
Chapter 306 - Green Brooch

Chapter 306 – Green Brooch

Junho was grumbling loudly. His son and daughter-in-law were looking down at him with stern expressions while Jina and the twins were cowering in a corner. Hobin sat back, observing the family drama with Miyoo on his lap, munching on popcorn. The girls were sent home but not before Gayoon cooked them a meal which was going to stay in their system for weeks. 

Magrod was purring on Yoonmin's head, glad that the pretty detective managed to console her husband and talked him into letting him stay in the house ("He's a free babysitter after all!" Gayoon claimed).

It was only after they left that Junho returned to find the pair of angry parents waiting to pounce on him.

"Old man, did you leave your granddaughter and go off on a date with one of your Tinder oldies?" Minho asked shrewdly.

"Aw hell no!" Junho claimed. "When I go on dates, I take Miyoo along coz cute babies are a great tool for conversation starters! Women gush over her and I get a chance to score more dates-"

"Then where were you, ahjusshi?" Gayoon asked, peering her eyes at him. 

"I-I…I was looking for Bomi!" Junho revealed. "Ugh!"

The old man scowled in annoyance. "I can't reach him over the phone!" He revealed. "I went to his house, checked with his friends and even called up the different councils for exorcism which he's associated with. No one has any idea where he is."

Everyone except Minho and Gayoon gasped.

"Who's Bomi?" Gayoon frowned.

"He's a friend, a shama who's an expert on demons. Well, we're still learning because so far we only took care of low level demons. It's just that recently, we've been encountering higher level demons."

"He wasn't there during the Blue Fish murders either," Hobin realized. 

"Well, in your absence, Miyoo was attacked," Minho revealed. 

"Birdie attacked Miyoo!" Miyoo chimed in. "Big birdie! Big nails and red!"

"WHAT?" Junho roared. "Who is this demon? I'll kill it with my bare hands!"

"Why else do you think her parents came running?" Magrod sneered. "Are you really that dim, old man?"

"But it was strange," Yoonmin muttered. "All the glass made objects exploded as well. The entire house was under attack."

"But if that thing really wanted to take Miyoo, then it would have," Minho deduced. "It wasn't trying to take her away. Not yet, anyway. I'm sure it was trying to scare you guys."

Jina was in deep thought while the others gave their own theories. After the earlier talk with her mother and the twins, she was starting to put together a few of the pieces.

"The Brethren need a Seer, right?" she asked. 

"Yeah," Magrod replied. "Why?"

"Let's assume that the recent serial killing by the Aken is the Brethren's doing," she stated. "Is it possible that the attack on Miyoo and the killings are connected? Like, the demon was not only scaring her but also warning us about something?"

Hobin was doing some quick thinking. "Is Miyoo's room clean or in the same state as last night?" He asked the twins.

"We only cleaned the living room," Yoonmin muttered. "We didn't go up there. What if the demon attacks that place again?"

"Everyone, stay here," he ordered, handing Miyoo back to her mother. "Only grandpa Hwang and Maggie will come with me."

Magrod jumped off Yoonmin's head and followed Junho and Hobin to Miyoo's room. They peered through the door as if expecting another attack.

"Ah!" Magrod yelped. "What was that? Something just brushed against my foot!"

"That was your other foot," Hobin muttered. "Your cloth is coming off."

Magrod glanced at his hind leg and realized the cloth was loose and needed stitching. 

"Ohh!" He chuckled. "Sorry!"

"Get in there!" Junho growled and pushed him inside the room. Magrod scanned the bedroom which was a large pile of mess. The demon had trashed it badly and broke every single toy Miyoo owned and tore off all her books. 

"This is bad," Magrod muttered as he stood over her precious idol posters which had been ripped to shreds. "That girl is gonna scream her lungs out if she sees this."

"She won't see all this till tomorrow," Junho said. "She's too busy being spoiled by her mom and dad at the moment. I'll have to buy all of this again for her!"

Now Junho was really angry. Not only did the demon hurt his grandchild but also made him spend money! It was personal now.

"Once I get my hands on that demon, I'll torture it so much that it's gonna go back running to its mother!" Junho vowed. Behind him Hobin and Magrod shook their heads in dismay. 

"Just keep looking!" Hobin snapped as he rummaged through the broken objects. He was not sure what they were searching for but his gut feeling was saying that the demon was not just warning them but there was something else. It left a clue and Hobin wanted to see it.

"What's this?" Magrod asked. "This isn't Miyoo's."

He held up a small, pink box which was the only thing left unscathed. It was wrapped with a red ribbon as if it was a gift.

"Open it," Junho urged. Magrod slowly peeled the ribbon open and the trio opened the box. For a moment, none of them spoke.

"What's this?" Junho frowned.

"Looks like junk, doesn't it Prince?" Magrod asked. He glanced at Hobin and to his surprise, the latter's face had gone white with shock. Hobin was staring at the object with a blank expression as if he could not believe his eyes.

"This…this is…"

He picked up a small green brooch which was shaped like a rose. It was not an expensive one but rather a handmade brooch with small beads sewed on the border. 

"Do you know whose it is?" Margrod asked. He sniffed it and added, "I smell a hint of sulphur but it might be due to the fact a demon touched it. I don't sense any demon being tied to it."

"There isn't any demon tied to it," Hobin muttered. With shaky hands, he turned around the brooch. 

"This is Wang Taehee's brooch," he revealed. "The one she was wearing when she was executed.. It was the only thing she requested to hold before her death."

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