
Chapter 525 - Accidents Don't Happen By Alerting Us

At Rivas mansion,

Zain had completed his lunch so he just accompanied the Rivas family, his little sister's family as they ate, drank wine, and spoke a lot.

The time was enjoyable, light. The happiness was glowing on everyone's face forgetting the problems.

It was nearing dusk, Zain decided to take his leave after accepting the invitation to attend the next day's party. 

Aarvi went out to send off Zain so Aaron, Shawn, and Shea had followed her out. 

Aaron wrapped his hand around Aarvi's shoulder and turned towards the main door once the car left. Looking at Shawn and Shea, he had expected some development between the two but the duo was treating each other like long-lost old neighbors. Not too close, not even strangers.

Thinking he might have read it wrongly, he asked them with a sinister smirk on his face, "With your permission, may I have some time with my dear wife?" He didn't get a minute to patiently speak with his precious wife after their marriage.

Shea and Shawn weighed the threat behind his request. So Shawn raised his hand and Shea zipped her lips before they went inside to give them time.

Aarvi chuckled before turning to her husband and his lips landed on her forehead as he wrapped his arms, firmly and warmly around her.

Enjoying the warmth, Aarvi was about to wrap her hands, Shawn ran out hurriedly before they could even utter a word for each other, "I am so sorry, bro, you need to watch the news." His expression revealed the emergency.

Aarvi and Aaron looked at each other and strode inside. Aaron checked his mobile which had five missed calls of Milo Wen as he watched the news playing on television.

Shawn reported at the same time, "Secretary Wen reached out to me. The gas explosion has caused 3 deaths and 2 are critical, they are admitted to the hospital. The families are going rampant saying the safety measures aren't taken and blaming us for asking us to take the responsibility. The worst part is some employees even lied to the media as there are no safety measures for them and they were living their life in their hands, especially after we acquired the Golden Oil…"

Shawn reported everything and shortly Milo Wen again called Aaron. Milo Wen had tried to handle the situation but it was spreading like a wildfire. Rivas Industries has faced lots of challenges but this was a matter of life and Rivas runs hospitals hence the public in Coasta were affecting the functioning of the hospital.

Milo Wen reported the so far actions taken, "President Rivas, the cops are around and I have informed the deputy officer to take care of the case. Public relations is trying to handle the situation. The explosion has destroyed the camera. We are trying to recover the tape…" 

Then he hesitated to say, "President Rivas, we might have to get there quickly else…" He didn't continue that the matter might go out of control if Aaron won't go there. And the media will take the chance and condemn them. "The team is ready and I have arranged the flight in an hour. If there is any adjustment, please let me arrange accordingly."

Aarvi didn't know what Milo Wen was saying but if the project halts for even a week, Rivas Industries will have a huge loss and it might take many months or years or two to recover it. That will adversely affect the growth of Rivas and they might not be able to focus on future planned projects.

Her gaze shifted from television to Aaron who already had his eyes on her. She could guess he was reluctant to leave her on the very day of their marriage. She held his arm and firmly said, "You should go." She didn't want to be the reason for many employees losing their job instead of facing the losses.

The happiness of everyone had morphed to tension and finally, they felt terrible for the lives lost and looking at the two. 

Shawn could take care of the same but the media would think Aaron chickened out at the emergency, Shawn would never let that happen. Karsen could go but at the end of the day, they would ask the acting chief executive. They didn't need more issues to arise. 

Aaron faintly nodded at Aarvi as he held her hand and took her upstairs whilst responding to Milo Wen "Get the files from my table, inform the team to start the investigation. No need to trust the cops. Hold back on the statement release until we get a clear picture. I will reach the airport."

He exchanged a few more words with Milo Wen before he hung up the call. As soon as they entered their bedroom, Aaron embraced her, "I am sorry." He apologized for having to leave like this.

Aarvi rubbed his back, it wasn't the time to think of her. The quicker they solve the case, the faster they can relax. "Accidents don't happen by alerting us." She looked at his poker face that was burying away all his thoughts yet tenderly and apologetically gaze at her, "It isn't your mistake, Aaron."

Brushing her thumb on his cheek, "I can assure you that I am an understanding wife. You can trust me on that."

Aaron faintly smiled hearing her proud of herself. He wished she was more demanding.

Aarvi knew he wouldn't agree but still tried, "I…"

"No flights for you. I will come back soon." He read her mind and objected immediately. He thought of taking her with him, recalling she wasn't allowed to pressure her nerves, he had left that thought. 

Aarvi didn't trouble him with unreasonable requests. "Let me help you pack."  She kissed his cheek before going to the walk-in. Aaron took care of the flies he had bought and his laptop.

Downstairs, Karsen spoke to the chief of the Rivas Hospital branch at Coasta before he decided to go there to manage at the hospital. So that Aaron could focus more on solving the problem.

Quick enough, Aaron instructed Shawn to be safe, asking Aarvi to stay with family instead of alone at Skyarc or the Avron mansion before he left for the airport with Karsen.

The Rivas mansion which was bustling in joy stilled to silence. Shawn stayed in the study room taking care of company matters so that they don't miss out on any other problem. Shea went back to the guest house to study, leaving the rest in the living hall.

With the growing negative thoughts, Aarvi decided to play chess with Jordan who played to keep her occupied. Connor instructed the butler to go for a light dinner as none were in the mood for food. Megan sat and watched the two play chess.

While playing, Aarvi noticed Jordan was attacking the king but to protect it, she used different pawns and attacked his king. Hence her king and queen were separated. Somehow it reminded her of Aaron and her.

She had to shield the king with a rook and checkmate with her queen as she uttered, "Leon Harmon is attacking." Her tone was dark and mysterious.

Jordan sat back on his chair as he crossed his legs watching the board. He commented after a few seconds, "He will attack you next to keep you occupied."

Megan: "..."

It didn't take long for Aarvi's mobile to go off with Dax's name displaying on it. They were sure Aaron hadn't taken flight yet and the call perfectly matched the time. It confirmed to Jordan and Aarvi that their guesstimation was accurate.

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