more soldiers but he was at the end of the cheat limits. The Red Army clashed with the Pink Army but were no match for the latter\'s numbers. 

Ofelia, taking her chance, ran through the crowd while Cookie followed her. SJS turned to run away but the girls captured him, toppling the avatar to the ground.

"Activate cheat code 10096!" Cookie commanded. The robotic voice echoed again.

"Activating cheat code 10096," it said.

Instantly, SJS\' avatar died but it did not fade. Cookie had cut off the avatar\'s connection to its actual host and now they only need to know the last known location where the avatar was controlled from. A keyboard popped up on-screen and Ofelia typed in a code which brought down SJS\' web defense. A timer came to life and a location code erupted on screen.

"Got the code!" Ofelia informed her. "YES!"

*Real World*

"FUCK THIS SHIT!" Aina snarled and threw her game away. How did a bunch of newbies outwit her large army? And who the hell was that pink guy with that massive army?

"Level 100? I couldn\'t even reach that! Ugh! Now I have to start all over again…"

She growled in annoyance and looked at the clock. It was 11 PM and within one hour, Orma was going to get rid of the doctor and that detective. 

"I hope I get Hana today," she muttered. Aina checked her computer\'s defense system and was pleased to see that it was not breached. The police could never find her because the defense was very high. Unless someone was an expert with the dark web, it was impossible to find her and the police would not waste resources on someone as trivial as her.

"Orma," she said, turning to the Kangaroo. "You know what to do."

"Think again," Orma said through the Kangaroo. "They\'re not ordinary humans. They might have an idea about demons."

"Kill them then!" Aina snapped. "But get me my daughter! I want her at all costs. Now go!"

Orma sighed and left the Kangaroo doll to complete her orders.

Jina, Junho and Hobin arrived at the precinct where the teen gang had arrived. Magrod was stuffed into a bag while Miyoo was still fast asleep on Minyoon\'s lap, oblivious to the world.

"Why did you bring her here?" Jina exclaimed.

"All the babysitters are here!" Yoonmin pointed out. "Who\'ll look after her?"

"How did you do it?" Hobin demanded. "How did you get the codes?"

"Our avatars nearly died but Minyoon somehow managed to get this super huge army!" Yoonmin replied. "And then the girls disconnected SJS\' avatar from the host computer and hacked the code of the host\'s last location. We gave the code to Officer Dahoon. He\'s tracking it now."

"How the hell did you get to level 100 and acquire that many soldiers?" Baekha frowned at Minyoon.

"That was my fan club!" Minyoon chirped happily. "I just broke into their barracks and promised that if they help me, I\'ll send them all a hand signed autograph. They didn\'t believe me at first so I showed them a selfie of mine playing the game and they believed me. So they came to help. We conquered other lands and reached level 100!"

Everyone stared at him in shock. 

Minyoon pouted.

"What? I\'m smart too! Maybe I\'m not smart in math but I can handle a crisis."

"Yes!" Soobin claimed. "Minmin is smart!"

"Your Minmin failed to earn enough album revenue last month," Yoonmin scowled. "And he\'ll be working twice as hard to earn it back."

"Why?" Minyoon lamented. 

"Enough!" Junho snapped at them. "Where does that bitch live?"

At that precise moment, Miyoo woke up and caught her grandfather saying the word. She sleepily rubbed her eye.

"Bitch," she mumbled.

"Don\'t learn that!" Everyone scolded her in unison. Miyoo blinked and pouted in anger. Why was she being scolded when all she did was sleep peacefully?

Dahoon came rushing out of the IT room.. "We found her location!" He revealed. "She\'s in Town A right next to the new chicken restaurant!"

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